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Add product page

Kemal Erdem edited this page Jun 21, 2021 · 1 revision

Products are stored in ./content/**. Each product should have its folder (name doesn't matter). You can nest directories, it doesn't have to be on the top level. Inside the product folder, there has to be only one .md file. This file is defined as follow:

title: 'TITLE'
template: 'product'
date: 'YYYY-MM-DD'
draft: false | true
features: true
featuredImage: 'PATH_TO_IMAGE'
featuredImageDark: 'PATH_TO_IMAGE'
description: 'Some description'

--==Markdown Content==--


  • title - any string
  • date - creation date (can be past or future one)
  • template - stick with product for products
  • draft - true or false, if true then product won't be visible on the page
  • features - true or false, if true then product is displayed on the main page
  • featuredImage - path to main image visible on default theme
  • featuredImageDark - path to main image visible on dark theme
  • description - any string

Content can be any valid markdown. You can include images and they will be automatically compiled and attached to the article. Images should also be in the same file and you can add them like ![Alt text](./image_name.jpg).

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