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docs: Add Logging example README (#157)
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Signed-off-by: Jeff McCoy <>
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btlghrants authored and jeff-mccoy committed Nov 4, 2021
1 parent e4f4a7e commit 6e328b4
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Showing 4 changed files with 321 additions and 1 deletion.
Binary file added .images/get-started/plg.png
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/asciinema/Vagrantfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,6 +26,6 @@ Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
config.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-'SCRIPT'
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
apt-get --yes install asciinema expect
apt-get --yes install asciinema expect jq
164 changes: 164 additions & 0 deletions docs/asciinema/scenarios/examples-game-logging.exp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
#!/usr/bin/expect -f

# Assumptions:
# - run as root (required to run zarf)
# - invocation working dir is <root>/build (where zarf binary is)

# Refs:
# -
# -

# variables / config
set env(PATH) "$::env(PATH):[file normalize .]" ; # add zarf to path
set gamedir "[file normalize ../examples/game]"
set rcfile "/tmp/asciinema-rcfile"
set title [
file tail [ file rootname [lindex $argv0] ]
set recording [lindex $argv 0]
set log [lindex $argv 1]
log_file $log
set send_human {.1 .2 10 .05 1} ; # "human-like" typing speeds on 'send -h'
set env(PS1) {\[\033[01;32m\]root@host\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]# } ; # custom terminal input prompt
set prompt ".*root@host.*:.*# $"
#match_max 25000
#set expect_out(buffer) {}
#set down_key "\033\[B"

# proc defs
proc wait_input { {timeout 10} } {
global prompt
expect -timeout $timeout -re $prompt

proc input_wait { {seconds 1} } {
wait_input ; sleep $seconds

proc comment { {text " "} } {
send "# --> " ; send -h "$text \r\r" ; input_wait 1

proc do { {cmd "\r"} {timeout 2} } {
send -h "$cmd" ; sleep 1 ; send "\r\r" ; input_wait $timeout

proc wait_for { {predicate "1 = 1"} {timeout 120} } {
set template {
until [ ||predicate|| ] ; do
sleep 2
if [ "$(( $SECONDS - $START ))" -gt "||timeout||" ] ; then
echo -e "\nwait_for::timeout!\n" > /dev/tty ; exit 1
set script [ string map [ list \
||predicate|| $predicate \
||timeout|| $timeout \
] $template ]
set result [ system "/bin/bash -c '$script'" ]

proc clean {} {
global gamedir
global rcfile

spawn bash --norc
send "rm -f $gamedir/*.tar.zst $rcfile\r"
send "zarf destroy --confirm\r"
send "exit\r"
expect eof

proc setup {} {
global rcfile

spawn bash --norc
send "echo 'alias ls=\"ls --color=auto\"' > $rcfile\r" ; expect *
send "echo 'alias grep=\"grep --color=auto\"' >> $rcfile\r" ; expect *
send "echo 'export PS1=\"$::env(PS1)\"' >> $rcfile\r" ; expect *
send "echo 'export GREP_COLOR=\"01;97;100\"' >> $rcfile\r" ; expect *
send "exit\r"
expect eof

# filesystem to ready state

# prep cluster
spawn bash --norc

send -h "zarf init --host=localhost --components=management --confirm\r"
expect -timeout 120 -re {.*Grafana Username[^=]*=([^\s]*)}
set grafana_user $expect_out(1,string)
expect -re {.*Password \(all\)[^=]*="([^"]*)"}
set grafana_pass $expect_out(1,string)
expect -re $prompt

send -h "cd $gamedir\r" ; wait_input
send -h "zarf package create --confirm\r" ; wait_input 120

wait_for {$( curl -o /dev/null -s -w '%{http_code}' https://localhost/v2 ) == '404'}
send -h "zarf package deploy zarf-\t --confirm\r" ; wait_input 120

wait_for {$( curl -o /dev/null -s -w '%{http_code}' https://localhost ) == '200'}
send -h "exit\r"
expect eof

# start recording & wait for input prompt
spawn asciinema rec \
--command "/bin/bash --rcfile $rcfile" \
--title "$title" \
--idle-time-limit 3 \
--overwrite \
expect -re {asciinema: .* done} ; wait_input

comment "cluster up?"
do "kubectl cluster-info" ; wait_input

comment "game running?"
do "kubectl get pod -l app=game"; wait_input

comment "install logging component"
send -h "zarf init --host=localhost --components=logging --confirm\r\r"
wait_input 120

comment "PLG stack up?"
wait_for {$( curl -o /dev/null -sL -w '%{http_code}' https://localhost/monitor ) == '200'}
system {kubectl wait -n logging pods --all --for=condition=Ready --selector=release=loki --timeout=120s}
do "kubectl get pods -n logging" ; wait_input

comment "call game to generate logs"
do "curl -sL https://localhost | grep -e '^' -e 'main(.*$'"

