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More accurate argv parsing/serialization on Windows #18309

merged 2 commits into from
Dec 25, 2023


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@castholm castholm commented Dec 18, 2023

The first commit adds ArgIteratorWindows, which faithfully replicates the quoting and escaping behavior observed in CommandLineToArgvW and should make Zig applications play better with processes that abuse these quirks. ArgIterator is updated to use this implementation on Windows.

The new implementation used ArgIteratorGeneral as a base but the new rules were written by me, from scratch, by following public documentation and manually observing the behavior of CommandLineToArgvW on Windows 10; they weren't ported from a different project or based on disassembly.

I left ArgIteratorGeneral as is, but since it is now only used for response files it might make sense to rename it ArgIteratorResponseFile and remove the Windows-specific wide string init overload.

The second commit updates the argv-to-command-line serialization in ChildProcess on Windows to follow these rules properly (including the special quoting rules for the first argument), which fixes a bug where empty arguments weren't quoted and thus ignored by child processes.

The PR includes test cases for both parsing and serialization. If you would like to independently verify that the argv parsing matches CommandLineToArgvW you can paste the test cases from test "ArgIteratorWindows" into this program and run it (only works on Windows for obvious reasons):

//! test_argv.zig

const std = @import("std");

var arena: std.heap.ArenaAllocator = undefined;
var allocator: std.mem.Allocator = undefined;

pub fn main() !void {
    arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
    defer arena.deinit();

    allocator = arena.allocator();

    const t = testCommandLine;


fn testCommandLine(cmd_line: []const u8, expected_args: []const []const u8) !void {
    const cmd_line_w = try std.unicode.utf8ToUtf16LeWithNull(allocator, cmd_line);

    const cmd_line_esc = try std.Uri.escapeStringWithFn(allocator, cmd_line, keepUnescaped);
    std.debug.print("cmd_line: ({s})\n", .{cmd_line_esc});

    std.debug.print("exp:", .{});
    for (expected_args) |arg| {
        const arg_esc = try std.Uri.escapeStringWithFn(allocator, arg, keepUnescaped);
        std.debug.print(" ({s})", .{arg_esc});
    std.debug.print("\n", .{});

    std.debug.print("win:", .{});
    const win_args = try windowsParseCommandLine(cmd_line_w);
    for (win_args) |arg| {
        const arg_esc = try std.Uri.escapeStringWithFn(allocator, arg, keepUnescaped);
        std.debug.print(" ({s})", .{arg_esc});
    std.debug.print("\n", .{});

    std.debug.print("zig:", .{});
    var zig_args = try std.process.ArgIteratorWindows.init(allocator, cmd_line_w);
    while ( |arg| {
        const arg_esc = try std.Uri.escapeStringWithFn(allocator, arg, keepUnescaped);
        std.debug.print(" ({s})", .{arg_esc});
    std.debug.print("\n", .{});

    std.debug.print("----\n", .{});

fn keepUnescaped(c: u8) bool {
    return std.ascii.isPrint(c) and c != ' ' and c != '(' and c != ')';

fn windowsParseCommandLine(cmd_line_w: [:0]const u16) ![][:0]u8 {
    var argc: c_int = undefined;
    const argv_w = CommandLineToArgvW(cmd_line_w, &argc) orelse return error.Unexpected;

    const args = try allocator.alloc([:0]u8, @intCast(argc));
    for (argv_w, 0..@intCast(argc)) |arg_w, i| {
        args[i] = try std.unicode.utf16leToUtf8AllocZ(allocator, std.mem.span(arg_w));

    return args;

extern "shell32" fn CommandLineToArgvW(lpCmdLine:, pNumArgs: *c_int) ?[*];
zig run ./test_argv.zig

This program will print out URI-escaped lines that help you compare the output of the Windows and Zig implementations to the expected result.

cmd_line: ("C:\Program%20Files\zig\zig.exe"%20run%20.\src\main.zig)
exp: (C:\Program%20Files\zig\zig.exe) (run) (.\src\main.zig)
win: (C:\Program%20Files\zig\zig.exe) (run) (.\src\main.zig)
zig: (C:\Program%20Files\zig\zig.exe) (run) (.\src\main.zig)
cmd_line: (foo.exe%20bar)
exp: (foo.exe) (bar)
win: (foo.exe) (bar)
zig: (foo.exe) (bar)

Happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

This adds `ArgIteratorWindows`, which faithfully replicates the quoting and escaping behavior observed in `CommandLineToArgvW` and should make Zig applications play better with processes that abuse these quirks.
…processes on Windows

The old implementation had a bug in it in that it didn't quote empty strings, but it also didn't properly follow the special quoting rules required for the first argument (the executable name). This new implementation serializes the argv correctly such that it can be parsed by the `CommandLineToArgvW` algorithm.
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squeek502 commented Dec 20, 2023

Awesome work, love the methodology used!

I modified your test_argv.zig to do some fuzzing-like generation of ASCII-only command lines and then had it check that the result always matches CommandLineToArgvW. For context, it generates random command lines that look something like this (represented here as a Zig string literal):

"\t \"\t\\\"\t\"\\ \"  \\\\\"5c\\\t\t\t\" \\  \\;\x0b\t\t"
Test code
const std = @import("std");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;

pub fn main() !void {
    var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
    defer std.debug.assert(gpa.deinit() == .ok);
    const allocator = gpa.allocator();

    var random = std.rand.DefaultPrng.init(0);
    const rand = random.random();

    var i: usize = 0;
    while (true) : (i += 1) {
        const rand_cmd_line = try randomCommandLine(allocator, rand);

        // TEMPORARY to avoid known difference for 0-length command lines
        if (rand_cmd_line.len == 0 or rand_cmd_line[0] == '\x00') continue;

        try testCommandLine(allocator, rand_cmd_line);

        if (i % 1000 == 0) {
            std.debug.print("{}\r", .{i});

fn testCommandLine(allocator: Allocator, cmd_line: []const u8) !void {
    const cmd_line_w = try std.unicode.utf8ToUtf16LeWithNull(allocator, cmd_line);

    const win_args = try windowsParseCommandLine(allocator, cmd_line_w);
    defer {
        for (win_args) |win_arg| {

    var zig_args = try std.process.ArgIteratorWindows.init(allocator, cmd_line_w);
    defer zig_args.deinit();

    var zig_args_list = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(allocator);
    defer zig_args_list.deinit();

    while ( |zig_arg| {
        try zig_args_list.append(zig_arg);

    if (getDiffIndex(win_args, zig_args_list.items)) |diff_index| {
        std.debug.print("cmd_line: \"{}\"\n", .{std.zig.fmtEscapes(cmd_line)});

        std.debug.print("first difference at index {}\n", .{diff_index});
        if (diff_index >= win_args.len)
            std.debug.print("expected: null\n", .{})
            std.debug.print("expected: \"{}\"\n", .{std.zig.fmtEscapes(win_args[diff_index])});
        if (diff_index >= zig_args_list.items.len)
            std.debug.print("actual: null\n", .{})
            std.debug.print("actual: \"{}\"\n", .{std.zig.fmtEscapes(zig_args_list.items[diff_index])});

        std.debug.print("win:", .{});
        for (win_args) |arg| {
            std.debug.print(" \"{}\"", .{std.zig.fmtEscapes(arg)});
        std.debug.print("\n", .{});

        std.debug.print("zig:", .{});
        for (zig_args_list.items) |arg| {
            std.debug.print(" \"{}\"", .{std.zig.fmtEscapes(arg)});
        std.debug.print("\n", .{});

        return error.ParsedArgsNotEqual;

fn getDiffIndex(a: []const []const u8, b: []const []const u8) ?usize {
    if (a.len != b.len) return @min(a.len, b.len);
    for (a, b, 0..) |a_str, b_str, i| {
        if (!std.mem.eql(u8, a_str, b_str)) return i;
    return null;

fn windowsParseCommandLine(allocator: Allocator, cmd_line_w: [:0]const u16) ![][:0]u8 {
    var argc: c_int = undefined;
    const argv_w = CommandLineToArgvW(cmd_line_w, &argc) orelse return error.Unexpected;

