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A computational method for inferring transcriptional regulators associated with genome-wide differential chromatin interactions.


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BART3D v1.1

BART3D is a computational method for inferring transcriptional regulators (TRs) associated with genome-wide differential chromatin interactions (DCIs) detected by comparing two Hi-C maps.


BART3D leverages over 7,000 human TR binding profiles and over 5,000 mouse TR binding profiles from the public domain (collected in Cistrome Data Browser).

BART3D is implemented in Python and distributed as an open-source package along with necessary data libraries.

BART3D is developed and maintained by the Chongzhi Zang Lab at the University of Virginia.



BART3D uses Python's distutils tools for source installation. Before installing BART3D, please make sure Python3 and the following python packages are installed. We highly recommend the Anaconda environment, which is easy to install all the required python packages.

  • setuptools
  • numpy
  • pandas
  • scipy
  • cooler
  • requests

Download the source package and setup the configuration file

You have to download the Human or Mouse Data Library under your own directory before install BART3D. The unpacked libraries occupy 14GB hard drive storage in the download directory.

wget -O hg38_library.tar.gz
tar zxf hg38_library.tar.gz
wget -O mm10_library.tar.gz
tar zxf mm10_library.tar.gz

To install a source distribution of BART3D, clone or download the package and go to the directory where you unpacked BART3D.

git clone
cd bart3d

Modify the configure file (bart3d/bart3d.conf). For example, if you have the hg38_library (or mm10_library) downloaded in this directory: /abc/def/hg38_library (or /abc/def/mm10_library), then the bart.conf file should read:

hg38_library_dir = /abc/def/
mm10_library_dir = /abc/def/

Global installation

Install with root/administrator permission, or you have the Anaconda environment prepared. By default, the script will install python library and executable codes globally.

python install

Local installation

If you want to install everything under a specific directory, for example, a directory as /path/to/bart3d/, use the following commands.

mkdir -p /path/to/bart3d/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages 
export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/bart3d/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages/:$PYTHONPATH 
python install --prefix /path/to/bart3d 
export PATH=/path/to/bart3d/bin/:$PATH

In this value, X.Y stands for the major–minor version of Python you are using (such as 3.5 ; you can find this with sys.version[:3] from a Python command line).

You’ll need to modify the environment variables and add those lines in your bash file (varies on each platform, usually is ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile).

export PYTHONPATH= "/path/to/bart3d/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages/:$PYTHONPATH"
export PATH="/path/to/bart3d/bin/:$PATH"

Download the test data

The test data can be downloaded here:

  • For hicpro input
wget -O bart3d_test_data_hicpro_input.tar.gz
tar zxf bart3d_test_data_hicpro_input.tar.gz
  • For .hic input
wget -O bart3d_test_data_juicer_input.tar.gz
tar zxf bart3d_test_data_juicer_input.tar.gz
  • For .cool input
wget -O bart3d_test_data_cool_input.tar.gz
tar zxf bart3d_test_data_cool_input.tar.gz


Essential options


Treatment contact matrix file. The input file could be .matrix file from HiC-Pro, .hic file from Jurcer, or .cool file. Multiple samples can be provided as comma separated list (no spaces around commas, e.g., -t A,B,C).

-c CONTROL, --control CONTROL

Control contact matrix file. Must be in the same format/resolution as the treatment matrix. Multiple samples can be provided as comma separated list (no spaces around commas, e.g., -c A,B,C).

-f {hicpro,hic,cool}, --fileFormat {hicpro,hic,cool}

Format of the input matrix files. The following options are available: "hicpro", "hic" or "cool". If use "hicpro", additional abs/ord .bed file need to be provided through --bedFileHicpro.

-s {hg38,mm10}, --species {hg38,mm10}

Species, please choose from "hg38" or "mm10".

--genomicDistance GENOMICDISTANCE

Genomic flanking regions for detecting differential chromatin interactions. Default: 200000 (in bp).


For .hicpro format, please provide the abs/ord .bed file from HiC-Pro. NOTES: for one species and one resolution, the HiC-Pro output abs/ord .bed files are identical.

--resolution RESOLUTION

For .hic format, please specify a resolution. Default: 5000 (in bp).


Whether to normalize the DCI profile by the coverage changes of Hi-C data. Default: FALSE.

--outdir OUTDIR

If specified, all output files will be written to that directory. Default: bart3d_output under the current working directory


Name string of the output files. Default: joint basename of the first treatment/control files.


BART3D accepts three formats of Hi-C contact maps as input:

  1. Raw count maps from HiC-Pro. In this case, additional coordinate index file (*_abs.bed or *_ord.bed file from HiC-Pro) need to be provided through --bedFileHicpro.
bart3d -t t.matrix -c c.matrix -f hicpro --bedFileHicpro ord.bed -s hg38 --outdir hicpro_out --outFileName prename
  1. .hic format files from Juicer.
bart3d -t t1.hic,t2.hic -c c1.hic,c2.hic -f hic -s hg38 --outdir hic_out --resolution 5000 --outFileName prename
  1. Hi-C contact maps in .cool format.
bart3d -t,, -c, -f cool -s hg38 --outdir cool_out --outFileName prename

Output files

  1. *_differential_score.bed is the genome-wide DCI profile which provides the DCI score at each genomic bin.

  2. * is the bigwig format DCI profile for visualization.

  3. *_Interaction_Decreased_auc.txt provides the association score of each TR ChIP-seq dataset with the cis-regulatory profile that are related to DECREASED chromatin interactions in treat Hi-C map compared to control.

  4. *_Interaction_Decreased_bart_results.txt is a rank of all TRs with multiple quantification scores. Top ranked TRs are associated with DECREASED chromatin interactions in treat Hi-C map compared to control.

  5. *_Interaction_Increased_auc.txt provides the association score of each TR ChIP-seq dataset with the cis-regulatory profile that are related to INCREASED chromatin interactions in treat Hi-C map compared to control.

  6. *_Interaction_Increased_bart_results.txt is a rank of all TRs with multiple quantification scores. Top ranked TRs are associated with INCREASED chromatin interactions in treat Hi-C map compared to control.


A computational method for inferring transcriptional regulators associated with genome-wide differential chromatin interactions.







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