Releases: DSOlab/StrainTool
Releases · DSOlab/StrainTool
StrainTool v1.1
StrainTool v1.0-r1
StrainTool v1.0
StrainTool: A software package to estimate strain tensor parameters
StrainTool allows the estimation of Strain Tensor parameters, on the Earth's crust, given a list of data points, aka points on the Earth along with their tectonic velocities. Also provided are output parameters related to the plotting of strains/strain-fields using the Generic Mapping Tools software
StrainTool v1.0-rc5.0
StrainTool v1.0-rc4.0
StrainTool v1.0-rc3.0
- resolve gmt python version error
- minor changes at gmt plot scripts
- README udates
StrainTool v1.0-rc2.0
Significant update at second invariant calculation formula.
StrainTool v1.0-rc1.0
Release Candidate for the last testing and debugging
StrainTool v1.0-beta4.0
beta version for debugging