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Zack Middleton edited this page Nov 30, 2013 · 5 revisions

Skin changes

Skins are loaded in cgame instead of the renderer!

Skin changes from Quake III Arena 1.32b and ioquake3. This actually just documents ignoring stuff.

tag_ keywords

I have no idea why tags (e.g. tag_torse, tag_head) are listed in skins. They're just ignored.

Quake3 ignores keywords that have "tag_" anywhere in them (e.g. tag_torso, h_neck_tag_back) and treats following token as a keyword / surfacename. So "h_neck_tag_back,models/players/guy/head" will cause a surface named "models/players/guy/head" to be created and remap to "" (blank name).

Spearmint Q3A ignores whole lines that begin with "tag_".

RTCW/ET keywords

Spearmint Q3A ignores RTCW's "playerscale" and RTCW/ET's "md3_" lines.

Since skin files are loaded in cgame, you can easily read them in mods.

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