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Gomoku Report

Lida Zhao 11611803
School of Computer Science and Engineering
Southern University of Science and Technology

1. Abstraction

​ This project is about to implement a Gomoku AI program. In this report, I will first give a brief introduction of Gomoku. Then I will mention the software that I use. The Algorithm and Methodology will follow right behind. To be more specific, I mainly use Min-Max, I also tried some Single-point evaluation method. Not as good as the Min-max. Next, I will introduce the Architecture of my program and more details of the algorithm and functional functions. Last but not least, all the design and analysis and so on will be included in the Performance and Analysis part.

2. Preliminaries

Gomoku is an ancient Chinese game, and its rule can be concluded in a single sentence: Any 5 of your chess pieces linked in a line, you win. Nevertheless, simple rule always conceals great tricks or strategies. While playing, players must consider a lot, not only his chess pieces but also the rival's chess pieces. Great players always think several steps ahead. This part I will introduce the software and the basic algorithm.

2.1. Software

​ The whole program is written in Python by Pycharm. The library included contains numpy, random, copy.

2.2. Algorithm

​ In this program, I first choose Min-Max to implement the Gomoku. Min-Max is a good algorithm for finding the best next step. In each layer, I put whether my chess or the other chess on the board and at the deepest layer, I judge the whole situation. Give each chess that has already existed a score, and sum them up according to there color. Suppose I am the computer, and my rival is human. Then the whole situation score should be the sum of computers. So, I can judge whether this situation is good or bad for me. $$ situation = \sum chess_{computer} -\sum chess_{human} $$

3. Methodology

​ The Gomoku is a simple game, but not an easy game. A lot of detail should be noticed. In this part, I will show the details of representation, architecture, and algorithm in my program.

3.1. Representation

​ The program contains several important data that should be maintained through the whole process: chess board, chessboard_size, color, time_out, candidate_list, score there types are shown below

  • chess board numpy array :a numpy 2 dimension array
  • color
    • COLOR_BLACK int: Refers to the first going player
    • COLOR_WHITE int: Refers to the second going player
    • COLOR_NONE int: No chess
  • time_out int: Time limitation
  • candidate_list list: When time out or method finished, the program will extract the last position of the list.
  • score int: This is the score board of the patterns
3.2. Architecture

​ Here list all the function that I used in this program and there usage.

  • hasNeighbor
    • To verify whether a point on the board has neighbor.
    • Parameters:
      • x, y int :Denote the coordinate
      • neighborNum int : The threshold value of neighbor number
      • distance int : Has neighbor within the distance
      • chessboard numpy array
  • findPattern
    • Choose a certain point as beginning, stretching in four direction to find the pattern that this point is in. From the begin point it will first go in one direction, if met the same color, count plus one; if met the blank, jump the blank to see whether there is a same color chess right behind the blank. If so, count plus one and record the blank place by gap, else, end the stretch; Also, if met the other color chess, stop the stretch in this direction. Once one direction is finished, go ahead on the counter direction and continue the count. After that, change another direction.
    • Parameters
      • chessboard numpy array
      • x, y int : Denote the coordinate
      • role int : Denote which player's pattern is now processing
  • makeScore
    • Once the pattern is found, the program will call this function to give each pattern a score.
    • Parameters
      • count int :The number of same-color-chess
      • barrier int :To denote whether there is a counter chess at either end of the line
      • gap int : Denote the position of the blank
  • evaluation
    • Used to sum all the computer's chess pieces' score and then minus the sum of the human's chess's' score
    • Parameters
      • chessboard numpy array
      • comp_color int : The color of computer
  • revers_role
    • Revers the role
    • Parameter
      • role int : Denote the role now
  • is_win
    • Judge whether a player is win after placing a chess piece.
    • Parameter
      • x, y int : Denote the coordinate
      • chessboard numpy array
      • role int: Denote the role now
  • minmax
    • inside the minmax are max_value and min_value. This is the bootstrap of the whole algorithm
    • Parameter
      • chessboard numpy array
  • max_value
    • Parameter
      • x, y int : Denote the coordinate
      • alpha, beta int : To implement alpha-beta pruning
      • depth int : The max depth it goes
      • role int: Denote the role now
  • min_value
    • Parameter
      • x, y int : Denote the coordinate
      • alpha, beta int : To implement alpha-beta pruning
      • depth: int The max depth it goes
      • role int: Denote the role now
3.3. Detail of Algorithm

​ This part will show the detail of the algorithm.

