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3. Description

FedeIure edited this page Mar 13, 2023 · 37 revisions

Wordform analysis and database description

  • les: the invariable part of the inflected form.
  • sm (Segmento Mediano): the middle part of the inflected form.
  • sf (Segmento Finale): the final part of the inflected form.
  • si (Segmento Iniziale): the initial part of the inflected form.
  • spf (Segmento Post Finale): a segment added to the right side of the final part of a wordform.
  • codles is the code assigned to each les; each codles refers to a particular type of inflection.
  • codlem is the code assigned to each output lemma; each codlem refers to a general type of inflection.
  • fe (Forma Eccezionale): exceptional wordform. A wordform inflected in an exceptional way, which cannot be regularly segmented and recognized.
  • LE (Lemma Eccezionale): exceptional lemma. A lemma created in an exceptional way, which cannot be automatically created.
  • clem (Costellazione LEMmatica): contains all the les related to a common lemma or common dictionary entry; it is referred to through a unique n_id.
  • Ipolemma: intermediate lemma produced in output, not referring to a dictionary entry.
  • Iperlemma: lemma produced in output referring to a dictionary entry.
  • n_id: alphanumeric code applied to all the les. Multiple les can share the same n_id: all the les related to a common lemma or common dictionary entry are recorded with the same n_id (forming a clem).
  • codLE: numeric code of LE, related to the 7 EAGLES morphological code pattern(s).
  • EAGLES (Expert Advisory Group on Language Engineering Standards): standard coding of the morphological, morpho-syntactic and semantic information of a word. In LEMLAT, 3 EAGLES codes relate to lemmas and 7 to wordforms.

For a given input wordform LEMLAT produces in output:

  • the corresponding lemma(s)

  • a code expressing the inflectional paradigm of the lemma(s) (codlem)

  • the n_id of the lemma(s) clem (see table lessario)

  • 3 EAGLES codes (converted by codlem) related to the lemma (one pattern of 3 EAGLES codes for each lemma produced in output), with information about (see cod_morf table):

    • P(osition)1: PoS
    • P2: Type (different possible types of each PoS; for instance, a noun can have Type common or proper)
    • P3: Inflectional Category (declension, conjugation, ...)
  • pattern(s) of 7 EAGLES codes related to the wordform, with information about (see cod_morf table):

    • P4: mood
    • P5: tense
    • P6: case
    • P7: gender
    • P8: number
    • P9: person
    • P10: degree

This analysis is obtained through a process of segmentation/recognition of input wordforms. For each input wordform, LEMLAT operates a number of segmentation attempts. When one of these attempts is found consistent with possible wordform segments, LEMLAT produces an analysis in output. There are three possible segmentation structures:

  1. LES + SF
  2. LES + SM + SF
  3. LES + SM + SM + SF

Each of these structures can be preceded by a si and followed by a spf.

A wordform can be also recognized (and, thus, analyzed) with no segmentation when:

  • Input wordform is a fe
  • Input wordform is a LE
  • Input wordform is a les with codles i (invariables)
  • Input wordform is a les with codles n (uninflected nouns)
  • Input wordform is a les with codles v (verbs not related to a specific conjugation)
  • Input wordform is a les with codles pr or p1-p9 or p18 (unsegmented pronominals)

These structures can be preceded by a si and followed by a spf.

A segmentation is valid if its segments are found to be compatible with one another (left and/or right side). The compatibility of the segments is coded along with the segments themselves (see the lessario, tabsf, tabsm, tabsi, tabspf tables).

For instance, a structure such as LES + SM + SF is found valid if:

  • the left compatibility of SM corresponds to codles (that is, with the right compatibility of les)
  • the right compatibility of SM corresponds to the left compatibility of SF

In order to produce output information:

A) If the input wordform is segmented:

  • lemma and codlem (3 EAGLES lemma codes): produced according to codles (see the eagles table and Annex 2)
  • pattern(s) of 7 EAGLES wordform codes: from SF (and SM) coding (see tables tabsf and tabsm)

B) If the input wordform is not segmented:

