All animations are created by Yun Zhang based on the simulations applying the SUNTANS model.
gravitycurrent.gif: simulates how the velocity and density fields evolve when a dense flow is released on a bed slope. The left panels shows the results with z-level coordinate, while the left pannels show the improvement by subgrid bathymetry techniques.
idealized-vertical-coordinates-internal-seiche.gif: simulates the internal seiche with free surface oscillations applying the new generalized vertical coordinates. The top layers apply z-level coordinate to simulate free surface ocsillations and mixing layer, isopycnal coodinate is applied in the interior layers as a moving mesh with density field, and sigma coordinate is used to smoothly resolve bed slope.
iwavebreaking.gif: simulates how internal waves breaks when shoaling on a bed slope with variational moving mesh. Top: density field, bottom: vorticity field and moving mesh (black line).
iwavebreakingwithgravitycurrents.gif: simulates how incoming internal waves interacts with dense flow released on the bed slope. Top: density field, bottom: vorticity field and moving mesh (black line).
lockexchange.gif: simulates how dense and light fluid interacts when released in a closed tank. Top: density field, bottom: vorticity field and moving mesh (black line).
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