XNOR-net implementation using PyTorch.
|Dataset| Network | 1bit | 32bit | Acc of XNOR | Acc of 32bit|
|MNIST | LeNet5 | 0.425| 0.007 | 99.30 | 99.34 |
|CIFAR10| NIN | 0.949| 0.025 | 86.16 | 89.67 |
Pack XNORConv2d and XNORLinear as two modules, you can add them any where you want. Remember to call the following function after loss.backward()
for layer in model.children():
if isinstance(layer, XNORConv2d) or isinstance(layer, XNORLinear):
Main function modified from pytorch examples. BNN is sensitive to hyper-parameters, so be patience!
Network structure based on LeNet5.
Network structure based on NIN
Thanks to jiecaoyu's implementation XNOR-Net-PyTorch