- 完美支持Swift3.0编译
- 支持设备快捷键截屏和手动截屏
- 支持扩展预览窗口的按钮样式和执行事件
- 集成使用简单,二次开发扩展强大
- iOS 9+
- Xcode 8+
- Swift 3.0+
- iPhone/iPad
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects.
You can install it with the following command:
$ gem install cocoapods
To integrate Log into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:
pod 'CHScreenShot'
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
CHScreenShotManager.shared.enable = true
CHScreenShotManager.shared.didTakeScreenshot = {
(image, vc) in
if let image = image {
let shareBtn = CHControlItem(
title: "分享",
titleColor: UIColor.white,
backgroundColor: UIColorFromRGB(0xE10B17),
cornerRadius: 5,
action: {
(screenShotView) in
let newImage = screenShotView.screenshotImage.ch_addShareInfo(
appLogo: UIImage(named: "swift")!,
qrCode: "www.chbtc.com",
shareText: "扫描图片右侧二维码\n随时随地掌握大行情")
let sharevc = ShareViewController()
sharevc.shareImage = newImage
vc?.present(sharevc, animated: true)
let cancelBtn = CHControlItem(
title: "取消",
titleColor: UIColor.white,
backgroundColor: UIColorFromRGB(0x999999),
cornerRadius: 5,
action: {
(screenShotView) in
vc?.ch_showScreenShotView(screenshotImage: image,
items: [shareBtn, cancelBtn])
return true
/// 分享回调
var shareAction: ((CHShowScreenShotView) -> Void)!
/// 样式2
func shareStyle2() {
self.shareAction = {
(screenShotView) in
let newImage = screenShotView.screenshotImage.ch_addShareInfo(
appLogo: UIImage(named: "swift")!,
qrCode: "www.chbtc.com",
shareText: "扫描图片右侧二维码\n随时随地掌握大行情")
let sharevc = ShareViewController()
sharevc.shareImage = newImage
self.present(sharevc, animated: true)
if let image = UIApplication.shared.ch_takeScreenshot() {
let shareText = CHControlItem(
title: "分享",
titleColor: UIColor.darkGray,
isPress: false)
let weixin = CHControlItem(
title: "",
titleColor: UIColor.clear,
image: UIImage(named: "post_type_bubble_weixin")!,
action: self.shareAction)
let quan = CHControlItem(
title: "",
titleColor: UIColor.clear,
image: UIImage(named: "post_type_bubble_weixinquan")!,
action: self.shareAction)
let qq = CHControlItem(
title: "",
titleColor: UIColor.clear,
image: UIImage(named: "post_type_bubble_qq")!,
action: self.shareAction)
let sina = CHControlItem(
title: "",
titleColor: UIColor.clear,
image: UIImage(named: "post_type_bubble_sina")!,
action: self.shareAction)
self.ch_showScreenShotView(screenshotImage: image,
items: [shareText, weixin, quan, qq, sina])
- BTC Address: 3G4NdQQyCJK1RS5URb4h5KogWEyR4Mk16A
Released under MIT License.