  • in the case of LE:
    • codlem (3 EAGLES lemma codes): according to codles (see the eagles table and Annex 2)
    • pattern(s) of 7 EAGLES wordform codes: from codLE (each LE is related to a codLE of 7 EAGLES codes pattern(s) of the wordform; see tables cod_le and tab_le)
    • lemma: LE itself (possibly, reduced to an iperlemma)
  • in the case of les with codles i:
    • patterns of 10 EAGLES codes (3 lemma codes + 7 wordform codes): 1-3 converted from codlem (see the eagles table); 7-10 automatically assigned as -------
    • lemma: produced according to codles (see Annex 2) or to information related to the corresponding les in the lessario table
  • in the case of les with codles fe, n, v, pr, p1-p9 or p18: - pattern(s) of 10 EAGLES codes (3 lemma codes + 7 wordform codes): from the hard-coding of each les with codles fe, n, v, pr, p1-p9 or p18 (see forme_ecc table) - lemma: produced according to codles (see Annex 2) or to information related to the corresponding les in the lessario table

Each segmentation can produce an analysis related to more than one lemma.

When a segmentation is found valid and the analysis is performed, LEMLAT does not interrupt the process but produces other segmentation/recognition attempts: a wordform can be segmented (and analyzed) in more than one way. Equally, the same wordform can be analyzed through segmentation and through no-segmentation (see the case of homography between a regular segmented wordform and, for instance, an unsegmented fe).

The following schema summarizes LEMLAT's wordform analysis:


List of the les.

  • n_id
    • clem identification number
    • values:
      • letter (first letter of the lemma)
      • four numbers
  • gen
    • gender
    • values:
      • see cod_morf table, field field_pos, value 7
      • *: means "any possible value"
  • clem
    • in a clem containing more than 1 les, identifies the les through which the lemma has to be created
    • values:
      • v: identifies the les through which the lemma has to be created
      • i: for superlative and comparative forms of irregular participle, irregular gerundive, and irregular forms (graphical variants) of I/II class adjectives, the second lemma created (participle, gerundive or adjective at positive degree) is an ipo- and not an iperlemma
      • k: stops the creation of the iperlemma (value v is inhibited)
  • si (Segmento Iniziale)
    • initial alteration h
    • value:
      • h: the les appears also with an initial h
  • smv (Segmento Mediano Verbale)
    • automatic insertion/exclusion of smv
    • values:
      • +: adds a smv to the les to automatically create the regular basis for perfect and future participle, and perfectum
      • : prevents to generate the hypolemmas for comparative, superlative, present participle, gerund and gerundive by adding a smv to the les
      • blank: no smv to be added (irregular inflections)
  • spf (Segmento PostFinale)
    • adds/cuts a spf to/from the les
    • values:
      • 3: exclusion of –que (enclitic)
      • see the tab_spf table, field comp_cod
  • les
  • codles
  • lem
    • LE:
      • a complete form. NOTE: in the case of homography between two or more lemmas, if the only difference between them is the length of a vowel, this is recorded in LE as follows:
        • one quote (‘) after said vowel: the vowel is short
        • two quotes (‘’) after said vowel: the vowel is long, or
      • a SF to be added to les, or
      • =: the lemma is identical to the les; if more than one LE is concerned, the LE are divided by a slash
    • if no LE is recorded, the lemma is created through automatically adding a SF to the les, rule depending on codles; see Annex 2
  • s_omo
    • homographic lemma
    • values:
      • A: homographic lemma A
      • B: homographic lemma B
  • più
    • more les in the same clem but none with v in the clem field
    • values:
      • +
  • codlem
    • manually recorded if it cannot be automatically assigned according to codles
    • see Annex 3; see table eagles, field codlem for the codles/codlem correspondence
  • type
    • manually recording of Type
  • codLE
    • in case of LE, exclusion of the 7-10 position codes in output patterns
    • values: see cod_le table
  • pt
    • pluralia tantum
    • values:
      • x: exclusion of patterns with code s in position 8
  • a_gra
    • graphic alteration
    • values: see tabsai table
  • gra_u
    • les possibly divided in two parts
    • values
      • x
  • notes
  • pr_key: identification number of the les
  • ts: timestamp of the last modification
  • src
    • source of the lexical entry
    • values
      • B: base (original lexical basis of LEMLAT)
      • O: onomasticon (Forcellini’s Onomasticon)

List of codes and values for LE analysis.