# wait for logs to propagate to grafana
sleep 60

comment "pod logs available to grafana (via loki)?"
send -h "curl -sL -u '"
send "$grafana_user:$grafana_pass"
send -h "' \\\r"
send { 'https://localhost/monitor/api/datasources/proxy/1/loki/api/v1/query_range?direction=BACKWARD&limit=1&query=%7Bapp%3D"game"%7D'}
send -h "\\\r"
send -h " | jq '.data.result' \\\r"
send -h { | grep -e '^' -e '".*stdout.*$'}
send -h "\r\r"
wait_input 60

comment "and finally, to cleanup"
send -h "zarf destroy --confirm\r\r"
wait_input 60

comment "its gone!"
do "kubectl cluster-info"

comment "success!"
do "exit"
156 changes: 156 additions & 0 deletions examples/game/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
# Zarf Components - Add Logging

This example demonstrates using a [Zarf component](./ to inject zero-config, centralized logging into your Zarf cluster.

More specifically, you'll be adding a [Promtail / Loki / Grafana (PLG)]( stack to the example game cluster by installing Zarf's "logging" component.


## The Flow

<a href="">
<img align="right" alt="asciicast" src="" height="320" />

Here's what you'll do in this example:

1. [Get ready](#get-ready)

1. [Install the logging component](#install-the-logging-component)

1. [Note the credentials](#note-the-credentials)

1. [Check the logs](#check-the-logs)

1. [Cleanup](#cleanup)



## Get ready

<a href="">
<img align="right" alt="asciicast" src="" height="256" />

This scenario builds upon the previous one, so:

1. Run through the [Zarf game example](./ again but _**don't** do the cleanup step_ &mdash; you're setup correctly once you can pull the game up in your browser.

1. Take a deep breath&mdash;because it's good for your body&mdash;and read on!



## Install the logging component

<a href="">
<img align="right" alt="asciicast" src="" height="256" />

Installing a Zarf component is _really_ easy&mdash;you just have to let `zarf init` know that you want use it. That's it!

Exactly like when you first created the game example cluster, you _move into the directory holding your init package_ and run:

cd <same dir as zarf-init.tar.zst>
zarf init

You can answer the follow-on prompts in almost the exact same way as during your original install _**except** this time answer "yes" when asked whether to install the "logging" component_.

Give it some time for the new logging pods to come up and you're ready to go!

> _**Note**_
> You can install components as part of new cluster installs too (obviously)&mdash;there's no need to update afterward if you already know you need a component.
> _**Note**_
> Zarf supports non-interactive installs too! See `zarf init --help` for how to make that work.

## Note the credentials

Go back to your terminal and review the `zarf init` command output&mdash;the very last thing printed should be a set of credentials Zarf has generated for you.

Pay attention to these because you're going to need them to log into your shiny, new [Grafana]( installation.

The line you want will look something like this:

WARN[0026] Credentials stored in ~/.git-credentials Gitea Username (if installed)=zarf-git-user Grafana Username=zarf-admin Password (all)="AbCDe0fGH12IJklMnOPQRSt~uVWx"

Pull out the `Grafana Username` and `Password (all)` values & save them for later.


## Check the logs

<a href="">
<img align="right" alt="asciicast" src="" height="256" />

We've only _just_ installed the logging utilities so we (likely) haven't had time to record anything interesting. Since log aggregation & monitoring aren't worth much without something to collect, let's get some data in there.


### Generate some traffic

Pull up the game in your brower&mdash;_[instructions here](./, in case you forgot how_&mdash;and then reload the browser window a few times.

Doing that sends a bunch of HTTP traffic into the cluster & should give you something worth looking at in Grafana.


### Get into Grafana

<a href="../../.images/get-started/plg.png">
<img align="right" alt="dosbox" src="../../.images/get-started/plg.png" height="160" />

Now that you've got some logs worth looking at, you're ready to log into your brand new Grafana instance.

Get started by navigating your browser to: `https://localhost/monitor/explore`.

You'll be redirected the `/login` page where you have to sign in with the Grafana credentials you saved [in a previous step](#note-the-credentials).

Once you've successfully logged in you will be redirected back to:

1. the `monitor/explore` page, where

1. you can select `Loki` in the dropdown, and then

1. enter `{app="game"}` into the Log Browser query input field

Submit that query and you'll get back a dump of all the game pod logs that Loki has collected. Neat!


## Cleanup

<a href="">
<img align="right" alt="asciicast" src="" height="256" />

Once you've had your fun it's time to clean up.

In this case, since the Zarf cluster was installed specifically (and _only_) to serve this example, clean up is really easy&mdash;you just tear down the entire cluster:

zarf destroy --confirm

It takes just a couple moments for the _entire Zarf cluster_ to disappear&mdash;long-running system services and all&mdash;leaving your machine squeaky clean.

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