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1. Installation

gersh0m edited this page Mar 30, 2020 · 10 revisions


  • lemlat_db.sql: MySQL database dump used by LEMLAT 3.0 to process word-forms. All database tables are released under a CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 License.
  • lemlat_documentation.pdf: description of the tables of lemlat_db and of the overall process of word-form analysis.

Build environment

Source code and build environments are in the folder lemlat_workspace:

  • Makefiles and packaging scripts for GNU/Linux and OSX are stored in the lemlat_workspace/LemLat_client sub-folder.
  • A Visual C solution is in the lemlat_workspace/winBuild sub-folder.

MySQL binaries are needed to build up the embedded databases.


In the bin directory of LEMLAT we provide a Command-Line Interface (CLI) implementation of the word-form analysis for Linux, OSX and Windows operating systems. Two versions are available:

  • a client version, which requires a working MariaDB Server or MySQL Server.
  • a standalone version, which uses an embedded version of the database server.

To get the binaries for the system you are on you can either:

  • Clone this repository: all binaries will be in the folder "LEMLAT3/bin/"
  • Download release file for your system.

Client installation


In order to use this version you need a working copy of MariaDB Server or MySQL Server, in which the provided dump of the LEMLAT database can be stored. Once the MySQL is installed and running:

  • Get the archive containing the client version of LEMLAT 3.0 for your operating system. If you're working on a Linux machine, you can choose between the 32-bit (linux_client.tar.gz) and 64-bit (linux_client_64.tar.gz).
  • Extract the archive.
  • Edit the configuration file my.cnf.sample providing the database access parameters and save it as my.cnf.
  • Open your terminal/console/command line and navigate to the extracted directory.

Now jump to the 2. Use page of this Wiki to proceed.

Standalone installation

  • Get the archive containing the embedded version of LEMLAT 3.0 for your operating system. If you're working on a Linux machine, you can choose between the 32-bit (linux_embedded.tar.gz) and 64-bit (linux_embedded_64.tar.gz) archive.
  • Extract the archive.
  • Open your terminal/console/command line and navigate to the extracted directory.

Now jump to the 2. Use page of this Wiki to proceed.

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