A VRChat MelonLoader which aims to add statisics ontop of players nameplates!
- Enable/Disable nameplate stats
- Display players Ping/FPS above users nameplates
- Dynamic Colouring of the stats text (green = good, yellow = ok, red = bad)
- Dynamic Colouring blends the colour based on the distance between stages
- You can also change the colour scaling slightly (GoodFPS = max green, BadPing = max red)
- Static colouring of the stats text (RGB)
- Ability to change the update timer for NameplateStats (50ms-30000ms)
- Currently working on build 1110(Current)
- This mod was made for Melonloader 0.4.0
- Basic colour changing compatability with BTKSANameplateFix
- Download the latest release of the compiled DLL and place into the "VRChat/Mods" folder.
To build this mod, reference the following libraries from MelonLoader/Managed after assembly generation;
- Assembly-CSharp.dll
- Il2Cppmscorlib.dll
- UnhollowerBaseLib.dll
- UnhollowerRuntimeLib.dll
- UnityEngine.dll
- UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll
- UnityEngine.UI.dll
- Unity.TextMeshPro
- VRCCore-Standalone.dll
Additionally, reference the following library;
- MelonLoader.dll (from MelonLoader base directory)
Finally, build in your favourite IDE.
- Dawn - Optimization, Moral support, general guidance, qt
- DDAkebono - Heavily referenced the code from BTSKANameplateFix
- loukylor - Used PlayerList's code to get ping/fps safely and learn about MelonUtils.Clamp