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Keep capistrano out of your's project.


copy capistrano directory into yours_capistrano_directory, and then

$: yours_capistrano_directory/capistrano/bin/cap staging deploy


Add yours_capistrano_directory/capistrano/bin to yours $PATH, just run cap staging deploy.

remember to remove capistrano's gems from Gemfile.

Builtin tasks

╰─ $ ./capistrano/bin/cap -T |grep 'puma\|sidekiq\|whenever\|cable\|ssh_agent_forwarding\|check_write_permissions\|copy_files'
cap cable:add_worker               # Add a worker (TTIN)
cap cable:remove_worker            # Remove a worker (TTOU)
cap cable:restart                  # restart action cable daemon
cap cable:start                    # start action cable daemon
cap cable:status                   # status cable
cap cable:stop                     # stop action cable daemon
cap check_write_permissions        # Check that we can access everything
cap deploy:copy_files              # Copy files
cap puma:add_worker                # Add a worker (TTIN)
cap puma:remove_worker             # Remove a worker (TTOU)
cap puma:restart                   # restart puma daemon
cap puma:start                     # start puma daemon
cap puma:status                    # status puma
cap puma:stop                      # stop puma daemon
cap sidekiq:quiet                  # quiet sidekiq daemon
cap sidekiq:restart                # restart sidekiq daemon
cap sidekiq:start                  # start sidekiq daemon
cap sidekiq:status                 # status sidekiq
cap sidekiq:stop                   # stop sidekiq daemon
cap ssh_agent_forwarding           # Check if agent forwarding is working
cap whenever:clear_crontab         # Clear application's crontab entries using Whenever
cap whenever:update_crontab        # Update application's crontab entries using Whenever

You can see above builtin tasks define in this project capistrano/tasks directory.

NOTICE: those tasks not enabled by default in cap staging deploy,you need uncomment code in task file for task is auto invoked in special stage.

whenever is builtin support too, it will be invoke when deploy if exist config/schedule.rb in yours project.

you can run whenever command directly too, like following:

$: yours_capistrano_directory/capistrano/bin/whenever --help

builtin other gems

capistrano-rails and capistrano-rvm gem is packed.

Supported platform

Only linux-x86_64 and osx is support.


Keep capistrano out of your's project.







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