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David Gerber edited this page May 5, 2023 · 2 revisions

Service type: 37

Sends a ping each 10 seconds. Responds with a pong when a ping is received. Allows to measure the times it takes to reach a peer, and back.


Item Subtype Purpose
Ping 1 Sent to the peer to receive a reply.
Pong 2 Sent as a reply to a ping item.



Name Type Description
Sequence number int Is incremented for each new item sent.
Timestamp long Contains the current time when the item is sent. This is a 64-bit timestamp which contains the number of seconds from 01-01-1970 on the 32-bit MSB part and the number of nanoseconds on the 32-bit LSB part.


Name Type Description
Sequence number int The sequence number corresponding to the ping item.
Ping timestamp long The timestamp from the corresponding ping item.
Pong timestamp long The current time when the item is sent.



Sends a RTT item to all peers every 10 seconds. Uses it to compute the lag to display in the statistics user interface and planned to use it for VOIP.


Sends a RTT item to all peers every 10 seconds. Doesn't use it for anything yet.

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