    const args = try allocator.alloc([:0]u8, @intCast(argc));
    for (argv_w, 0..@intCast(argc)) |arg_w, i| {
        args[i] = try std.unicode.utf16leToUtf8AllocZ(allocator, std.mem.span(arg_w));

    return args;

fn randomCommandLine(allocator: Allocator, rand: std.rand.Random) ![]const u8 {
    const Choice = enum {

    const choices = rand.uintAtMostBiased(u16, 256);
    var buf = try std.ArrayList(u8).initCapacity(allocator, choices);
    errdefer buf.deinit();

    for (0..choices) |_| {
        const choice = rand.enumValue(Choice);
        const byte = switch (choice) {
            .backslash => '\\',
            .quote => '"',
            .space => ' ',
            .tab => '\t',
            .control => switch (rand.uintAtMostBiased(u8, 0x21)) {
                0x21 => '\x7F',
                else => |b| b,
            .printable => '!' + rand.uintAtMostBiased(u8, '~' - '!'),
        try buf.append(byte);

    return buf.toOwnedSlice();

extern "shell32" fn CommandLineToArgvW(lpCmdLine:, pNumArgs: *c_int) ?[*];

The only difference found in 16,000,000+ iterations so far is around passing a 0-length string to CommandLineToArgvW (either "" or "\x00..."). In that case, CommandLineToArgvW seemingly returns what std.fs.selfExePath would return:

cmd_line: ""
first difference at index 0
expected: "C:\\Users\\Ryan\\AppData\\Local\\zig\\o\\7678c5300c1aba434f81e13eb0b7e531\\test_argv.exe"
actual: null
win: "C:\\Users\\Ryan\\AppData\\Local\\zig\\o\\7678c5300c1aba434f81e13eb0b7e531\\test_argv.exe"

Not sure if/how that should be handled on the Zig side (I currently specifically skip it in the test code--comment that line out if you want to hit that case yourself).

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castholm commented Dec 20, 2023

FWIW I made sure to document that the only difference in behavior between ArgIteratorWindows and CommandLineToArgvW is that an empty command-line string will yield no arguments instead of the name of the current executable.

It's also worth taking into consideration how CreateProcessW works:

  • lpApplicationName is the executable name and lpCommandLine is the command-line string.
  • If lpCommandLine is null (or the empty string, as I found out by testing), the value of lpApplicationName is used as the command-line string.
  • If lpApplicationName is null, the first argument in lpCommandLine is used as the executable name.

This means that the child process' command-line string retrieved via GetCommandLineW will never actually be empty in practice, so the edge case is probably not worth handling (unless there's a different way to spawn a process on Windows with drastically different behavior that I'm unaware of).

You can verify the behavior of lpApplicationName/lpCommandLine and the resulting command-line string using these two example programs:

//! echo_cmd_line.zig

const std = @import("std");

pub fn main() !void {
    const cmd_line_w =;

    const stdout =;
    try stdout.print("{s}", .{std.unicode.fmtUtf16le(std.mem.span(cmd_line_w))});
zig build-exe ./echo_cmd_line.zig
//! test_cmd_line.zig

const std = @import("std");
const windows =;

pub fn main() !void {
    var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
    defer std.debug.assert(gpa.deinit() == .ok);

    const allocator = gpa.allocator();

    const echo_app_name = get_echo_app_name: {
        var argc: c_int = undefined;
        const argv_w = CommandLineToArgvW(windows.kernel32.GetCommandLineW(), &argc) orelse return error.Unexpected;
        defer windows.LocalFree(@ptrCast(argv_w));

        if (argc < 2) return error.MissingEchoAppNameArg;

        break :get_echo_app_name try std.unicode.utf16leToUtf8Alloc(allocator, std.mem.span(argv_w[1]));

    const quoted_echo_app_name = try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "\"{s}\"", .{echo_app_name});

    inline for (.{
        .{ echo_app_name, quoted_echo_app_name },
        .{ echo_app_name, null },
        .{ echo_app_name, "" },
        .{ null, quoted_echo_app_name },
    }) |case| {
        const app_name, const cmd_line = case;

