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React Bootstrap Easy Dialog

React Bootstrap Dialog made easy!


Based on react-bootstrap modal, this package created a set of apis, which are similar to the standard window.alert, window.confirm and window.prompt, which cover 80% of dialog usage.





npm i react-bootstrap-easy-dialog

You also need the depended packages:

npm i react react-bootstrap


Use hook style

import { DialogProvider, useDialog } from "react-bootstrap-easy-dialog";

function App() {
  return (
      <Page />

function Page() {
  const dialog = useDialog();

  function handleClick() {

  return <button onClick={handleClick}>Alert</button>;

Render prop style

import { Dialog } from "react-bootstrap-easy-dialog";

function App() {
  return (
      {dialog => {
        async function handleClick() {
          const confirmed = await dialog.confirm("Buy a Huawei Mate 30 pro?");
        return <button onClick={handleClick}>Confirm</button>;

Context style

import { DialogProvider, DialogConsumer } from "react-bootstrap-easy-dialog";

function App() {
  return (
        {dialog => {
          async function handleClick() {
            const reason = await dialog.prompt("Why do you like it?", {
              title: "The Reason",
              defaultValue: "It has 5G."
          return <button onClick={handleClick}>Prompt</button>;

Advanced Usage

Wait until hidden

Generally, dialog would return as soon as canceling or confirming gets triggered, by this time, the dialog is still in the animation, so calling another dialog would fail directly.

However, you can explicitly wait until it gets hidden completely.

const confirmed = await dialog.confirm('Delete your home?').hidden; // it would resolve after the dialog is completely hidden
const inputName = await dialog.prompt('Confirm the home name'); // or await dialog.prompt(...).done


  • dialog.alert : async (text, options?) => boolean

    Generally it would returns true, but if stubborn is set to false and the dialog is closed by clicking the background, it would return false

  • dialog.confirm : async (text, options?) => boolean
  • dialog.prompt : async (text, options?) => string | null

    If the user confirm or submit the dialog, it returns a string, otherwise it returns null


The following options can be passed into Dialog, DialogProvider as the props, or dialog.alert, dialog.confirm, dialog.prompt as the second argument.

  • title? : string
  • inputProps? : object // options passed into the underlining Form.Control
  • cancelButtonProps? : object // options passed into the underlining Button
  • confirmButtonProps? : object // options passed into the underlining Button
  • autoFocus = 'select' : boolean | 'select'
  • stubborn = false : boolean // if true, clicking the background would not trigger canceling

Advanced Usage

See Demo.
