This package is designed to house a common set of configuration-related features & patterns for Golang services. This include:
- Support for multiple sources of configuration.
- Providing default values and validation logic for specific settings.
- Package API which encourages high cohesion and low coupling with the rest of the application.
package config
import (
type Config struct {
ServerPort int
ServerTimeout time.Duration
DatabaseAddress string
DatabaseUsername string
func LoadConfig(ctx context.Context, path string) (*Config, error) {
iniFile, err := ini.Load(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var c Config
if err := cfg.Load(ctx, cfg.Schemas{
"database address": cfg.Schema[string]{
Dest: &c.DatabaseAddress,
Default: cfg.Addr("localhost:3306"),
Provider: envvar.New("APP_DATABASE_ADDR"),
"database username": cfg.Schema[string]{
Dest: &c.DatabaseUsername,
Default: cfg.Addr("readonly"),
Validator: cfg.OneOf("admin", "readonly", "readwrite"),
Provider: envvar.New("APP_DATABASE_USERNAME"),
"server port": cfg.Schema[int]{
Dest: &c.ServerPort,
Default: cfg.Addr(8080),
Validator: cfg.Between(8000, 9000),
Provider: cfg.MultiProvider {
envvar.Newf("APP_SERVER_PORT", strconv.Atoi),
iniFile.Int("server", "port"),
"server timeout": cfg.Schema[time.Duration]{
Dest: &c.ServerTimeout,
Default: cfg.Addr(time.Second * 30),
Validator: cfg.Between(time.Second, time.Minute*5),
Provider: cfg.MultiProvider {
envvar.Newf("APP_SERVER_TIMEOUT", time.ParseDuration),
iniFile.Duration("server", "timeout"),
}); err != nil {
return nil, err
return c, nil
For YAML files, please see the example.
A setting may specify a Validator which will check whether or not a provided value is valid. The built in validators are:
- Between - Ensures a given value is between the specified parameters.
- OneOf - Ensures a given value is one of the specified parameters.
- Or - Combines multiple Validators, ensures at least one passes.
- And - Combines multiple Validators, ensures all pass.
- Not - Ensures a given validator does not pass.
A custom Validator must satisfy the Validator interface. The simplest way to achieve this is by using the ValidatorFunc type.
Default: cfg.Addr(""),
Validator: cfg.ValidatorFunc(func(addr string) error {
_, err := mail.ParseAddr(addr)
return err
import (
// Create a helper function which wraps the underlying type.
func provideMailAddr(provider cfg.Provider[string]) cfg.Provider[*mail.Addr] {
return cfg.ProviderFunc[*mail.Addr](func(ctx context.Context) (*mail.Addr, error) {
// Get the underlying value from the given provider.
raw, err := provider.Provide(ctx)
if err != nil {
return out, err
// Convert the underlying.
return mail.ParseAddr(raw)
// Use the helper function in your cfg.Setting definition.
func LoadConfig() (*Config, error) {
yamlFile, err := cfg.YAMLFile("config.yaml")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
email := cfg.Setting[*mail.Addr]{
Providers: []cfg.Provider[*mail.Addr]{