        const echoed_cmd_line = try spawnChildReadStdout(allocator, app_name, cmd_line);

        std.debug.print("{s}\n", .{echoed_cmd_line});

extern "shell32" fn CommandLineToArgvW(lpCmdLine: windows.LPCWSTR, pNumArgs: *c_int) ?[*]windows.LPCWSTR;

fn spawnChildReadStdout(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, app_name: ?[]const u8, cmd_line: ?[]const u8) ![]u8 {
    const child_stdout, const child_proc = spawn: {
        const app_name_w = if (app_name != null)
            try std.unicode.utf8ToUtf16LeWithNull(allocator, app_name.?)
        defer if (app_name_w != null);

        const cmd_line_w = if (cmd_line != null)
            try std.unicode.utf8ToUtf16LeWithNull(allocator, cmd_line.?)
        defer if (cmd_line_w != null);

        var child_stdout_rd: windows.HANDLE = undefined;
        var child_stdout_wr: windows.HANDLE = undefined;
        try windows.CreatePipe(&child_stdout_rd, &child_stdout_wr, &.{
            .nLength = @sizeOf(windows.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES),
            .lpSecurityDescriptor = null,
            .bInheritHandle = windows.TRUE,
        errdefer windows.CloseHandle(child_stdout_rd);
        defer windows.CloseHandle(child_stdout_wr);

        try windows.SetHandleInformation(child_stdout_rd, windows.HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0);

        var startup_info: windows.STARTUPINFOW = .{
            .cb = @sizeOf(windows.STARTUPINFOW),
            .lpReserved = null,
            .lpDesktop = null,
            .lpTitle = null,
            .dwX = 0,
            .dwY = 0,
            .dwXSize = 0,
            .dwYSize = 0,
            .dwXCountChars = 0,
            .dwYCountChars = 0,
            .dwFillAttribute = 0,
            .dwFlags = windows.STARTF_USESTDHANDLES,
            .wShowWindow = 0,
            .cbReserved2 = 0,
            .lpReserved2 = null,
            .hStdInput = null,
            .hStdOutput = child_stdout_wr,
            .hStdError = null,
        var proc_info: windows.PROCESS_INFORMATION = undefined;

        try windows.CreateProcessW(
            app_name_w orelse null,
            cmd_line_w orelse null,

        break :spawn .{ @as(std.fs.File, .{ .handle = child_stdout_rd }), proc_info.hProcess };
    defer windows.CloseHandle(child_proc);
    defer windows.WaitForSingleObjectEx(child_proc, windows.INFINITE, false) catch {};

    return try child_stdout.reader().readAllAlloc(allocator, 4096);
zig run ./test_cmd_line.zig -- ./echo_cmd_line.exe

(I think it's worth noting that the output still uses forward slashes, which suggests that Windows doesn't really mess with the provided paths.)

Edit: I forgot to add, the CreateProcessW signature is currently incorrect, it should start with CreateProcessW(lpApplicationName: ?LPCWSTR, lpCommandLine: ?LPWSTR, ... so in order to compile test_cmd_line.zig you need to change the definitions. I'll open another PR for this.

@Vexu Vexu merged commit cd30277 into ziglang:master Dec 25, 2023
10 checks passed
@castholm castholm deleted the windows-argv branch January 1, 2024 15:36
squeek502 added a commit to squeek502/zig that referenced this pull request Apr 14, 2024

On Windows, the command line arguments of a program are a single WTF-16 encoded string and its up to the program to split it into an array of strings. In C/C++, the entry point of the C runtime takes care of splitting the command line and passing argc/argv to the main function.

ziglang#18309 updated ArgIteratorWindows to match the behavior of CommandLineToArgvW, but it turns out that CommandLineToArgvW's behavior does not match the behavior of the C runtime post-2008. In 2008, the C runtime argv splitting changed how it handles consecutive double quotes within a quoted argument (it's now considered an escaped quote, e.g. `"foo""bar"` post-2008 would get parsed into `foo"bar`).

This commit makes ArgIteratorWindows match the behavior of the post-2008 C runtime, and adds a standalone test that verifies the behavior matches both the MSVC and MinGW argv splitting exactly in all cases (it checks that randomly generated command line strings get split the same way).