  • hasNeighbor: use loop and several boolean function

    input: x, y, neighborNum, distance, chessboard
    	if #no_chess in distance around (x,y) < neighborNum
    		return false
    	else return true
  • findPattern: use loop and several boolean function. It is more likely to put the chess around the existing chesses

    input:chessboard, x, y, role
    	for direction1 in four directions
    		for points in direction1
    			if next points == blank
    				if the first time meet a blank 
                    	and chess behind nextpoints == role
                    	gap <- gap position
                    	count<- count + 1
                if next points == role
                	count<- count + 1
                if next points == counter role or out_of_bound
                	barrier <- barrier + 1
            for points in direction1_opposite
            	if next points == blank
    				if the first time meet a blank 
                    	and chess behind nextpoints == role
                    	gap <- gap position
                    	count<- count + 1
                if next points == role
                	count<- count + 1
                if next points == counter role or out_of_bound
                	barrier <- barrier + 1
           call function(makeScore)
        return score of (x,y)
  • makeScore: a bounch of if else condition, contains all the situations that may occor. Will show the code here

        def makeScore(self, count, barrier, gap, good_barrier):
            # 没有空隙00000
            if gap <= 0:
                if count >= 5: 		 return score['FIVE']
                if barrier == 0:
                    if count == 4:   return score['FOUR']
                    elif count == 3: return score['THREE']
                    elif count == 2: return score['TWO']
                    elif count == 1: return score['ONE']
                elif barrier == 1:
                    if count == 4:   return score['DEAD_FOUR']
                    elif count == 3: return score['DEAD_THREE']
                    elif count == 2: return score['DEAD_TWO']
                    elif count == 1: return score['DEAD_ONE']
                elif barrier == 2:   return score['DEAD']
                else: 				 return 0
            # 空隙在第一个位置或者倒数第一个0_0000
            elif gap == 1 or gap == count - 1:
                if count >= 6: 		 return score['FIVE']
                if barrier == 0:
                    if count == 5:   return score['FOUR']
                    elif count == 4: return score['JUMP_FOUR']
                    elif count == 3: return score['JUMP_THREE']
                    elif count == 2: return score['JUMP_TWO']
                elif barrier == 1:
                    if count == 5:
                        if good_barrier:
                            		 return score['DEAD_FOUR']
                        else:  		 return score['FOUR']
                    elif count == 4:
                        if good_barrier:
                               		 return score['DEAD_JUMP_FOUR']
                        else:  	 	 return score['THREE']
                    elif count == 3:
                        if good_barrier:
                               		 return score['DEAD_JUMP_THREE']
                        else:  		 return score['TWO']
                    elif count == 2:
                        	   		 return score['DEAD_JUMP_TWO']
                elif barrier == 2:
                    if count == 5:   return score['DEAD_FOUR']
                    elif count == 4: return score['DEAD_FOUR']
                    else: 			 return score['DEAD']
                else: 	    		 return 0
            # 空隙在第二个位置或者倒数第二个00_0000
            elif gap == 2 or gap == count - 2:
                if count >= 7: 		 return score['FIVE']
                if barrier == 0:
                    if count == 6:   return score['FOUR']
                    elif count == 5: return score['JUMP_FOUR']
                    elif count == 4: return score['JUMP_THREE']
                elif barrier == 1:
                    if count == 6:
                        if good_barrier: 
                            	     return score['DEAD_FOUR']
                        else: 		 return score['FOUR']
                    elif count == 5:
                        if good_barrier: 
                            		 return score['DEAD_FOUR']
                        else: 		 return score['JUMP_FOUR']
                    elif count == 4: return score['DEAD_JUMP_FOUR2']
                elif barrier == 2:
                    if count == 6:   return score['DEAD_FOUR']
                    elif count == 5: return score['DEAD_JUMP_FOUR']
                    elif count == 4: return score['DEAD_JUMP_FOUR']
                    				 return 0
            elif gap == 3 or gap == count - 3:
                if count >= 8: 		 return score['FIVE']
                if barrier == 0:
                    if count == 7:   return score['FOUR']
                    if count == 6:   return score['JUMP_FOUR']
                elif barrier == 1:
                    if count == 7:
                        if good_barrier:  
                            		 return score['JUMP_FOUR']
                        else:  		 return score['FOUR']
                    elif count == 6: return score['JUMP_FOUR']
                elif barrier == 2:
                    if count == 7: 	 return score['DEAD_FOUR']
                    elif count == 6: return score['DEAD_FOUR']
                    else:  			 return score['DEAD']
                else: return 0
            elif gap == 4 or gap == count - 4:
                if count >= 9: 		 return score['FIVE']
                if barrier == 0:
                    if count == 8:	 return score['FOUR']
                if barrier == 1:
                    if count == 8: 	 return score['FOUR']
                if barrier == 2:
                    if count == 8:   return score['DEAD_FOUR']
                else: 				 return 0
            else:					 return 0
  • evaluation: sum

    	for all points in board	
    		if points == comp_color
    			comp <- comp + findPattern(points)
    		if points == hum_color
    			hum <- hum + findPattern(points)
    	situation = comp - hum
    	return situation
  • revers_role: simply using if else to reverse

