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Hyomoto edited this page Jun 24, 2021 · 2 revisions
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Stack( )

Implements: Struct

Am alternative to the built-in stack. It makes use of a simple linked list to provide a fast, cheap, garbage-collected stack.


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push( values... )

Returns: self

Name Type Purpose
values... mixed Values to push

Adds the values in order to the top of the stack.

pop( )

Returns: mixed or EOS

Name Type Purpose

Pops the value off the top of the stack and returns it. If the stack is empty, EOS is returned instead.

top( )

Returns: mixed or EOS

Name Type Purpose

Peeks at the top value of the stack and returns it. If the stack is empty, EOS is returned instead.

is_empty( )

Returns: bool

Name Type Purpose

Returns true if the stack is empty.

size( )

Returns: int

Name Type Purpose

Returns the size of the stack.

toString( )

Name Type Purpose

Returns the contents of the stack as a string


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Name Type Initial Purpose
pool undef new ObjectPool() No description.
EOS [strict](strict) {} A value that is returned when the stack is empty
__Stack struct undefined A pointer to the next node in the stack
__Size int 0 The number of nodes in the stack
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