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Zimny Lech edited this page Aug 29, 2014 · 1 revision

What do you want to do?

Set default synchtube layout for new channel users

  • set UI_DefaultSynchtube = 1

Display custom channel favicon in browser's tab

  • set UI_Favicon = 1
  • enter image URL to Favicon_URL

note: select 16x16 px icon for the best effect

Display channel mini-logo/avatar in the channel navigation header

  • set UI_MiniLogo = 1
  • enter image URL to MiniLogo_URL

note: the same image as favicon fits perfectly, but it's not obligatory

Display channel name in the channel navigation header

  • set UI_ChannelName = 1
  • enter name to ChannelName_Caption

Add dropdown menu to header

  • set UI_HeaderDropMenu = 1
  • enter dropdown menu name/title to HeaderDropMenu_Title
  • prepare menu elements in HeaderDropMenu_Items array: ['link_title', 'link_URL'],

note: leave empty 'link_URL' field to create section title without link

Remove "Layout" dropdown menu from the header

  • set UI_RemoveLayoutMenu = 1

Automatically display logo in MOTD using various modes

  • set UI_MOTDAutoLogo = 1
  • set mode number (see note below) in MOTDAutoLogo_Mode
  • prepare set of logos URLs in MOTDAutoLogo_Array: 'logo_URL',
  • if you use mode 3, set time interval (in seconds) in MOTDAutoLogo_Interval

note: available modes - 1 = displays first logo from defined array; 2 = displays randomly selected logo; 3 = displays random logos for defined time interval; 7 = displays different logo on every weekday (requires 7 defined logos, days order: Sunday, Monday... etc.)

Create homepage-like MOTD layout with switchable "subpages" in tabs

  • set UI_MOTDTabs = 1
  • prepare HTML codes or simple texts for your "homepage" tabs in MOTDTabs_Array: ['tab_title', 'subpage_HTML'],
  • set optional global CSS for "subpages" (themes independent) in MOTDTabs_CSS: 'CSS_property': 'property_value',

note: leave empty MOTDTabs_CSS if you want to use default styles for "subpages"

Create different MOTD for users without accepted external script

  • prepare MOTD for non-JS users in Channel Settings
  • set UI_MOTDDelete = 1

note: use it with MOTD tabs application above for the best effect (e.g. if you want to encourage people to accept your external script you can put such MOTD message, it will be deleted after script loading)

Put clickable button displaying channel rules/infos etc. in MOTD

  • set UI_RulesBtn = 1
  • enter button caption to RulesBtn_Caption
  • enter panel text/HTML code to RulesBtn_HTML

Display imageboard-style attention bar

  • set UI_AttentionBar = 1
  • enter PHP script URL to AttentionBar_URL

note: use this option only if you know what attention bar is and you have access to one

Display additional announcement after loading

  • set UI_ChannelAnnouncement = 1
  • enter annoucement title to ChannelAnnouncement_Title
  • enter announcement text/HTML code to ChannelAnnouncement_HTML

Center and enlarge media title bar

set UI_FullTitleBar = 1

Display YouTube/Dailymotion media progress in the large title bar

  • set UI_FullTitleBar = 1 (large title bar must be enabled)
  • set UI_ProgressBar = 1

Add icon to the enlarged title bar

  • set UI_FullTitleBar = 1 (large title bar must be enabled)
  • set UI_TitleIcon = 1
  • enter image URL to TitleIcon_URL

note: you can use the same image as in channel avatar or favicon for the best effect

Customize that "Currently Playing" description in the title bar

  • set UI_TitleBarDescription = 1
  • enter new description to TitleBarDescription_Caption

Display chat message for all users after user joining

  • set UI_JoinText = 1
  • enter message to JoinText_Message

note: this message will be displayed altogether with user name, e.g. "ZimnyLech joined"

Display chat message for all users after user leaving

  • set UI_LeaveText = 1
  • enter message to LeaveText_Message

note: this message will be displayed altogether with user name, e.g. "ZimnyLech left"

