Simple current weather and forecast.
A live instance of v0.1 is at
git clone
cd weathery
touch .env
Weathery uses a .env file to store API keys. You need to have the following in your .env
Weathery is a node+React app, use npm
to install dependencies and run app
npm install
npm start # visit Weathery on http://localhost:3000/
- As a user I want to see weather forecast at my current location
- As a user I want to see weather forecast at other locations by city name
- As a user I want to see weather forecast of my favorite places
- As a user I want to easily view on mobile device (iphone 6 optimized)
- As a user I want to easily and simply organize weather imformation (dashboard widget style)
- As a user I want to share weather at my current location to social media (priority twitter, facebook)
- P2P weather information sharing. Hopefully location based for better experience (Peerjs?)
- Decentralized bootstraping (node with latest weather becomes master-peer)
- app loads
- get user location and populate current location and weather
- if cannot get user location, show the first location in user's list
- settings
- c/f
- current location displayed (= -1 initially)
- location
- id
- name (i.e. city name)
- countryName
- coord
- lat
- lng
- weather
- location id
- currentCondition
- datetime (from api response)
- temp (current, high low for today)
- feels like temp
- wind chill adjusted temp (to get layer of clothing needed)
- hourly10day forecast
- datetime (from api response)
- hourly temp over today
- feels like temp
- forecast10day
- datetime (from api response)
- temp (high low)
- user
- location
- rawCoord
- lat
- lng
- translated location id
- rawCoord
- profile
- fname
- lname
- social
- c/f (default)
- favorite locations (list of location ids)
- location