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Andrew S edited this page Jan 17, 2024 · 3 revisions

FastStream requires no additional funding

FastStream is developed by volunteers at no additional cost to the user. This means:

  1. FastStream does not solicit or collect money for its development. This includes donations.
  2. Timely maintenance of the codebase is not guaranteed.

Annual Expenditures

Item Cost ($)/Year 3
extension development 0
Total 3

Expenditures are sourced from Andrew's personal funds. Andrew has set aside ~$500 in index funds with yearly returns sufficient for FastStream's operating costs.

Donation Policy

FastStream does not and will not accept donations to the project as a whole. Managing finances is not something we intend to do. That said, please feel free to check out and donate to contributors, moderators, and helpers for their individual efforts.

To ensure fairness, soliciting for donations is not allowed on FastStream and any forum operated for its development or user support.