  • cod_LE
    • codLE: in the analysis of a LE, adds the codes from c04 to c10. See cod_morf table for code values
    • NB: codLE t excludes the analysis with the codes provided in columns from c04 to c10 (vocatives)
  • c04: codes in position 4
  • c05: codes in position 5
  • c06: codes in position 6
  • c07: codes in position 7
  • c08: codes in position 8
  • c09: codes in position 9
  • c10: codes in position 10
  • pr_key: identification number of the codLE
  • ts: timestamp of the last modification

Description of codes/values/attributes occurring in the 10 position output patterns.

  • field_pos
    • position in the pattern
    • values: 1-10
  • field_descr: description of the field value
  • value_descr: description of the attribute for each field
  • value: description of the code for each attribute/field
  • ts: timestamp of the last modification

Conversion codles/codlem/1-3 position codes (lemma codes)

  • codles: codles list
  • codlem: codlem corresponding to codles recorded on the same line
  • c01: codes in position 1
  • c02: codes in position 2
  • c03: codes in position 3

Hard-coding of exceptional wordform pattern(s).

  • les_id: link to the corresponding line in the lessario table (pr_key field)
  • add_lem: link to a second lemma through the pr_key field in lessario
  • enc: presence of an enclitic
  • c01: codes in position 1
  • c02: codes in position 2
  • c03: codes in position 3
  • c04: codes in position 4
  • c05: codes in position 5
  • c06: codes in position 6
  • c07: codes in position 7
  • c08: codes in position 8
  • c09: codes in position 9
  • c10: codes in position 10
  • pr_key: identification number of the line
  • ts: timestamp of the last modification

List of LE recorded along with their own codLE.

  • lemma: list of LE
  • codLE
    • codLE
    • value: see the cod_le table, field cod_LE
  • les_id: link to the corresponding line in the lessario table (pr_key field)
  • pr_key: identification number of the line

List of SF and related code patterns.

  • segment: SF
  • comp_cod: codles compatible with SF, left side
  • c01: codes in position 1
  • c02: codes in position 2
  • c03: codes in position 3
  • c04: codes in position 4
  • c05: codes in position 5
  • c06: codes in position 6
  • c07: codes in position 7
  • c08: codes in position 8
  • c09: codes in position 9
  • c10: codes in position 10
  • ex: example
  • pr_key: identification number of the line
  • ts: timestamp of the last modification

List of SM and related code patterns.

  • segment: SM
  • pm
    • +: if + is recorded in the smv field (table lessario), this automatically creates ipolemmas of perfectum, supine, future and perfect participle
    • : no ipolemma is created through the SM occurring in the segment field
  • comp_cod_prec: codles compatible with SM, left side
  • comp_cod_succ: codles compatible with SM, right side
  • c01: codes in position 1
  • c02: codes in position 2
  • c03: codes in position 3
  • c04: codes in position 4
  • c05: codes in position 5
  • c06: codes in position 6
  • c07: codes in position 7
  • c08: codes in position 8
  • c09: codes in position 9
  • c10: codes in position 10
  • ex: example
  • pr_key: identification number of the line
  • ts: timestamp of the last modification

SPF compatibility.

  • segment: SPF
  • comp_cod: compatibility with SF, left side
  • pr_key: identification number of the line
  • ts: timestamp of the last modification

Initial graphic alteration. Related to the a_gra field in lessario.

  • segment: initial altered segment
  • comp_cod: compatibility code
  • pr_key: identification number of the line
  • ts: timestamp of the last modification

Initial segment. Related to the si field in lessario.

  • segment: initial segment
  • comp_cod: compatibility code
  • pr_key: identification number of the line
  • ts: timestamp of the last modification

Graphical variation in the les.

  • gv_code: code of graphical variation; recorded in the a_gra field of the lessario table
  • gv_pos
    • Ordinal number of occurrence position (in the les) of the letter after/before which the variation is applied
    • Numeric code:
      • 1: the variation is applied after/before the first occurrence of the affected letter (this letter is recorded in gv_out field)
      • 2: the variation is applied after/before the second occurrence of the affected letter (this letter is recorded in gv_out field)
      • ...
  • gv_in: graphical form appearing in the input wordform
  • gv_out
    • output graphical variation (letter affected by graphical variation)
    • graphical variation is applied to the input wordform to retrieve the related les in table lessario (the les is recorded with no graphical variation)
  • ts: timestamp of the last modification

Automatic creation of the lemma according to codles.

