Skip to content design

nannanli edited this page May 21, 2020 · 2 revisions

Search and discoverability

  • The search function is very useful but a lot of customers are not aware that they could search the docs. The search button is not so outstanding or obvious. We could perhaps so something to improve this.
  • Can we move the search box to, for example. a box perhaps labeled Search docs.
  • Can troubleshooting information be clearer in the with a (getting help if your desktop doesn't start, getting help if your install failed, ...) like an FAQ
  • Also, on, when people click Docs, they are not directed to the doc site immediately. Instead, they are directed to the section below and have to click Read the docs again to go to the doc site. This could be improved. --Done

Content, experience

  • The Docs section can also add more useful links like Installing z/OS components.
  • The video should be updated.
  • People cannot easily discover some useful guidelines, such as the video guideline (how to contribute a video).
  • When users come to the site for the first time, they don't know where and how to get started. Suggest we add a role-based/personalized quick start section that directs users to related resources.
  • We have the What's Zowe section, but don't explain why/the benefits of adopting Zowe.
  • There are so many buttons on the Download section. I don't always understand the relationship.
  • Suggest we add Getting started and Trial buttons to the header of the page, just like other websites.

Ongoing improvements