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Jeffrey Lubow edited this page Jul 17, 2015 · 45 revisions
Date Activity Speaker
10a Opening introduction Freed
10:30a Lecturer introductions MacCallum, Lubow, Gottfried, Rostovtsev
11:30a Installation of materials n/a
12p Lunch Break; Lunch provided. Remaining installation n/a
1p Intro to Max environment. Debugging / Probing / Hidden state Lubow
2p Lecture: Gesture i/o Lubow
2:30p Break n/a
3p Introductions Students
3:30p Lab: i/o n/a
5p Dinner Break n/a
6p What is Max? High-level overview, History of Max MacCallum
9p Wine and cheese social n/a
10a Review / Q&A Lubow
10:30p Encapsulation / Abstraction / Collections Lubow
12p Lunch Break n/a
1p Expansion on morning topics Lubow
2:30p Break n/a
3p Lab: processing data + encapsulation, oscillations Lubow
4p More on timing / scheduling MacCallum
5p Dinner Break n/a
6p Max and the body: Lecture / Performance / Demo MacCallum, Naccarato, Mach
10a Review / Q&A Lubow
10:30a Data management and aggregation / File i/o / Persistent state Lubow
12p Lunch Break n/a
1p Lab: Plucking, sinusoids~, and Photo-resistors Lubow
3p Introduction to Jitter Lubow
5p Dinner Break n/a
6p Max and the body: Interactive session, UDP data feed MacCallum, Naccarato
10a Review / Q&A Lubow
10:30a MSP / Switching threads / Buffers Lubow
12p Lunch Break n/a
1p Lab: Patching session on data management + MSP Lubow
2:30p Break n/a
3p Applied Max: Wacom tablets, odot, and transducers Gottfried
5p Dinner Break n/a
6p Granulation: migrator & poly~ / sigmund~ / gen~ MacCallum
10a Max for Live Lubow
12p Lunch Break n/a
1p Lab: Sampling and Envelopes Lubow
2:30p Break
3p Media programming with SuperCollider Ruviaro
4p Compositional and improvisatory media practice Goodheart
5p CNMAT BBQ n/a
7p Max, CNMAT research, and speaker array Schmeder
8p CNMAT and beyond Smith
9p TBA Clayton
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