  • codles: codles of the last segment
  • in_ending: matching condition on the end of the wordform, without the last segment. Blank: no condition
  • out_ending: ending of the lemma (to be concatenated with the wordform without the last segment)
  • ts: timestamp of the last modification

List of lemmas of the lexical basis of LEMLAT. It includes both the lemmas from the original lexical basis of LEMLAT and those from the Onomasticon of Forcellini.

  • id_lemma: unique identification number of the line (i.e. lemma)
  • lemma: the lemma
  • codlem: the codlem
  • gen: gender
  • codmorf: EAGLES morphological tags for the lemma (positions 1-2-3)
  • n_id: n_id of the lemma in the lessario table
  • lemma_reduced: verbs with multiple endings reduced to one (for practical reasons related to the derivational_db)
    • example: punio/-ior -> punio
  • src: source
    • B: base (original lexical basis of LEMLAT)
    • O: onomasticon (Forcellini’s Onomasticon)
    • D: Du Cange (Medieval Latin Glossary)
    • F: fictional lemmas (for word formation purposes)

Word formation-based relations between input and output lemmas.

  • wfr_key: unique identification number of the word formation rule
  • o_id_lemma: ID of the output lemma (see id_lemma in table lemmario)
  • i_id_lemma: ID of the input lemma (see id_lemma in table lemmario)
  • i_ord: order of the input lemma in the output (used in the case of compounding). Default value: 1
  • category: category of the word formation rule in terms of input PoS and output PoS. Format:
    • PoSinput-To-PoSoutput (for derivation)
    • PoS1+PoS2=PoSoutput (for compounding)
  • type
    • type of the word formation rule:
      • Derivation (Suffix, Prefix, Conversion)
      • Compounding
  • affix: name of the affix involved in the word formation rule

To add a new les to an already existing clem:

  • table lessario: identify the clem to which the new les has to be added
  • add a new line in the table
  • write clem n_id in the n_id field
  • write the new les in the les field
  • compile the codles field

Compiling these three field is obligatory; the others should be compiled according to the inflection of the les to be added.



  • if the new les has been added to a clem previously formed by only one les and
  • if the wordforms formed with the newly added les should be lemmatized under the lemma created with the previously registered les,
  • thus, on the line of the previously registered les add the code v to the clem field


  • if the codles of the new les is fe, or v, or n, or pr, or p1-p9, p18
  • write the code pattern(s) related to the analysis of the new les in the forme_ecc table, linking the two tables (lessario and forme_ecc) pasting in the les_id field (in forme_ecc table) the numeric value appearing in the pr_key field of the new les line in lessario.


  • if the new les should be lemmatized under a new LE (recorded in the lem field)
  • this LE has to be recorded in the tab_le table along with its own codLE

To add a new clem:

  • table lessario: identify an available clem n_id
  • add a new line in the table
  • write clem n_id in the n_id field
  • write the new les in the les field
  • populate the codles field and other necessary fields

To add a new SF along with its compatibility code(s) and EAGLES code pattern(s):

  • in the tabsf table: add a new line
  • in the segment field, write the new SF
  • in the comp_cod field, write the compatible codles on SF, left side
  • in the c01-c10 fields, write the code pattern(s) related to the new SF. NB: only the codes recorded in c04-c10 are active: in the output analysis, the first 3 codes are, in fact, converted from codlem. The fields c01, c02, c03 are displayed for a more comfortable view but can also be hidden.

To add a new SM along with its compatibility code(s) and EAGLES code pattern(s):

  • in the tabsm table: add a new line
  • in the segment field, write the new SM
  • in the comp_cod_succ and comp_cod_prec fields, write the compatible codles on SM, left and right sides
  • in the c01-c10 fields, write the code pattern(s) related to the new SM. NB: only the codes recorded in c04-c10 are active: in the output analysis, the first 3 codes are, in fact, converted from codlem. The fields c01, c02, c03 are displayed for a more comfortable view but can also be hidden.

