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uvm_reg_rdl methods

Scott Nellenbach edited this page Aug 9, 2017 · 5 revisions

uvm_reg_rdl class methods

uvm_reg_rdl extends the uvm_reg class to add functionality for controlling test, managing interrupt tree hierarchy, and building hierarchical RTL signal names from the UVM model.


function void set_rdl_tag()


  • input string rdl_tag, (default value = "rdl_tag")

Set the rdl tag string for this register. The tag will be used to build RTL signal names using the model hierarchy.

function string get_rdl_name()


  • input string prefix
  • input bit add_hdl_prefix, (default value = 0)
  • input string override_tag, (default value = "")

Return a string corresponding to this model element using recursive call to ancestors. Used to generate RTL signal names. RTL signal names using the model hierarchy.

function void set_external()


  • input bit is_external

Set indication that this register is external to autogenerated logic.

function bit is_external()


Return 1 if this register is external to autogenerated logic.

virtual function void get_intr_fields()


  • input ref uvm_reg_field fields

Return a list of all leaf fields in this register's interrupt hierarchy. This null function is overridden by child interrupt register classes.

virtual task get_active_intr_fields()


  • ref uvm_reg_field fields
  • input bit is_halt
  • input uvm_path_e path, (default value = UVM_DEFAULT_PATH)

Return a list of all fields in this register's interrupt hierarchy that are causing halt or interrupt to be asserted. This null task is overridden by child interrupt register classes.

function void set_reg_test_info()


  • input bit dont_test
  • input bit dont_compare
  • input int js_category

Set test related info for this register (donttest, dontcompare, js category).

function bit is_dont_test()


Return 1 if register is marked don't test.

function bit is_dont_compare()


Return 1 if register is marked don't compare.

function bit has_a_js_category()


Return 1 if register has a jspec category.

function bit has_js_category()


  • input js_category_e cat

Return 1 if register has the specified jspec category.

function void add_js_category()


  • input js_category_e cat

Add the specified jspec category to this register.

function void remove_js_category()


  • input js_category_e cat

Remove the specified jspec category from this register.

virtual function void add_callbacks()


Null function that is overridden by block/reg classes requiring callback setup.

virtual function uvm_reg_block_rdl get_ancestor()


  • input int depth

Return the uvm_reg_block_rdl element that is the specified number of ancestor levels from the current block/register.

function void add_def_property()


  • input string name
  • input string value

Add a user-defined property to this rdl class instance

function bit has_def_property()


  • input string name

Returns 1 if a user-defined property of specified name exists for this rdl class instance

function string get_def_property()


  • input string name

Returns a user-defined property of specified name for this rdl class instance

function string remove_def_property()


  • input string name

Removes the user-defined property of specified name for this rdl class instance