React Tree provides components for rendering tree graphs with svg. It uses the algorithm described in this paper. You can pass in a map of the vertices to render the tree. The component takes a function-as-child which passes in the coordinates and id of the child node, so you can render whatever svg you want.
import { Tree } from 'react-svg-tree';
const vertexMap = new Map([
[0, [1, 2, 3]],
[1, [4, 5]],
[2, []],
[3, [6]],
[4, []],
[5, []],
[6, []],
const App = () => (
<Tree width={200} height={75} rootId="O" nodeSize={5} vertices={vertexMap}>
{({ x, y, id }) => <circle cx={x} cy={y} r={5} />}