In SM coding the code = means that in the final analysis of the input wordform, the code to appear in this position of the pattern is the coding appearing in the same position of the pattern in the coding of the SF occurring in that wordform (on the right side of SM).

To add a new si along with its compatibility code:

  • in the tabsi table: add a new line
  • in the segment field, write the new si
  • in the comp_cod field, write the compatible code appearing in the si field of the lessario table

To add a new spf along with its compatibility code:

  • in the tabspf table: add a new line
  • in the segment field, write the new spf
  • in the comp_cod field, write the compatible code appearing in the spf field of the lessario table

To add a new codLE along with its EAGLES code pattern(s):

  • in the cod_le table: add a new line
  • in the cod_le field, write the new code (make sure to use an available code, not one that has already been taken)
  • in the c04-c10 fields, write the code pattern(s) related to the new codLE

To add a new morphological code:

  • in the cod_morf table: add a new line
  • in the field_pos field write the position of the new code in the analysis pattern
  • in the field_descr field write the value related to the chosen position
  • in the value_descr field write the attribute related to the new morphological code
  • in the value field

write the new code. Make sure that the code hasn't already been used

To add a new codles along with related codlem and the first 3 EAGLES codes:

  • in the eagles table: add a new line
  • in the codles field write the new codles
  • in the codlem field write the codlem related to the new codles
  • in the c01/c02/c03 write the first three EAGLES codes (lemma codes) corresponding to the codlem related to new codles

I declension noun

  • lexical entry: abiga, -ae
  • inflection: regular; I declension
  • gender: feminine
  • table: lessario
  • add a new line
  • write in field n_id a new n_id (not already used); remember that the first letter of n_id is the same as the first letter of the lemma
  • write f (feminine) in the gen field
  • write abig in the les field
  • write n1 in the codles field

I conjugation verb with some fe

  • lexical entry: amo, -are
  • inflection: regular; I conjugation; presence of the following fe: - amarei: present passive infinitive - amassint: active perfect subjunctive, plural third person; active past future indicative, plural third person - amassis: active perfect subjunctive, singular second person; active past future indicative, singular second person - amasso: active past future indicative, singular first person - ameminor: passive future imperative, plural second person
  • table: lessario
  • add a new line
  • write in field n_id a new n_id (not already used)
  • write v in field clem to use the data on this line to create the iperlemma
  • write + in field smv, to automatically create the regular basis for perfect and future participle, and perfectum
  • write am in field les
  • write v1r in field codles
  • add another line
  • write in field n_id the same n_id used for the previous line
  • write amarei in field les
  • write fe in field codles
  • add another line
  • write in field n_id the same n_id used for the previous line
  • write amassint in field les
  • write fe in field codles
  • write amaui in field lem, to create ipolemma amaui (basis of perfectum)
  • write vp in field codlem, to assign codlem vp to ipolemma amaui
  • add another line
  • write in field n_id the same n_id used for the previous line
  • write amassis in field les
  • write fe in field codles
  • write amaui in field lem, to create ipolemma amaui (basis of perfectum)
  • write vp in field codlem, to assign codlem vp to ipolemma amaui
  • add another line
  • write in field n_id the same n_id used for the previous line
  • write amasso in field les
  • write fe in field codles
  • write amaui in field lem, to create ipolemma amaui (basis of perfectum)
  • write vp in field codlem, to assign codlem vp to ipolemma amaui
  • add another line
  • write in field n_id the same n_id used for the previous line
  • write ameminor in field les
  • write fe in field codles
  • table forme_ecc
  • in field les_id, copy/paste the number occurring in field pr_key in table lessario on the line of fe amarei
  • in the fields c01-c10, write the following codes: VmFh1----- (I declension verb, present passive infinitive). See the cod_morf table for details about codes and positions
  • the same for the other fe

