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zenonet edited this page Oct 11, 2022 · 4 revisions


  • added 4 Value modifications (vented, killed, wasWithMe and didVisual)
  • added emergenyMeeting to output a value encoded in ASCII
  • added sus to select a variable
  • added 18 different variables (colors)
  • added support for empty lines and comments


  • added loops
  • added linux support
  • added an online interpreter
  • added the who? statement which waits until the user types in a color which should get selected
  • enhanced error handling


  • added a build engine to create independent .exe files from SusLang scripts
  • created a new, more extendable parser
  • added a debugging API and created a simple debugger for the SusLang CLI
  • added report to output a value as a number (handy for math)

v0.5 (WIP)

  • added the first syntactical sugar! You can now specify a color behind emergencyMeeting or report to output it's value
  • added the #define statements:
    • the #define suspect statement which sets a variable to 65 at the start of executing
    • the #define keyword which allows you to create your own keywords
  • added a way of creating pointers to custom keywords
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