Change your IP Addresses automatically with tor based project and greatfull interactive CLI interface with Python3. This repo is adopted from
- Setup TOR in your environment
- Setup 3rd party Proxy chainer ex: proxychains, pivoxy, etc.
- Debian : sudo apt-get install proxychains
- CentOS : wget -O- | sudo bash -s. set -eu. version=4.14
- ArchLinux : sudo pacman -S proxychains-ng
- Python3 requests socks module : pip3 install requests[socks]
- cd AutoTOR_IPChanger/
- sudo python3 -h (must root)
'help' or '--help' returns this help
'-t' time to change Ip in Sec [type=60]
'-c' how many time do you want to change your ip [type=1000]
for infinte ip change type [0]
- Example : sudo python3 -t 10 -c 10
GNU v3 License