III conjugation verb with irregular perfect/future participle

  • lexical entry: abigo, -ere
  • inflection: III conjugation;
    • variant: abago, -ere
    • perfectum basis: abeg
    • perfect participle basis: abact
  • table: lessario
  • add a new line
  • write in field n_id a new n_id (not already used)
  • write v in field clem to use the data on this line to create the iperlemma
  • write abig in field les
  • write v3r in field codles
  • add a new line
  • write in field n_id the same n_id used for the previous line
  • write abag in field les
  • write v3r in field codles
  • add a new line
  • write in field n_id the same n_id used for the previous line
  • write abeg in field les
  • write v7s in field codles
  • add a new line
  • write in field n_id the same n_id used for the previous line
  • write abact in field les
  • write n41 in field codles (for supine)
  • add a new line
  • write in field n_id the same n_id used for the previous line
  • write i in field clem
  • write abact in field les
  • write n6p1 in field codles (for perfect participle)
  • add a new line
  • write in field n_id the same n_id used for the previous line
  • write i in field clem
  • write abactur in field les
  • write n6p2 in field codles (for future participle)

III declension noun with lemma created through substitution of codles ending

  • lexical entry: raucedo, -inis
  • inflection: III declension –o, -inis
  • gender: feminine
  • table: lessario
  • add a new line
  • write in field n_id a new n_id (not already used)
  • write f (feminine) in field gen
  • write raucedin in field les
  • write n31 in field codles

III declension noun with initial graphic alteration

  • lexical entry: abscessio, -inis
  • inflection: III declension –o, -inis
    • variant: apscessio, -onis
  • gender: feminine
  • table: lessario
  • add a new line
  • write in field n_id a new n_id (not already used)
  • write f (feminine) in field gen
  • write abscession in field les
  • write n31 in field codles
  • write b02 in field a_gra (for details: see tabsai table)

I declension noun with a graphical variation

  • lexical entry: carruca, -ae
  • inflection: I declension
    • variant: carrucha, -ae
    • variant: caruca, -ae
    • variant: carucha, -ae
  • gender: feminine
  • table: lessario
  • add a new line
  • write in field n_id a new n_id (not already used)
  • write f (feminine) in field gen
  • write carruc in field les
  • write n1 in field codles
  • write h12 in field a_gra (for details: see the graph_vars table)
  • add a new line
  • write in field n_id the same n_id used for the previous line
  • write f (feminine) in field gen
  • write caruc in field les
  • write n1 in field codles
  • write h12 in field a_gra (for details: see the graph_vars table)

Code h12:

  • h12: variation ch(“gv_in”)/c(“gv_out”)
  • h12: graphical variation is related to the second occurrence (2) of c in the les
    • c(1)arruc(2): graphical variation ch/c is related to c (2)
    • input les carruch (ch: gv_in) is transformed in carruc (c: gv_out) to retrieve the involved les in the lessario table

Annex 1. codles

List of available codles along with its codlem and semantic description.

Not related to SF

  • fe (codlem: iperlemma codlem): exceptional wordforms
  • i (codlem: i): invariables
  • n (codlem: n): uninflected nouns
  • pr; p1-p9; p18 (codlem: pr): pronominals
  • v: verbs not related to a specific conjugation
  • blk: blank following FE, LE, I, N, V, PR, P1-P9, P18
  • blk1: blank following SM -ns in Present Participle forms
  • blk2: blank following SM -ior or -ius in comparative forms
  • blk3: blank following SM -ius in comparative forms of only neuter irregular gerundive

Related to SF

I declension nouns (codlem: n1)

  • n1: I declension nouns
  • n1e: I declension irregular nouns

II declension nouns (codlem: n2)

  • n2: II declension nouns (masculine, and feminine)
  • n2e: II declension irregular nouns
  • n2i: II declension masculine nouns in -ius
  • n2n: II declension neuter nouns
  • n2ni: II declension neuter nouns in -ium

Gerund (codlem: n2g)

  • n21: gerund

Only neuter perfect participle (codlem: n2np)

  • n2np: only neuter perfect participle

III declension nouns (codlem: n3b)

  • n3: III declension nouns (masculine, and feminine) with plural genitive in –um/-ium
  • n31: III declension nouns (masculine, and feminine) with plural genitive in –um
  • n32: III declension nouns (masculine, and feminine) with plural genitive in –ium
  • n3e: III declension irregular nouns; singular ablative in -e
  • n3n: III declension nouns (neuter) with plural genitive in –um/-ium
  • n3n1: III declension nouns (neuter) with plural genitive in –um
  • n3n2: III declension nouns (neuter) with plural genitive in –ium
  • n3p: III declension nouns with singular ablative in –e/-i

