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Update script to alter velopack installer permission
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neon-nyan committed Dec 1, 2024
1 parent 0641e2e commit 3df611a
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Showing 4 changed files with 191 additions and 1 deletion.
Binary file modified ApplyUpdate.exe
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added InstallerSprite.gif
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
189 changes: 189 additions & 0 deletions pack.velopack.bat
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
@echo off
set _7zFast="C:\Program Files\7-Zip-Zstandard\7z.exe"
set _Inno="C:\Program Files (x86)\Inno Setup 6\ISCC.exe"
set _7z="C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe"
set repoName=Collapse
set name=CollapseLauncher
set version=1.81.8
set channel=1
set isRemovePdb=1

if not exist "..\%repoName%" (
echo Collapse Repository does not exist!
echo Path: "..\%repoName%"
echo Please clone the repo first as "%repoName%"
pause | echo Press any key to retry...
goto :checkRepoLocation

if not exist %_Inno% (
echo Inno Setup 6 does not exist!
echo Path: %_Inno%
echo Please download it from here:
pause | echo Press any key to retry...
goto :innoSetupCheck

if exist %_7zFast% (
set sevenzip=%_7zFast%
) else if exist %_7z% (
set sevenzip=%_7z%
) else (
echo 7-Zip ^(x64^) does not exist!
echo Path: %_7z%
echo Please download it from here:
pause | echo Press any key to retry...
goto :sevenZipCheck

echo Please define what build you want to pack.
set /p channel=Preview^(1^)/Stable^(2^) ^[default: 1^]^>
if %channel% == 1 (
echo Packing preview build
set channel=preview
set markChannel=-preview
) else if %channel% == 2 (
echo Packing stable build
set channel=stable
set markChannel=
) else (
echo Input is not valid! Available choice: 1 or 2
goto :buildChoice

if not exist "%channel%-build" (
echo %channel%-build folder does not exist.
echo Please publish the build from Visual Studio Solution first!
goto :buildChoice


echo Please define the version.
set /p versionPrompt=^[default: %version%^]^>
if not "%versionPrompt%" == "" (
echo Set to defined version: %versionPrompt%
set version=%versionPrompt%

echo Do you want to include symbol .pdb files^?
set /p isRemovePdbChoice=Yes^(Y^)/No^(N^) ^[default: N^]^>
if /I "%channel%" == "Y" (
set isRemovePdb=0
) else (
set isRemovePdb=1

if %isRemovePdb% == 1 (
for /r %%a in ("%channel%-build\*.pdb") do (
del /F /Q "%%a"
echo Deleting symbol file: %%a

set velopackPath=velopack
set buildPath=%velopackPath%\buildKitchen-%channel%
set latestPath=%velopackPath%\latestKitchen-%channel%
set releasePath=%velopackPath%\%channel%
:: set brotli=brotli-mt-w64.exe -T %thread% -k -11 -f -B -v
set brotli=ApplyUpdate.exe compress

dotnet tool list vpk -g | findstr /I "vpk" || goto :velopackCheckError
goto :buildingInno

echo Velopack Tool does not exist locally or globally!
echo Please install the tool first using this command:
echo dotnet tool install -g vpk
pause | echo Press any key to retry...
goto :velopackCheck

title=Building installer...
%_Inno% /O+ /O "..\%repoName%\InstallerProp\DeployInstaller-%channel%.iss"

:: Remove old folders and old fileindex.json
if exist "%channel%\fileindex.json" del %channel%\fileindex.json
if exist "%channel%\ApplyUpdate.exe" del %channel%\ApplyUpdate.exe
if exist "%channel%\release" del %channel%\release
if exist "%latestPath%" rmdir /S /Q %latestPath%
if exist "%buildPath%" rmdir /S /Q %buildPath%
mkdir "%buildPath%"
if not exist "%releasePath%" mkdir "%releasePath%"
if not exist "%channel%" mkdir "%channel%"

title=Copying build files...
xcopy %channel%-build\ %buildPath% /S /H /C
title=Making velopack package...
vpk download http --url= --channel=%channel% --outputDir="%releasePath%"
vpk pack --packId="%name%" --mainExe "%name%.exe" --packVersion="%version%" --packDir="%buildPath%" --packTitle="Collapse" --packAuthors="Collapse Project Team" --icon="%buildPath%\icon.ico" --channel "%channel%" --shortcuts Desktop,StartMenuRoot --delta BestSize --outputDir "%releasePath%" --skipVeloAppCheck --exclude .pdb --yes --splashImage="InstallerSprite.gif"
ApplyUpdate.exe changevelopackinstperms requireAdministrator "%releasePath%\%name%-%channel%-Setup.exe"
del "%releasePath%\"

