This is a oh-my-zsh module. It installs oh-my-zsh for a user and can change their shell to zsh. It can install and configure themes and plugins for users.
oh-my-zsh is a community-driven framework for managing your zsh configuration. See for more details.
# for a single user
ohmyzsh::install { 'user1': }
# for multiple users in one shot and set their shell to zsh
ohmyzsh::install { ['root', 'user1']: set_sh => true }
# install and disable prompt for automatic updates
ohmyzsh::install { 'user2': disable_auto_update => true }
# install a theme for a user
ohmyzsh::fetch::theme { 'root': url => '' }
# set a theme for a user
ohmyzsh::theme { ['root', 'user1']: } # would install 'clean' theme as default
ohmyzsh::theme { ['root', 'user1']: theme => 'robbyrussell' } # specific theme
# activate plugins for a user
ohmyzsh::plugins { 'user1': plugins => ['git', 'github'] }
# upgrade oh-my-zsh for a single user
ohmyzsh::upgrade { 'user1': }
# upgrade oh-my-zsh on a different schedule (only 'daily' is defined, you are responsible for creating additional schedules)
ohmyzsh::upgrade { 'user1': schedule => 'weekly' }
Please log tickets and issues on GitHub
This module was originally a fork of acme/ohmyzsh at version 0.1.3