Enable additional chat commands

  • set UI_UserCommands = 1
  • prepare set of quotes in RandomQuotes array for "!q" command: 'quote_text',
  • prepare set of answers in AskAnswers for "!ask" command: 'answer_text',
  • prepare set of channel memes in Memes for "!memestats" command: 'meme',

Add signs/marks/avatars/HTML code to all chat messages of the defined users

  • set UI_UserMarks = 1
  • prepare marks for selected users in UserMarks_Array: 'username': 'sign/HTML',

note: you can use any unicode sign (e.g. ★ ☆ ▲ ▼ ♥ ♪ ♠ ☯ Ⓐ), image (enter <img src="image_URL">, remember - image must be small, not much higher than chat text) or formatted text (use <span> element and CSS formatting)

Add automatic squavatars (2-colored square avatars) before every chat message

  • set UI_UserMarks = 1 (user marks must be enabled)
  • set UI_Squavatars = 1

Change default ":" character after username on the chat messages

  • set UI_UsernameMark = 1
  • enter sign/character to UsernameMark_Char

Add suffix/funny text to random chat messages

  • set UI_MessagesSuffix = 1
  • enter text to MessagesSuffix_Text
  • set frequency (in percents) of text appearing in MessagesSuffix_Percentage

Change chat ping (notification) sound

  • set UI_CustomPingSound = 1
  • enter sound file URL to CustomPingSound_URL

note: use .ogg or .wav file, some browsers (including Firefox) has problems with playing embedded .mp3 files

Play sounds after defined words/texts appearing on the chat

  • set UI_SoundFilters = 1
  • prepare sound files in SoundFilters_Array: 'word/text': 'soundfile_URL',

note: use .ogg or .wav file, some browsers (including Firefox) has problems with playing embedded .mp3 files

Send voice messages on the chat

  • set UI_ChatSpeak = 1;

note: this option uses external "WebAnywhere" application, you can use !say command for text in english ora !mow for text in polish

Use independent (not set in Channel Settings) emotes

  • set UI_IndependentEmotes = 1
  • prepare filters in IndependentEmotes array: [':code:', 'image_URL', image_width, image_height],

Use independent (not set in Channel Settings) filters

  • set UI_IndependentFilters = 1
  • prepare filters in IndependentFilters array: {before:'text_to_replace/regexp', after:'replacement_code'},

note: if you use regular expression, you must put it between // signs, if not, put string to replace between '' characters

Add a button displaying panel with clickable chat codes for colors, text decorations etc.

  • set UI_FontsBtn = 1
  • install required chat filters: go to "Channel Settings" → "Edit" → "Chat Filters", scroll down and click "Prepare fonts filters", and finally click "Import filters list"

Add set of clickable buttons to quick entering unicode characters

  • set UI_FontsBtn = 1 (fonts panel must be enabled)
  • set UI_UnicodeChars = 1
  • prepare set of unicode characters in UnicodeChars_Array: 'unicode_character',

note: use one character (not multi-character strings) in every button for the best effect (although it's not the limitation, I saw 15-characters emojis in use ;3)

Add a button displaying panel with available channel emotes

  • set UI_EmotesBtn = 1

note: channel must have available emotes, otherwise alert will be displayed

Paginate displaying images in the emote panel

  • set UI_EmotesBtn = 1 (emotes panel must be enabled)
  • set UI_GroupEmotes = 1
  • set number of displaying emotes at one time in GroupEmotes_Number

Display help button for the script chat commands

  • set UI_CommandsBtn = 1

Create simple panel with messages to moderators/administrators

  • set UI_ModPanel = 1
  • prepare messages in ModPanel_Array: ['username', 'message_text/HTML'],

note: leave empty 'username' field to create message for all moderators/administrators