:: Build latest package file
mkdir %latestPath%
move %buildPath% %latestPath%\current
echo > %latestPath%\.portable

:: Copy the update and entry launch executable
copy Update.exe %latestPath%
copy CollapseLauncher.exe %latestPath%

:: Start archiving the latest package
title=Archiving tar build files...
cd %latestPath%
%sevenzip% a -ttar "..\latest-%channel%.tar" .
title=Archiving 7z build files...
if exist "..\..\..\%name%\build\build-%channel%\CL-%version%%markChannel%_Portable.7z" del "..\..\..\%name%\build\build-%channel%\CL-%version%%markChannel%_Portable.7z"
%sevenzip% a -t7z -m0=lzma2 -mx=9 -aoa -mmt=%thread% -mfb=273 -md=128m -ms=on "..\..\..\%name%\build\build-%channel%\CL-%version%%markChannel%_Portable.7z" .

cd ..\..\
rmdir /S /Q %latestPath%
if not exist "%velopackPath%\%channel%" mkdir %velopackPath%\%channel%
title=Packing build into brotli archive...
echo Packing build into brotli archive...
%brotli% %velopackPath%\latest-%channel%.tar %velopackPath%\%channel%\latest
del %velopackPath%\latest-%channel%.tar

:: Copy the ApplyUpdate tool to channel folder
rmdir /S /Q %channel% && mkdir %channel%
copy ApplyUpdate.exe %channel%

:: Write release stamp file
echo %channel%>%channel%\release

:: Get the size of ApplyUpdate tool
FOR /F "usebackq" %%A IN ('%channel%\ApplyUpdate.exe') DO set applyupdatesize=%%~zA
FOR /F "usebackq" %%A IN ('%channel%\release') DO set releasesize=%%~zA
:: Get the MD5 hash of ApplyUpdate tool
FOR /F %%B IN ('certutil -hashfile %channel%\ApplyUpdate.exe MD5 ^| find /v "hash"') DO set applyupdatehash=%%B
FOR /F %%B IN ('certutil -hashfile %channel%\release MD5 ^| find /v "hash"') DO set releasehash=%%B
:: Get current Unix timestamp
call :GetUnixTime unixtime
:: Print out the fileindex.json file
echo ^{"ver":"%version%","time":%unixtime%,"f":^[^{"p":"ApplyUpdate.exe","crc":"%applyupdatehash%","s":%applyupdatesize%^},^{"p":"release","crc":"%releasehash%","s":%releasesize%^}^]^}>%channel%\fileindex.json

goto :EOF

setlocal enableextensions
for /f %%x in ('wmic path win32_utctime get /format:list ^| findstr "="') do (
set %%x)
set /a z=(14-100%Month%%%100)/12, y=10000%Year%%%10000-z
set /a ut=y*365+y/4-y/100+y/400+(153*(100%Month%%%100+12*z-3)+2)/5+Day-719469
set /a ut=ut*86400+100%Hour%%%100*3600+100%Minute%%%100*60+100%Second%%%100
endlocal & set "%1=%ut%" & goto :EOF
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion pack_signed_velopack.bat
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -101,7 +101,8 @@ title=Copying build files...
xcopy %BuildArtifactDir% %buildPath% /S /H /C
title=Making velopack package...
vpk download http --url= --channel=%channel% --outputDir="%releasePath%"
vpk pack --packId="%name%" --mainExe "%name%.exe" --packVersion="%version%" --packDir="%buildPath%" --packTitle="Collapse" --packAuthors="Collapse Project Team" --icon="%buildPath%\icon.ico" --channel "%channel%" --shortcuts Desktop,StartMenuRoot --delta BestSize --outputDir "%releasePath%" --skipVeloAppCheck --exclude .pdb --skipVeloAppCheck --yes
vpk pack --packId="%name%" --mainExe "%name%.exe" --packVersion="%version%" --packDir="%buildPath%" --packTitle="Collapse" --packAuthors="Collapse Project Team" --icon="%buildPath%\icon.ico" --channel "%channel%" --shortcuts Desktop,StartMenuRoot --delta BestSize --outputDir "%releasePath%" --skipVeloAppCheck --exclude .pdb --skipVeloAppCheck --yes --splashImage="InstallerSprite.gif"
ApplyUpdate.exe changevelopackinstperms requireAdministrator "%releasePath%\%name%-%channel%-Setup.exe"
del "%releasePath%\"

:: Build latest package file
Expand Down

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