IV declension nouns (codlem: n4)

  • n4: IV declension nouns

Supine (codlem: n4s)

  • n41: supine
V declension nouns (codlem: n5)
  • n5: V declension nouns

I class adjectives; perfect and future participles; gerundives (codlem: n2/1)

  • n6: I class adjectives; perfect and future participles; gerundives
  • n6i: I class adjectives in –ius
  • n6r: I class adjectives in –er. Used only in table tabsm for left compatibility with SMs rim and rum (occurring in superlative forms of I class adjectives in –er)
  • n6s: I class superlative degree adjectives

I class pronominal adjectives (codlem: pr)

  • n6p: I class pronominal adjectives with singular genitive in –ius and singular dative in -i
  • n6p3: I class pronominal adjectives inflected as regular first class adjectives

Perfect, future irregular participles; irregular gerundives (codlem: n1/2)

  • n6g: irregular gerundives
  • n6p1: perfect irregular participles
  • n6p2: future irregular participles

Only neuter irregular gerundive (codlem: n2np)

  • n6gn: only neuter irregular gerundive
    • Superlative forms: SM + SF n6n
    • Comparative forms: SM + SF n7cn

II class adjectives (codlem: n3a)

  • n7: II class adjectives with singular nominative masculine and feminine ending in –is, neuter in –e, and singular ablative in –i
  • n71: II class adjectives with singular nominative the same for masculine, feminine and neuter (-s; -x; -r; -l), and singular ablative in –e/-i
  • n72: II class adjectives with singular nominative feminine ending in –is, masculine in –er, neuter in –e, and singular ablative in –i
  • n7c: II class comparative degree adjectives

II class pronominal adjectives (codlem: pr)

  • n7p: II class pronominal adjectives

Present irregular participle (codlem: n3p)

  • n7p3: present irregular participle

Pronominals (codlem: pr)

  • p10-p17; p19-p23: see table tabsf


A) Infectum

Each codles beginning with a v- can have, in fourth position, one of the following letters:


  • v**a: compatibility with present indicative SF
  • v**b: compatibility with present conjunctive SF
  • v**c: compatibility with future indicative SF
  • v**d: compatibility with imperfect indicative SF
  • v**e: compatibility with imperfect conjunctive SF
  • v**f: compatibility with present imperative SF
  • v**g: compatibility with present infinitive SF


  • v**a: compatibility with active perfect indicative SF
  • v**b: compatibility with active perfect conjunctive SF
  • v**c: compatibility with active perfect future indicative SF
  • v**d: compatibility with active plusperfect indicative SF
  • v**e: compatibility with active plusperfect conjunctive SF
  • v**g: compatibility with active perfect infinitive SF

I conjugation verbs (codlem: v1)

  • v1d: I conjugation deponent verbs
  • v1e: I conjugation verbs, impersonal
  • v1i: I conjugation verbs, intransitive
  • v1r: I conjugation verbs, transitive
  • v1s: I conjugation verbs, only active diathesis

II conjugation verbs (codlem: v2)

  • v2d: II conjugation deponent verbs
  • v2e: II conjugation verbs, impersonal
  • v2i: II conjugation verbs, intransitive
  • v2r: II conjugation verbs, transitive
  • v2s: II conjugation verbs, only active diathesis

III conjugation verbs (codlem: v3)

  • v3d: III conjugation deponent verbs
  • v3e: III conjugation verbs, impersonal
  • v3i: III conjugation verbs, intransitive
  • v3r: III conjugation verbs, transitive
  • v3s: III conjugation verbs, only active diathesis

IV conjugation verbs (codlem: v4)

  • v4d: IV conjugation deponent verbs
  • v4e: IV conjugation verbs, impersonal
  • v4i: IV conjugation verbs, intransitive
  • v4r: IV conjugation verbs, transitive
  • v4s: IV conjugation verbs, only active diathesis

e/i conjugation verbs (codlem: v5)

