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Cynthia Foxwell edited this page Mar 10, 2018 · 10 revisions

Proxy Expressions

This page will show you every function for expressions within the proxy part.


  • owner_position - Position of the part owner
  • owner_fov - Field of View (FOV) of the owner
  • visible - Is the part visible within x radius - visible(radius)
  • time - Equal to RealTime
  • synced_time - Equal to CurTime
  • random - Random
  • timeex - RealTime minus time
  • eye_position_distance - Distance between part and eye position
  • eye_angle_distance - Distance between part and eye angle
  • aim_length - Distance between part and hitpos
  • aim_length_fraction - Fraction of the distance between part and hitpos
  • owner_eye_angle_pitch - Pitch of owner's eye angle
  • owner_eye_angle_yaw - Yaw of owner's eye angle
  • owner_eye_angle_roll - Roll of owner's eye angle
  • owner_velocity_length - Overall velocity of owner
  • owner_velocity_forward - Forward/Backwards velocity of owner
  • owner_velocity_right - Left/Right velocity of owner
  • owner_velocity_up - Up/Down velocity of owner
  • owner_velocity_length_increase - Overall velocity of owner plus an increase (unsure)
  • owner_velocity_forward_increase - Forward/Backwards velocity of owner plus an increase (unsure)
  • owner_velocity_right_increase - Left/Right velocity of owner plus an increase (unsure)
  • owner_velocity_up_increase - Up/Down velocity of owner plus an increase (unsure)
  • parent_velocity_length - Overall velocity of part parent
  • parent_velocity_forward - Forward/Backwards velocity of part parent
  • parent_velocity_right - Left/Right velocity of part parent
  • parent_velocity_up - Up/Down velocity of part parent
  • command - Based off events (unsure, code unclear) - command(index) (unclear)
  • voice_volume - Volume of owner's voice
  • light_amount_r - Red value of light part (or ambient light maybe)
  • light_amount_g - Green value of light part (or ambient light maybe)
  • light_amount_b - Blue of light part (or ambient light maybe)
  • owner_health - Self explanatory
  • owner_armor - Self explanatory
  • player_color_r - Red value of player color
  • player_color_g - Green value of player color
  • player_color_b - Blue value of player color
  • hsv_to_color - Converts HSV value into RGB value hsv_to_color(h,s,v)
  • lerp - Lerp from one value to another - lerp(speed,valuea,valueb)

Math functions

  • none - Self explanatory
  • sin - Sine - Example: sin(time())*10 will create a fade
  • cos - Cosine - Example: cos(time())*10 will create a slower fade effect
  • tan - Tangent - Example: tan(time())*10 will fade out and reset
  • abs - Absolute value - Example: abs(sin(time())*10) will only output the positive value of a sine
  • mod - Modulus, same as %
  • sgn - Type of number given; -1 for negative, 1 for postive, 0 for 0.