This customization provides a custom behaviour when qshared aspect is applied on documents, i.e., when a document has a public url in Alfresco Share. It adds the effectivity aspect (cm:effectivity), setting a validity period of 30 days for the document. Once the validity period is expired a daily quartz is run for removing qshared aspect, unpublishing the public url. A custom metadata template and indicator are also included.
Just generate maven packages. Go into the directory that you unzipped, or cloned via git:
$ git clone
$ cd zk-qshared-effectivity
$ cd zk-qshared-effectivity-repo
$ mvn clean && mvn package -DskipTests=true
$ cd ..
$ cd zk-qshared-effectivity-share
$ mvn clean && mvn package -DskipTests=true
The generated AMPs are located in corresponding target directories.
- Just copy the corresponding AMP into $ALF_HOME/amps and $ALF_HOME/amps_share, stop Alfresco service, apply AMPs script ($ALF_HOME/bin/ and start Alfresco service.
The cronjob and the expiration days for public urls may be configured in file:
qshared.effectivity.cron=0 0 5 * * ?
When the content is shared, a custom behaviour adds cm:effectivity aspect and sets 30 days period for effectivity. Once the effectivity period is over, a custom quartz job removes the qshare:shared aspect, unpublishing the url.
A custom metadata template and indicator improves the visualization of the simple and detailed views of the documents in the Document Library.
- Additionaly, you may also use a virtual folder template located at (alfresco/resources/json/qsharedFolder.json)
Based on blog posts:
It should work in Alfresco 4.2 and above