The template used responsive:
- Grid of 12 columns
- Table
- Menu with 4 types of animation:
- Fold Out
- Slide Down
- Fade In/Out
- Not Animated
The template uses:
- Gulp
- Browser-sync - automatic restart when changing the code page
- Sass
- Autoprefixer
- Merge and compress CSS and JavaScript
- Combining images into a sprite
- Sass Guidelines An opinionated styleguide for writing sane, maintainable and scalable Sass.
Install packages:
npm install
Create environment file:
cp config.json.example config.json
And run command:
gulp start
- run browserSyncgulp reload
- reload browserSyncgulp build:sprites
- combining images into a spritegulp build:css
- merge and compress CSSgulp build:js
- merge and compress JavaScriptgulp build:html
- build html from twiggulp compile
- run commandsbuild:sprites
- run commandstart
and watch file
In config.json file specifies the path to the source