Version 2.0.0
Updated packages to the latest versions
Synchronised machine model with DSF
Improved file list texts in case the drive is unmounted
Restructured some of the object model for the latest DSF version
Finished layers support for Duet 3
Changed firmware filenames for Duet 3 variants
Replaced firmware version with the one in package.json
Make DWC compatible with Duet behind HTTPS reverse proxy (thanks wilriker)
Add Russian localisation (thanks mbgroot)
Added Chinese translations (thanks ningjiazun)
More refactoring
Bug fix: In some cases the Extrude/Retract buttons remained disabled
Bug fix: Home axis buttons were visible on Delta printers
Bug fix: Piecon wasn't reset under certain circumstances
Bug fix: Blocking message boxes were dismissable
Bug fix: Sliders sometimes showed too many decimal places
Bug fix: Machine unregistration didn't work properly
Bug fix: THREE OrbitControls moved when typing in a textbox
Bug fix: WebSocket PING/PONG facility didn't work as expected
Bug fix: Jog controls were sending movements with too high feedrates
Bug fix: Probe value was displayed even if none was configured
Bug fix: Uploading directories with absolute SD paths didn't work as intended
Bug fix: Selected fan wasn't updated correctly when the tool changed or the machine disconnected