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API to make it easier to use regex

RE('your regex here')

Returns a Callable object that facilitates verification of matches

It allows the combination of regex to form new regex using the operators & and |

Flags Support

It has a verbose api to create regex and with shortcuts, both supported the combinations


Testing if the string contains digits

from hre import RE

my_re = RE('[0-9]+')
if bool(my_re('number: 25')):
    print('Regex Ok')
# >> Regex Ok
my_match = my_re('number: 25')
if my_match[0] == '25':
# >> 25
if RE('(?P<number>[0-9]+)')('number: 25')['number'] == '25':
    print('number 25')
# >> number 25

Tests if the email is valid and captures the account and the provider

my_re = RE(r'(?P<account>[A-Za-z0-9+_.]+)\@(?P<provider>[A-Za-z0-9]+)\..+')
my_match = my_re('')
print my_match['account']
# >> my_email.1+github
print my_match['provider']
# >> Provider

Replacing strings

from hre import RE

print RE('(?:red)').replace("violets are red", 'blue')
# >> violets are blue

Using verbal expressions for the same examples

from hre import HumanRegex as HR

my_re = HR().digits()
if bool(my_re('number: 25')):
    print('Regex Ok')
# >> Regex Ok
my_match = my_re('number: 25')
if my_match[0] == '25':
# >> 25
if HR().digits(name='number')('number: 25')['number'] == '25':
    print('number 25')
# >> number 25
from hre import HumanRegex as HR

az = ['a', 'z']
AZ = ['A', 'Z']
_09 = ['0', '9']
special = '_.+'

my_re = HR().ranges(
    AZ, az,
    _09, special,
    AZ, az, _09,
my_match = my_re('')
print my_re
# >> (?P<account>([A-Za-z0-9\_\.\+]+))(?:\@)(?P<provider>([A-Za-z0-9]+))(?:\.)(?:.*)
print my_match['account']
# >> my_email.1+github
print my_match['provider']
# >> Provider
from hre import HR

print HR().find('red').replace("violets are red", 'blue')
# >> violets are blue


from hre import HR

valids = ['abacate', '42', 'tomate', '25']

valid_comb = HR().then(valids[0])
# same as valid_comb = T(valids[0])
for valid in valids[1:]:
    valid_comb |= HR().then(valid)
    # same as valid_comb |= T(valid)

valids = ADD(valid_comb, name='valid')
my_comb = HR().then('{').start_of_line() & valids & HR().then('}').end_of_line()
# same as my_comb = SOL() & T('{') & valids & T('}') & EOL()
print my_comb
# >> ^(?:\{)(?P<valid>(?:abacate)|(?:42)|(?:tomate)|(?:25))(?:\})$
print my_comb('{42}')['valid']
# >> 42
print my_comb('{abacate}')['valid']
# >> abacate
print my_comb('{invalid}')['valid']
# >> None

x = HR().then('@').word(name='p')
y = HR().char(name='c').then('.')
my_combination = y & x
my_match = my_combination('x.@zokis')
print "regex: ", my_combination
# >> regex:  (?P<c>\w)(?:\.)(?:\@)(?P<p>\w+)
print "c: ", my_match['c']
# >> c:  x
print "p: ", my_match['p']
# >> p:  zokis

Examples using shortcuts and combinations

from hre import DS

my_re = DS()
print my_re
# >> \d+

if bool(my_re('number: 25')):
    print('Regex Ok')
# >> Regex Ok
my_match = my_re('number: 25')
if my_match[0] == '25':
# >> 25

my_named_regex = DS(name='number')
print my_named_regex
# >> (?P<number>\d+)
if my_named_regex('number: 25')['number'] == '25':
    print('number 25')
# >> number 25
from hre import RS, T, AT

az = ['a', 'z']
AZ = ['A', 'Z']
_09 = ['0', '9']
special = '_.+'

my_re = RS(
    AZ, az, _09, special,
) & T('@') & RS(
    AZ, az, _09,
) & AT()
my_match = my_re('')
print my_re
# >> (?P<account>([A-Za-z0-9\_\.\+]+))(?:\@)(?P<provider>([A-Za-z0-9]+))(?:.*)
print my_match['account']
# >> my_email.1+github
print my_match['provider']
# >> Provider
from hre import F

