Suppose we want to build an automation project that will execute every night at 12:00 AM, generate reports and then give us the reports. Right now we want to cover the following two features Registration and PlaceOrder.
Here is the website link: nopCommerce
- Please use two different test files Registration and PlaceOrder.
Feature: Nopcommerce registration feature Test
Scenario Outline: User should be able to registration new account successfully
Given User go to the NopCommerce Home page
And User navigate to the Registration page
When User select the <type> as gender
And User set first name and last name
And User set <dob> as date of birth
And User set <dynamicEmail> as email
And User set <companyName> as company details
And User set Newsletter option as <status>
And User set <password> as password and confirm password again
And User click on the Register button
Then Verify that the new account registration message <msg> is displayed
| type | dob | dynamicEmail | companyName | status | password | msg |
| "Male" | "20/05/1995" | "" | "Brainstation-23" | "checked" | "pass@1234" | "Your registration completed" |
| "Female" | "9/05/1999" | "" | "Brainstation-23" | "unchecked" | "pass@1234" | "Your registration completed" |
| "Female" | "3/05/2000" | "" | "Brainstation-23" | "unchecked" | "pass@1234" | "Your registration completed" |
| "Male" | "2/05/2001" | "" | "Brainstation-23" | "checked" | "pass@1234" | "Your registration completed" |
| "Female" | "10/05/1990" | "" | "Brainstation-23" | "unchecked" | "pass@1234" | "Your registration completed" |
Feature: Nopcommerce place order feature Test
Scenario: User should be able to successfully place order as a guest user
Given User go to the NopCommerce Home page
When User click "Cell phones" option from "Electronics" category
And User click on the "Nokia Lumia 1020" for product details
And User set the quantity number 2 in the quantity field
And User click on the "ADD TO CART" button
And User go to the shipping cart page
And User accept terms conditions and click checkout button
And User click checkout as guest button
And User input all the billing details and click continue
And User select shipping method "Next Day Air" and click continue
And User select payment method "Credit Card" and click continue
And User select "Visa" card and input card information
And User click confirm button to place the order
Then Verify that the order place message "Your order has been successfully processed!" is displayed
- Automation projects should be capable of running on different OS platform
- Use any automation framework you preferred
- Use Java or other programming languages as you prefer
- Choose any framework that supports Page Object Modal(POM) design pattern
- You can feel free to use any test reporting tools(Ex. Extent Report, Allure report)
- You can feel free to use any data provider such as excel/CSV
- Use your imagination and write some additional tests if you feel you can cover other important functionalities
- The more, the better. Only if it makes sense
- Selenium
- Cucumber
- Java
- Junit
- Maven
- Intellij IDEA
- Clone this project
- hit the following command:
mvn clean test