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Initial Settings

Sarai Varona edited this page Jun 25, 2019 · 6 revisions

Define Django admin user

To take all benefits of django admin system you must create a django administrator. Execute the following commands to create admin user.

cd /srv/iSkyLIMS
source virtualenv/bin/activate
./ createsuperuser

Once user is created, open your web browser and type in the URL or IP address :


Once that you are login into the admin page the following activities have to be done:

  • Define all possible centers
  • Define users
  • Define iSkyLIMS groups
  • Set user to the right group

Define "Centers" from registered users belong to.

Click on the "Add" link to fill the information for each Center that are in your organization

Define Users

Click on the " User Add" link to fill the user information User must be linked to a working center, defined in the previous step.

Define iSkyLIMS groups

There are 2 main groups on iSkyLIMS:

  • Admin_iSkyLIMS
  • WetlabManager

The first one will be used to handle services on drylab and WetlabManager will handle the run creation on wetlab and Statistics and Reports.


The group ("WetlabManager") can be renamed to any other name that fix better in your organization. But it must be the same as it is defined on the configuration file :

  • iSkyLIMS_wetlab/ (WETLAB_MANAGER = "your_Wetlab_Manager_name")

In the next release the same flexibility will be added for drylab, but for now it is fixed string to "Admin_iSkyLIMS"

Set user to the right group

Define at least one user to have privileges as "WetlabManager" and for "Admin_iSkyLIMS".

To assign users to a group, click on users and move these groups from available to chosen groups.

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