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a tool to automate code generation

autogen is a simple to use tool that can generate code automatically based on other input files. A simple use case would be to generate an index.ts file that re-exports the contents of all subdirectories:

Suppose we have this directory structure:

      - index.spec.tsx
      - index.tsx
      - styles.ts
      - index.spec.tsx
      - index.tsx
      - styles.ts
      - index.spec.tsx
      - index.tsx
      - styles.ts
    - index.ts

We'd want to have an index.ts file like this:

export { default as Header } from './Header';
export { default as Input } from './Input';
export { default as Select } from './Select';

However, this kind of boilerplate is inconvenient to maintain, and can get outdated easily (for example: someone might remove a component, but not its entry in the index file). With this tool, we can automatically generate this file.

autogen is written in TypeScript and distributed from the NPM registry, but it is not restricted to the Javascript ecosystem, and you can use it to generate code in other languages. It uses Handlebars as its templating language.


$ yarn add --dev @z1digitalstudio/autogen

# or

$ npm install --save-dev @z1digitalstudio/autogen


To use this tool, you need to create your templates first. Following the previous example, let's create the template for src/components/index.ts in autogen/src/components/index.ts.hbs:

{{#each components}}
export { default as {{this}} } from './{{this}}';

Our file structure would look like this:

      - index.ts
      - index.spec.tsx
      - index.tsx
      - styles.ts
      - index.spec.tsx
      - index.tsx
      - styles.ts
      - index.spec.tsx
      - index.tsx
      - styles.ts
    - index.ts

Now we must define our autogen.config.js file with all our necessary configuration:

module.exports = {
  baseDir: 'autogen',
  templates: [
      dependencies: ['src/components/*/index.tsx'],
      templateFile: `src/components/index.ts.hbs`,
      transformData: async files => ({
        components: files
          .map(file => /src\/components\/(.+)\/index\.tsx/.exec(file))
          .filter(it => !!it)
          .map(([, component]) => component),

Here's an overview of the file:

  • baseDir specifies where the directory containing all templates is placed.
  • templateFile points to the template inside the base directory.
  • transformData allows us to pass any information we need to the template. In this case, we don't want the full paths, we just need the name of the subdirectory. The function can be async in case we wanted to make more complex operations, like reading the contents of the file to determine if it contains a default export, and filter it out otherwise.

With all of that, we're all set. We can now run

$ yarn autogen

# or, if we're using npm...

$ node node_modules/.bin/autogen

We can also run yarn autogen --watch to put autogen in watch mode. It will react to changes in watched files, and file additions or deletions, and regenerate the code when necessary.