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Releases: zhou-lab/biscuit

Version 0.3.14

04 Jan 22:41
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  • New interface.
  • output check from
  • suppresses warning of bedtools in
  • fix to exception when there is no duplicate reads
  • fix to when there is no non-CG cytosine pileup counts

Version 0.3.12

19 May 16:08
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  • Some performance tweaks, two rounds of seeding
  • bsconv allows filtering by fraction of retention
  • bsconv reports a summary of retention
  • allow for soft-clipping by base quality in alignment, see -z option in biscuit align
  • allow for additional soft-clipping in alignment see -5 and -3 in biscuit align

Version 0.3.11

03 Apr 14:39
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  • Fix rare case where seeding skipped mapping non-unique reads because of assymmetric filtering

Version 0.3.10

02 Apr 14:44
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  • A read mapping fix avoid seed chaining interference from the two bisulfite strands. This marginally improves on mapping in C-free or G-free regions.

Version 0.3.9

30 Mar 19:53
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  • important update: default alignment strand in changed -b 0 is the default and mapping happens at both strands. -b 1 (mapping happens only at parent strand, faster) is not by default.
  • added rectangle subcommand to produce epi-read format of the same chromosome start and end.

Version 0.3.8

15 May 13:42
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  • fix to tview hard clipping
  • fix to seed merging
  • mergecg takes -k to filter minimum depth
  • pileup optionally filter by minimum alignment score

Version 0.3.7

02 May 14:16
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  • insert size estimation in PE is now bounded
  • bug fix to read pairing

Version 0.3.6

23 Mar 13:44
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This version includes two important bug fixes.

  • Fix to single-end amplicon pileup.
  • Fix to alignment seg fault when one mate read is mapped only to decoy sequence.

Version 0.3.5

14 Mar 02:11
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  • Added
  • Ready for bioconda upload

Version 0.3.4

16 Feb 14:36
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  • multi-sample output passed VCF validator
  • change to SP-tag output in SNP
  • implementation to ambiguous call redistribution
  • Bug fix to VCF2bed