print F('red').replace("violets are red", 'blue')
# >> violets are blue
d3 = D(quantifier=3)
d2 = D() * 2

t = T('-')
p = T('.')
cpf_re = d3 & p & d3 & p & d3 & t & d2
print cpf_re
# >> \d{3}(?:\.)\d{3}(?:\.)\d{3}(?:\-)\d\d
print bool(cpf_re('412.459.786-08'))
# >> True

cnpj_re = d2 & p & d3 & p & d3 & T('/') & D(quantifier=4) & t & d2
print cnpj_re
# >> \d\d(?:\.)\d{3}(?:\.)\d{3}(?:\/)\d{4}(?:\-)\d\d
print bool(cnpj_re('76.612.217/0001-14'))
# >> True

cpf_cnpj_re = G(cpf_re) | G(cnpj_re)
print cpf_cnpj_re
# >> (\d{3}(?:\.)\d{3}(?:\.)\d{3}(?:\-)\d\d)|(\d\d(?:\.)\d{3}(?:\.)\d{3}(?:\/)\d{4}(?:\-)\d\d)
print bool(cpf_cnpj_re('856.324.440-07'))
# >> True
print bool(cpf_cnpj_re('49.347.475/0001-48'))
# >> True


my_re = HR().find('cat')
my_match = my_re('CAT or dog')
print bool(my_match)
# >> False
my_re = my_re.ignorecase()
my_match = my_re('CAT or dog')
print bool(my_match)
# >> True

my_re = SOL() & F('DOG')
my_match = my_re('CAT or \ndog')
print bool(my_match)
# >> False
my_re = my_re & FI() | FM()
my_match = my_re('CAT or \ndog')
print bool(my_match)
# >> True

Full API

  • column Shortcut: Shortcut Function or Flag Class
  • column Verbose: Verbose method => HR().x
  • column Example Shortcut: Example using the shortcut functions
  • column Resulting: resulting regex
  • column V: receives "value" as a parameter
  • column N: receives "name" as named parameter => Named groups
  • column Q: receives "quantifier" => {x};{x,};{x,y}
Shortcut Verbose Example Shortcut Resulting V N Q
ADD .add ADD('[0-9]+') [0-9]+
RE .add RE('[0-9]+') [0-9]+
T .then T('@') (?:\@)
F .find F('blue') (?:blue)
G .group G(T('A')|T('B')) ((?:A)|(?:B))
A .any A('0258qaz') [0258qaz]
AT .anything AT() (?:.*)
ATB .anything_but ATB('0258zaq') (?:[^0258zaq]*)
EOL .end_of_line EOL() $
MB .maybe MB('s') (?:s)?
MTP .multiple MTP() +
R .range R(['a', 'z']) [a-z]
RS .ranges RS(['a', 'z']) [a-z]+
ST .something ST() (?:.+)
STB .something_but STB('0258qaz') (?:[^0258qaz]+)
SOL .start_of_line SOL() ^
BR .br BR() (?:\n|\r\n)
D .digit D() \d
DS .digits DS() \d+
DS .int_or_decimal ID() (?:\d*\.)?\d+
ND .non_digit ND() \D
NDS .non_digits NDS() \D+
TAB .tab TAB() \t
WS .whitespace WS() \s
NWS .non_whitespace NWS() \S
W .word W() \w+
NW .non_word NW() \W+
C .char C() \w
NC .non_char NC() \W
FS .dotall/.S FS() Flag dotall enabled
FI .ignorecase/.I FI() Flag ignorecase enabled
FL .locale/.L FL() Flag locale enabled
FM .multiline/.M FM() Flag multiline enabled
FU .unicode/.U FU() Flag unicode enabled
FX .verbose/.X FX() Flag verbose enabled

Other methods of regex object

Method Description
.get_flags returns an integer with the value of the flags
.compile same as re.compile
.findall same as re.findall
.groups same as re.groups
.groupdict return a match object => a defaultdict(None) Like that contains all the results of a match
.match same as re.match
.replace return the string obtained by replacing
.search same as
.split same as re.split
.test returns true if the result of .findall have size greater than 0


Human Regex







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