  • v5d: e/i conjugation deponent verbs
  • v5e: e/i conjugation verbs, impersonal
  • v5i: e/i conjugation verbs, intransitive
  • v5r: e/i conjugation verbs, transitive
  • v5s: e/i conjugation verbs, only active diathesis

Irregular conjugation verbs (codlem: va)

  • v6d: not regular conjugation deponent verbs
  • v6i: not regular conjugation verbs, intransitive
  • v6r: not regular conjugation verbs, transitive
  • v6s: not regular conjugation verbs, only active diathesis
  • v61a: not regular conjugation verbs; compatibility with present indicative SF
  • v62a: not regular conjugation verbs; compatibility with active imperfect conjunctive SF
  • v63a: not regular conjugation verbs; compatibility with active future perfect indicative SF
  • v64a: not regular conjugation verbs; compatibility with present active conjunctive SF
  • v65a: not regular conjugation verbs; compatibility with imperfect active indicative SF
  • v66a: not regular conjugation verbs; compatibility with perfect active conjunctive SF
  • v67a: not regular conjugation verbs; compatibility with passive future perfect indicative SF
  • v68a: not regular conjugation verbs; compatibility with present conjunctive SF
  • v69a: not regular conjugation verbs; compatibility with present indicative SF (passive: only SF –tur)
B) Perfectum (codlem: vp)
  • v7s: perfectum
  • v7e: impersonal perfectum
  • v8s: syncopated perfectum

Annex 2. Automatic creation of the lemma

If in field lem of lessario table no LE is recorded, the lemma is created through automatically adding a SF to the les, rule depending on codles.

codles automatic SF
n1 -a
n1e -a
n2 -us
n2e -us
n2i -ius
n2n -um
n2ni -ium
n21 -i
n2np -um
n3 -is
n31 -is
n32 -is
n3e -is
n3n -is
n3n1 -is
n3n2 -is
n3p -is
n4 -us
n41 -um
n5 -es
n6 -us
n6i -ius
n6r -us
n6s -us
n6p -us
n6p3 -us
n6g -us
n6p1 -us
n6p2 -us
n6gn -us
n7 -is
n71 -is
n72 -is
n7c -is
n7p -is
n7p3 -is
p1-p23 LE (always)
v1d LE (always)
v1e -at
v1i -o
v1r -o
v1s -o
v2d LE (always)
v2e -et
v2i -eo
v2r -eo
v2s -eo
v3d LE (always)
v3e -it
v3i -o
v3r -o
v3s -o
v4d LE (always)
v4e -it
v4i -io
v4r -io
v4s -io
v5d LE (always)
v5e -it
v5i -io
v5r -io
v5s -io
v6d LE (always)
v6i -o
v6r -o
v6s -o
v61a -o
v62a -o
v63a -o
v64a -o
v65a -o
v66a -o
v67a -o
v68a -o
v69a -o
v7s -i
v7e -it
v8s -i
i =les
n =les
v =les
pr =les
fe to hyperlemma
blk to hyperlemma
blk1 =input form
blk2 =input form / if input form -us, change -us in -or
blk3 =input form

With codles n3* and n7*:

les ending substituted with automatic SF

les ending automatic SF
-in -o
-on -o
-c -x
-g -x
-d -s
-t -s

Annex 3. codlem

List of available codlem along with their semantic description:

  • enc: enclitics
  • i: invariables
  • n: uninflected nouns 1
  • n1: I declension nouns
  • n1/2: perfect and future participles; gerundives
  • n2: II declension nouns
  • n2/1: I class adjectives
  • n2g: gerunds
  • n2np: only neuter gerundives and only neuter past participles
  • n3a: II class adjectives and only neuter gerundive comparative degree
  • n3b: III declension nouns
  • n3p: present participles
  • n4: IV declension nouns
  • n4s: supines
  • n5: V declension nouns
  • pr: pronominals
  • nx: uninflected nouns 2
  • ny: uninflected adjectives
  • v: verbs not related to a specific conjugation
  • v1: I conjugation verbs
  • v2: II conjugation verbs
  • v3: III conjugation verbs
  • v4: IV conjugation verbs
  • v5: e/i conjugation verbs
  • va: not regular conjugation verbs
  • vp: verbs at perfectum
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