Change some buttons captions or welcome message

  • set UI_CustomCaptions = 1
  • prepare captions in CustomCaptions_Array respectively for add, refresh, voteskip buttons and welcome message, as indicate proper names

Add extra options buttons to player

  • set UI_PlayerOptions = 1
  • enter optional player covering image URL to PlayerHiding_URL

note: this option addes 4 buttons: switching media description, covering player with image, mute YouTube player, download current item from KeepVid

Add player transformation buttons

  • set UI_TransformationBtns = 1

note: this option addes 4 buttons: mirror player horizontally, vertically, rotate player, display player vertically

Share categorized, clickable media database

  • set UI_ChannelDatabase = 1
  • prepare set of links in ChannelDatabase array: ['media_URL', 'media_title'],

note: leave empty 'media_URL' field to create a new category
advanced configuration: you can use external file for media database - copy and configure file, and enter your saved database link to ChannelDatabase_URL

Share galleries

  • set UI_ChannelGalleries = 1
  • prepare galleries in ChannelGalleries_Array: ['gallery_name', 'gallery_URL'],

note: gallery must allow to embed code, e.g.

Add selector with various layout modes

  • set UI_DisplayModeSel = 1

note: this option allows users to choose 1 of 5 layout modes: synchtube, cinema, chatroom, silent, or radio

Let users to beautify personal layout by displaying images on the channel top from your prepared set

  • prepare set of images in TopUserLogo array: ['image_name', 'image_URL', image_height],

note: for 'image_height' field use only number, e.g. 200, not 200px; maximum image size is about 1200x200 px (depends on layout details), bigger images will be automatically centered and cropped

Add independent default channel theme

  • set UI_ChannelTheme = 1
  • enter CSS file URL to ChannelThemeURL

note: this theme will be displayed as default for new channel users

Add additional themes to select

  • prepare set of CSS themes in ThemesCSS array: ['theme_name', 'CSS_file_URL'],

Let users embed images or videos directly on the chat

  • set UI_EmbeddingMedia = 1
  • prepare acceptable image types in EmbeddingMedia_Images: 'accepted_code1', 'accepted_code2'...
  • prepare acceptable image types in EmbeddingMedia_Videos: 'accepted_code1', 'accepted_code2'...

note: use CSS syntax - e.g. 'a[href$=".jpg"]' defines acceptable ".jpg" end of an URL, you can also define URL fragments: 'a[href*=""]' (between quotes), or add excluding clause, e.g.: 'a[href$=""].not(\'a[href*=""]\'), etc.

Show preloaded player controls in the embedded videos

  • set UI_EmbeddingMedia = 1 (embedding media must be enabled)
  • set UI_MediaControls = 1

Display buttons to quick executing "/clear" and "/afk" commands

  • set UI_QuickCommandsBtns = 1

Display player-independent buttons to control YouTube player volume

  • set UI_VolumeBtns = 1

Display random background in the empty corner of the playlist row

  • set UI_EmptyCornerBackground = 1
  • prepare images in EmptyCornerBackground array: 'image_URL',

note: use transparent .png images for the best effect

Extend "Retrieve playlist links" function features

  • set UI_ExtendedGetURLs = 1

note: this option creates better modal window with 5 modes of links: Raw Links, Plain Text, HTML Code, Ordered List and Database Format

Unchecking by default "Add as temporary" checkbox after loading for registered users

  • set UI_DefaultNonTemp = 1

Add custom text/HTML to footer

  • set UI_CustomFooter = 1
  • enter text/HTML code to CustomFooter_HTML

Display additional right-sided box in the footer, for external graphic counters etc.

  • set UI_CustomRightFooter = 1
  • enter text/HTML code to CustomRightFooter_HTML

Display visits counter and user online time in the footer

  • set UI_UserStatistics = 1

Execute additional external script

  • set UI_ExternalScript = 1
  • enter script URL to ExternalScript_URL

Invisibly load and cache emotes, media database or default gallery for quicker displaying

  • set UI_ChannelCache = 1
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