The motivation here is roughly the same as when the same change was made in Rust (rust-lang/rust#87580), that is (paraphrased):

- Consistent behavior between Zig and modern C/C++ programs
- Allows users to escape double quotes in a way that can be more straightforward

Additionally, the suggested mitigation for BatBadBut ( relies on the post-2008 argv splitting behavior for roundtripping of the arguments given to `cmd.exe`. Note: it's not necessary for the suggested mitigation to work, but it is necessary for the suggested escaping to be parsed back into the intended argv by ArgIteratorWindows.
squeek502 added a commit to squeek502/zig that referenced this pull request Apr 14, 2024

On Windows, the command line arguments of a program are a single WTF-16 encoded string and it's up to the program to split it into an array of strings. In C/C++, the entry point of the C runtime takes care of splitting the command line and passing argc/argv to the main function.

ziglang#18309 updated ArgIteratorWindows to match the behavior of CommandLineToArgvW, but it turns out that CommandLineToArgvW's behavior does not match the behavior of the C runtime post-2008. In 2008, the C runtime argv splitting changed how it handles consecutive double quotes within a quoted argument (it's now considered an escaped quote, e.g. `"foo""bar"` post-2008 would get parsed into `foo"bar`), and the rules around argv[0] were also changed.

This commit makes ArgIteratorWindows match the behavior of the post-2008 C runtime, and adds a standalone test that verifies the behavior matches both the MSVC and MinGW argv splitting exactly in all cases (it checks that randomly generated command line strings get split the same way).

The motivation here is roughly the same as when the same change was made in Rust (rust-lang/rust#87580), that is (paraphrased):

- Consistent behavior between Zig and modern C/C++ programs
- Allows users to escape double quotes in a way that can be more straightforward

Additionally, the suggested mitigation for BatBadBut ( relies on the post-2008 argv splitting behavior for roundtripping of the arguments given to `cmd.exe`. Note: it's not necessary for the suggested mitigation to work, but it is necessary for the suggested escaping to be parsed back into the intended argv by ArgIteratorWindows after being run through a `.bat` file.
squeek502 added a commit to squeek502/zig that referenced this pull request Apr 14, 2024

On Windows, the command line arguments of a program are a single WTF-16 encoded string and it's up to the program to split it into an array of strings. In C/C++, the entry point of the C runtime takes care of splitting the command line and passing argc/argv to the main function.

ziglang#18309 updated ArgIteratorWindows to match the behavior of CommandLineToArgvW, but it turns out that CommandLineToArgvW's behavior does not match the behavior of the C runtime post-2008. In 2008, the C runtime argv splitting changed how it handles consecutive double quotes within a quoted argument (it's now considered an escaped quote, e.g. `"foo""bar"` post-2008 would get parsed into `foo"bar`), and the rules around argv[0] were also changed.

This commit makes ArgIteratorWindows match the behavior of the post-2008 C runtime, and adds a standalone test that verifies the behavior matches both the MSVC and MinGW argv splitting exactly in all cases (it checks that randomly generated command line strings get split the same way).

The motivation here is roughly the same as when the same change was made in Rust (rust-lang/rust#87580), that is (paraphrased):

- Consistent behavior between Zig and modern C/C++ programs
- Allows users to escape double quotes in a way that can be more straightforward

Additionally, the suggested mitigation for BatBadBut ( relies on the post-2008 argv splitting behavior for roundtripping of the arguments given to `cmd.exe`. Note: it's not necessary for the suggested mitigation to work, but it is necessary for the suggested escaping to be parsed back into the intended argv by ArgIteratorWindows after being run through a `.bat` file.
squeek502 added a commit to squeek502/zig that referenced this pull request Apr 15, 2024

On Windows, the command line arguments of a program are a single WTF-16 encoded string and it's up to the program to split it into an array of strings. In C/C++, the entry point of the C runtime takes care of splitting the command line and passing argc/argv to the main function.

ziglang#18309 updated ArgIteratorWindows to match the behavior of CommandLineToArgvW, but it turns out that CommandLineToArgvW's behavior does not match the behavior of the C runtime post-2008. In 2008, the C runtime argv splitting changed how it handles consecutive double quotes within a quoted argument (it's now considered an escaped quote, e.g. `"foo""bar"` post-2008 would get parsed into `foo"bar`), and the rules around argv[0] were also changed.

