Gateway for Apache Thrift requests processing that is built on Spring Cloud stack. Project depends on core functionality that is described in
Its very simple:
repositories {
compile 'info.developerblog.spring.thrift:spring-thrift-api-gateway:1.0.0.RC1'
Add annotations @EnableThriftClient and @EnableZuulProxy to your spring boot main application class
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
Next you need to create AuthTokenExchanger implementation and register it as a bean
AuthTokenExchanger authTokenExchanger() {
return new AuthTokenExchanger<Token, User>() {
public Token createEmptyAuthToken() {
return new Token();
public User process(Token authToken) throws TException {
// you token exchange logic
Last, you need configure Zuul with static routes or with dynamic cloud