    input: role
    	if role == comp_color
    		return hum_color		
    		return comp_color	
  • is_win: use loop to find the five-in-line pattern

    input (x,y) 
    	for four directions of (x,y)
    		if in this direction 5 chess lined
    		return true
    	return false
  • minmax:

    bestScore = float('-inf')
    beta = float('inf')
    bestAction = None
    going_list = set()
    for all empyt points in chessboard
    		if empyt points hasNeighbor
    if going_list is empty:
    	bestAction <- (center, center)
    for empty_point in going_list:
    	score = min_value(next_x,next_y,alpha,beta,depth-1, role)   
    	if score > bestScore:
    		bestScore <- score
    		bestAction <- empty_point
    return bestAction
    • max_value: use recursion to find the steps

      input: x, y, alpha, beta, depth, role
      	chessboard[x][y] <- role
      	if is_win(x,y,role)
             chessboard[x][y] <- COLOR_NONE
             return inf, x, y
          if depth <= 0:
             evaluate the situation
      		return situation    
      	v = inf
      	for all the new points around (x,y)
      		add to the going_list
      		v <- min(v,max_value(next_x,next_y,alpha,beta,depth-1, reverse(role))     
              beta <- min(beta, v)
      		if beta <= alpha:
              	chessboard[x][y] <- COLOR_NONE
                  return v, x, y
               chessboard[x][y] <- COLOR_NONE
         return v, x, y
    • min_value: use recursion to find the steps

      input: x, y, alpha, beta, depth, role
      	chessboard[x][y] <- role
      	if is_win(x,y,role)
             chessboard[x][y] <- COLOR_NONE
             return -inf, x, y
          if depth <= 0:
             evaluate the situation
      		return situation    
      	v = -inf
      	for all the new points around (x,y)
      		add to the going_list
      		v <- min(v,max_value(next_x,next_y,alpha,beta,depth-1, reverse(role))   
              alpha <- max(alpha, v)
      		if beta <= alpha:
              	chessboard[x][y] <- COLOR_NONE
                  return v, x, y
               chessboard[x][y] <- COLOR_NONE
         return v, x, y

4. Performance and Analysis

​ This part will be the performance report and analysis of the program

4.1. Test data

​ The test data is from the Sakai. I also got a program made by a classmate that can play Gomoku with human or another program locally. This helps a lot, I even put the former version of the code and the latter version to play against to see if there is any improvement.

4.2. Performance

​ In this program, my depth is only 2. The time complexity is around O(n^4), however, it is already very time-consuming.

4.3. Analysis

​ I have simplified the going_list. Before modification, the list would scan the whole board to find the blank points, but now it only scans the board once and if any new points are added, I only update the points around it. There are also some optimizations that I didn't do. Actually, I should pre-verify each blank point and arrange them which will make alpha-beta pruning more effective. Sometimes my min-max can not even defeat the program with single point validation. I listed all the patterns and try to give all patterns a score, but it still cannot defeat them which make me kind of confused. I think maybe my score function is not good enough, and the validation of each situation is not effective enough.

4.4. Additional works

​ The version I presented is only a small part of my whole work, actually, I have written 7 versions of it and cost more than 40 hours in total. Those 4 of the versions are for exploring a better score function, one is about single point valuation(because I heard my classmates use this method), 2 is trying to add a cache in it.


​ I have read a lot about the right algorithm before really get down to it. I spend a lot of time on understanding the JS code in a blog. Trying hard to extract the algorithm from the source code. However, it is not easy, the code has a lot of unrelated function that I may not yet use, and it will distress me. After finally finish my code, I found that a lot of classmate do not use a relatively "complicated algorithm" like min-max at the very beginning, what's more, they even performs better than me which makes me very annoyed. Thus, in later time, I always think there is something wrong with my algorithm and try to transfer to another one. I did try. But the result is also not so good. This cost me a lot of time-- writing useless code. Although I learned more, but time is gone after all. I should stick on a algorithm and keep going on improving it but not change to another one.

6. Acknowledgements

​ I really appreciate Shuxin Wang, Zhiyuan Wang that we communicate a lot about how to work out this problem and how to improve the algorithm. Thanks for there thoughts. Also, I appreciate all the work paid by our teaching assistant Yao Zhao. Thanks for all the effective algorithm that you introduced. Thank for all the student assistant, you make such a great online combat platform. It is really a great job. Thanks to the unknown blog writer called lihongxun945, your blog solved most of my confuse and gave me new thoughts. Last but not least, I would thank Jie Ji, who always keep accompany with me and encourage me whenever I am in a dilemma.

7. References

Github contributors,[online].,[Accessed: 10-10-2018]

CSDN contributors,[online].



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