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A simple Go framework for RabbitMQ producer-consumer communication.


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Golang RabbitMQ Server-Client Framework

This is a simple framework for a RabbitMQ server-client communication. The server is a consumer service that listens to a queue and processes the messages. The client is a producer service that sends messages to the queue. Each message is of a predefined format and denotes a task over an ordered mapping, whose state is kept, accessed, and updated by the server.


On a local Macbook Pro with 16GB of RAM and an M1 chip, the processing of 100,000 commands took 4.03 seconds, with both the client and the server instances running on the same machine, with the settings as provided in the example.env file. This is from the moment the first record is read from the CSV file on the client until the moment the last record is read from the RabbitMQ and processed by the server.

The following image demonstrates the snapshot of the state of RabbitMQ during processing.


We notice that the consumption tightly follows the production, with the server processing the messages as soon as they are produced by the client, as would be expected in a real-time system.


This is a visual (UML) representation of the framework.


Environment setup

Make your own .env file from the example.env file.

cp example.env .env

Then modify the .env file to your needs. For local testing purposes, the default settings should work just fine.

Running the Project

The project can be run in two ways: with docker-compose or directly on your machine. A separate docker-compose file is provided for each service, as well as a dockerfile for each service. This allows for a scalable deployment of the services, as they can be run in parallel and independently of each other, on different instances.

Running RabbitMQ

Run the following command to start the service:

docker-compose -f rabbitClient.docker-compose.yaml --env-file .env up -d

Running the Client

Run the following command to start the Client on your machine:

go run src/cmd/client/main.go

With Docker

docker build -t client -f client.Dockerfile .
docker run --network="host" --env-file .env client

Scaling the Client

Run the following command to start the Server in a scalable way with docker compose:

docker-compose -f client.docker-compose.yaml --env-file .env up -d --scale client=4

Change the --scale client=4 parameter to any number of clients you'd want to run in parallel.

Running the Server

Run the following command to start the Server on your machine:

Without Docker

go run src/cmd/server/main.go

With Docker

docker build -t server -f server.Dockerfile .
docker run --network="host" --env-file .env server

Scaling the Server

Run the following command to start the Server in a scalable way with docker compose:

docker-compose -f server.docker-compose.yaml --env-file .env up -d --scale server=4

Change the --scale server=4 parameter to any number of clients you'd want to run in parallel.


The project is tested with the go test command.

go test ./...

Running GitHub Actions Locally

The project is built and tested with GitHub Actions. To run the tests locally, you can use the act command.

If you do not have act installed, you can install it with the following command on MacOS using Homebrew:

brew install act

Then, you can run the tests with the following command:

act -n --container-architecture linux/amd64

File structure

A snapshot of the file structure is provided below using the tree command for quick reference.

├── .env
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── client.Dockerfile
├── client.docker-compose.yaml
├── rabbitmq.docker-compose.yaml
├── server.Dockerfile
├── server.docker-compose.yaml
├── resources
│   ├── commands100.csv
│   ├── commands100k.csv
│   ├── commands10k.csv
│   └── commands1k.csv
└── src
    ├── cmd
    │   ├── client
    │   │   └── main.go
    │   └── server
    │       └── main.go
    └── pkg
        ├── orderedmap
        │   ├── orderedmap.go
        │   └── orderedmap_test.go
        ├── rabbitClient
        │   └── rabbitClient.go
        └── services
            ├── consumerService
            │   └── consumerService.go
            └── producerService
                └── producerService.go