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Releases: Angel-125/Pathfinder


06 May 18:20
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Omni Converters
For Classic Stock only, Pathfinder's base components (Casa, Ponderosa, and Hacienda) can now use the new omni converters. Instead of templates like Watney, OPAL, and Nukeworks that have fixed converters, omni converters let you configure your base components however you like. Need 3 Haber processors? No problem. Need the complete resource chain to go from Ore to MaterialKits to Equipment and finally RocketParts? You can do that to. While traditional templates are still around, omni converters offer much more versatility.

In addition to the Omni Converters, the new Omni Storage template lets you store any number of resources desired up to the maximum available storage volume. Omni Storage is even smart enough to handle resource ratios like LFO; no need to fiddle with the storage capacity sliders to get just the right ratio of LiquidFuel/Oxidizer in the tank. As with Omni Converters, the traditional storage templates are still around, but Omni Storage offers much more versatility.

Bug Fixes & Enhancements

  • Recompiled for KSP 1.4.3
  • Fixed NRE issues with the WBIProspector.
  • Classic Stock's Hot Springs has a resource scanner to help locate GeoEnergy.
  • Improved resource summary in the geology lab.
  • Fixed missing resources in the Classic Stock's GeologyLab.
  • Fixed a situation where resource distribution that wouldn't distribute resources.
  • Added new templates to Classic Stock Play Mode: OmniShop (Casa/Ponderosa), OmniLab (Doc), and OmniWorks (Hacienda).
    YOUR EXISTING CLASSIC STOCK TEMPLATES ARE SAFE! These are new templates that offer more versatile configurations, but they take more work on your part to set up.
  • Added new Omni Storage template to the Classic Stock Play Mode.
  • Moved the Recycler Arm to Buffalo. The existing arm has been deprecated.
  • Adjusted Classic Stock resource densities to reflect the 5-liter standard used by most stock resources.
  • Adjusted Classic Stock storage capacities to reflect the 5-liter standard used by most stock resources. These changes will affect new parts and when you reconfigure an existing part.
  • Classic Stock is now the default Play Mode for new installs of WBI mods. Existing games are unchanged.


20 Mar 17:19
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  • Recompiled for KSP 1.4.1

1.21 Gigawatts

12 Feb 22:34
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This release focuses on resource harvesting by making quality of life improvements in the Lasso parts and adding the ability to collect exoatmospheric resources via a new part. Thanks for your help, JadeOfMaar and Rock3tman! :)

NOTE: This is the last release of Pathfinder for KSP 1.3.1.
NOTE: Next release will remove the old MCM parts- they now have replacements in DSEV.
NOTE: Next release will remove the textures without names- they're obsolete anyway.


  • Cleaned up the available converters. Now there is an Atmosphere Processor to extract all available atmospheric resources from intake Atmosphere, and a Liquid Distiller to do the same for oceanic resources.
  • Added a new 3.75m Lasso-300. It can extract both atmospheric and exospheric resources via its Atmosphere Processor in addition to the standard Liquid Distiller. Be sure to start the Exospheric Scoop to gather up resources just above a planet's tangible atmosphere.

Resources Definitions

  • Added exospheric definitions for Atmosphere, Water, Minerite, and Nitronite. With enough time and the proper equipment, you can skim the atmosphere of worlds like Kerbin, Laythe, Duna, Eve, and Jool to make LiquidFuel and Oxidizer!


08 Jan 18:08
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  • WBT update
  • Module Manager update

1.19 Hogan's Tourists

05 Jan 23:46
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  • The Ranch House has been renamed to the Hogan.
  • Adjusted the resource requirements to build the Hogan.
  • Retextured the sides to reflect the Konkrete portion of its construction.
  • You can configure the Hogan into one of three configurations, all of which retain their greenhouse functionality:
    Community Center: This is the default configuration. It has the same functionality as the original design. At least for now...
    Dormatory: This configuration has life support recyclers, and it attracts Tourists who want to experience life as a colonist for a few days.
    Study Hall: Like the stock MPL, you can train kerbals and increase their ranks. You can also train promising Tourists to become Pilots, Engineers, and Scientists. With the ever-increasing cost to hire new astronauts, the Study Hall gives you an alternative to acquiring new astronauts through rescue contracts.

New Contracts

  • Touring: This contract requires you to send 1 or more tourists to a specific vessel and return them home safely after a few days stay.

  • Colonial Aspirations: This contract requires you to send 1 or more tourists to a specific vessel equipped with a Hogan configured as a Dormatory, and let them stay there for a few days. The tourists are potential colonists; you get paid to deliver the tourists to the vessel but not to return them home. It's a great way to send tourists to a Hogan configured as a Study Hall to train them into a Pilot, Scientist, or Engineer.

ARP Icons
Added new Alternate Resource Panel icons courtesy of JadeOfMaar. These look great! :)

Bug Fixes & Enhancements

  • Re-exported the models for the Hogan, Pipeline, and Rangeland.
  • The Orbital Pipeline will now send payloads from orbit to ground- my girlfriend had a good argument for it.


03 Dec 22:52
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  • Fixed NRE experienced when setting resource distribution in the VAB/SPH
  • Thermal updates to the Rangeland launch pad.


30 Nov 17:13
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  • Fix for resource distribution not working after you change the distribution settings.


28 Nov 22:51
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  • Fix for Pipeline NRE
  • Hides the Show Resource Requirements buttons for assembled parts.
  • Fix for the Ranch House's mass when unassembled.


28 Nov 00:47
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  • Far Future Technologies support: NuclearSaltWater used in place of Explodium.
  • TAC-LS balancing- thanks Space Kadet! :)
  • Fixed missing resource icons
  • WBT Update
  • Boxed parts (Ranch House, Rangeland, Pipeline) now have a button to Show Resource Requirements needed to assemble the part.


12 Nov 19:56
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New Part

  • Micro ISRU (Advanced Science Tech): This Buckboard-sized ISRU is capable of producing only one resource at a time but it comes with its own built-in advanced solar panel to power the conversion process.

Bug Fixes & Enhancements

  • GoldStrike drills now properly catch up after you haven't visited the vessel in awhile.
  • Fixed ground-based extraction rates for GoldStrike resource lodes.
  • Fixed missing power requirements for the Gold Digger drill.
  • Fixed missing power requirements for the Buffalo Drill.
  • Added ability to (slowly) 3D print Equipment from MaterialKits in the Blacksmith and Clockworks.
  • Adjusted recycling rate of Equipment into MaterialKits in the Blacksmith and Clockworks.
  • The Saddle and Switchback 2 now have air park capability to reduce base slippage. USE WITH CAUTION! If you set the parking brake, be sure to immediately quick save and reload to make sure the brake is set.