This is a repository containing the code for the paper "On the Surprising Effectiveness of Spectral Clipping in Learning Stable Linear Dynamics".
Some of the code is forked from "Memory-Efficient Learning of Stable Linear Dynamical Systems for Prediction and Control"
Code still under development.
- Please download the dataset to your local directory.
Please download the datasets through this link.
Extract datasets.zip to \spec_clip. The directory tree should be like:
- \spec_clip
- ucsd.m
- dtdb.m
- kodex.m
- \datasets
- \ucsd
- \dtdb
- \kodex
- \spec_clip
- Run ucsd.m with MATLAB. It will learn the linear dynamics of UCSD dataset with LS, SC, SOC, WLS and CG respectively. The script will automatically create a new directory \results_ucsd to save system matrices, training time and reconstruction error.
- Run dtdb.m with MATLAB. It will learn the linear dynamics of DTDB dataset with LS, SC and SOC respectively. The script will automatically create a new directory \results_dtdb to save system matrices, training time and reconstruction error.
- Run kodex.m with MATLAB. It will learn the linear dynamics of KODex dataset with LS, SC and SOC respectively. The script will automatically create a new directory \results_kodex to save system matrices, and training time.