An improved and fixed version of the official Unity3D asset store tools.
The latest release is compatible with Unity 2017.4, 2018.4, 2019.x, 2020.x, 2021.1.
Put AssetStoreTools folder into your project.
2021-03-12 Sync source code with official asset store tools and fixed compatibility issue in Unity 2020+.
2021-01-24 Latest official Asset Store Tools breaks again on 2020.2, re-opened this repo.
2020-07-28 Latest official Asset Store Tools has been greatly improved since version 5.0.4, many of the annoying issues have been fixed. Archived this repo
2017-01-24 As a plugin publisher, I found the official Asset Store Tool very annoying to use in many aspects. So I just decided to decompile it and fixed most issues I found, together with @JeReT.