This commit makes ArgIteratorWindows match the behavior of the post-2008 C runtime, and adds a standalone test that verifies the behavior matches both the MSVC and MinGW argv splitting exactly in all cases (it checks that randomly generated command line strings get split the same way).

The motivation here is roughly the same as when the same change was made in Rust (rust-lang/rust#87580), that is (paraphrased):

- Consistent behavior between Zig and modern C/C++ programs
- Allows users to escape double quotes in a way that can be more straightforward

Additionally, the suggested mitigation for BatBadBut ( relies on the post-2008 argv splitting behavior for roundtripping of the arguments given to `cmd.exe`. Note: it's not necessary for the suggested mitigation to work, but it is necessary for the suggested escaping to be parsed back into the intended argv by ArgIteratorWindows after being run through a `.bat` file.
squeek502 added a commit to squeek502/zig that referenced this pull request Apr 15, 2024

On Windows, the command line arguments of a program are a single WTF-16 encoded string and it's up to the program to split it into an array of strings. In C/C++, the entry point of the C runtime takes care of splitting the command line and passing argc/argv to the main function.

ziglang#18309 updated ArgIteratorWindows to match the behavior of CommandLineToArgvW, but it turns out that CommandLineToArgvW's behavior does not match the behavior of the C runtime post-2008. In 2008, the C runtime argv splitting changed how it handles consecutive double quotes within a quoted argument (it's now considered an escaped quote, e.g. `"foo""bar"` post-2008 would get parsed into `foo"bar`), and the rules around argv[0] were also changed.

This commit makes ArgIteratorWindows match the behavior of the post-2008 C runtime, and adds a standalone test that verifies the behavior matches both the MSVC and MinGW argv splitting exactly in all cases (it checks that randomly generated command line strings get split the same way).

The motivation here is roughly the same as when the same change was made in Rust (rust-lang/rust#87580), that is (paraphrased):

- Consistent behavior between Zig and modern C/C++ programs
- Allows users to escape double quotes in a way that can be more straightforward

Additionally, the suggested mitigation for BatBadBut ( relies on the post-2008 argv splitting behavior for roundtripping of the arguments given to `cmd.exe`. Note: it's not necessary for the suggested mitigation to work, but it is necessary for the suggested escaping to be parsed back into the intended argv by ArgIteratorWindows after being run through a `.bat` file.
squeek502 added a commit to squeek502/zig that referenced this pull request Apr 15, 2024

On Windows, the command line arguments of a program are a single WTF-16 encoded string and it's up to the program to split it into an array of strings. In C/C++, the entry point of the C runtime takes care of splitting the command line and passing argc/argv to the main function.

ziglang#18309 updated ArgIteratorWindows to match the behavior of CommandLineToArgvW, but it turns out that CommandLineToArgvW's behavior does not match the behavior of the C runtime post-2008. In 2008, the C runtime argv splitting changed how it handles consecutive double quotes within a quoted argument (it's now considered an escaped quote, e.g. `"foo""bar"` post-2008 would get parsed into `foo"bar`), and the rules around argv[0] were also changed.

This commit makes ArgIteratorWindows match the behavior of the post-2008 C runtime, and adds a standalone test that verifies the behavior matches both the MSVC and MinGW argv splitting exactly in all cases (it checks that randomly generated command line strings get split the same way).

The motivation here is roughly the same as when the same change was made in Rust (rust-lang/rust#87580), that is (paraphrased):

- Consistent behavior between Zig and modern C/C++ programs
- Allows users to escape double quotes in a way that can be more straightforward

Additionally, the suggested mitigation for BatBadBut ( relies on the post-2008 argv splitting behavior for roundtripping of the arguments given to `cmd.exe`. Note: it's not necessary for the suggested mitigation to work, but it is necessary for the suggested escaping to be parsed back into the intended argv by ArgIteratorWindows after being run through a `.bat` file.
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