Releases: KxSystems/kafka
Releases · KxSystems/kafka
- Examples test_producer.q and test_consumer.q have improved formatting/explaination of meta info retrieved & print librdkafka version info
- Improved (api docs) including clarity around offsets, callbacks, etc
- makefile picks up KFK_ROOT environment variable for setting of location contains include/lib directory of librdkafka
- Support for building with 2.3.0 librdkafka
- Example test_offsetc.q consumer program should have added one to manually committed offset
- An error from the following could have the error string corrupted & produced a small memory leak:
- .kfk.Consumer due to bad config or unable to create
- .kfk.Producer due to bad config or unable to create
- .kfk.Topic due to bad config
- Fixed small memory leak on each successful call to .kfk.Consumer,.kfk.Producer,.kfk.Topic.
- Bad config that passes local validation (e.g. depreciated config provided to brokers) could prevent callbacks from firing (e.g. consumer would receive no messages)
- Removed consumer config ( from publisher examples
Can now query broker for low (oldest/beginning) and high (newest/end) offsets for partition.
returns 2 element long for low/high watermark.
Takes 4 params :
- cid is client ID (integer)
- Topic (sym)
- Partition (long)
- Timeout ms (long)
e.g. .kfk.queryWatermark[client;`test1;0;1000]
Consumer/Producer config can now be provided with a sym list as a configuration value. As as example, see in the following config
kfk_cfg:(!) . flip(
Previous releases could give an erroneous error when provided with this type.
- '.kfk.Sub' & '.kfk.Subscribe' can now be given a list of symbols/topics to subscribe to in place of the single symbol. The function can also be used as before, where a single topic/symbol can be provided. 'partition' param no longer tries to set partitions/offsets (ignored by kafka). Examples changed to show subscriptions to multiple symbols. e.g.
q) .kfk.Sub[client;(topic1;topic2);enlist .kfk.PARTITION_UA]
- '.kfk.Assign' can now be used to subscribe to multiple symbol partitions and their offsets. Can be used as before (Symbol!Long dictionary mapping the name of a topic to an associated partition), but now can also be given a Symbol!Dictionary mapping of topic to partitions/offset (dictionary mapping of integer partition to long offset location) e.g. subscribe to test1 (partition 0 from offset 10) and test2 (partition 0 from offset 10)
- 'test_offsetc.q' example should not be using both '.kfk.AssignOffsets' & '.kfk.Sub' calls. '.kfk.AssignOffsets' removed. A client should not be using both manual and dynamically assigned partitions.
- Assignment API support
- Mechanism to allow publishing with headers (Fixes #48)
- Batch publishing of messages (Fixes #30)
- Exposed callback functions for throttling and error events (Fixes #33)
- Previously consumption logic would result in thread starvation if consuming a large group of messages. exposure of
and changes to underlying function calling mechanism have removed this issue. (Fixes #37)
Subscriptions to multiple topics
- Addition of support for handling of multiple calls to .kfk.Sub to allow for subscriptions to multiple topics for a single client.
- This functionality has not changed the historical behaviour of any of the functions within the interface.
- Examples have been updated to coincide with the addition of the multiple subscription functionality.
function allows user to ensure all 'produce requests' completed, ensuring queued and in-flight requests completed prior to producer destruction.kfk.VersionSym
return version of librdkafka used in human readable format.kfk.ThreadCount
returns how many threads are currently in use by librdkafka.kfk.SetLoggerLevel
specify the maximum logging level produced by internal kafka logging and debugging
- Both
now support partition list of int/long/short and/or a dictionary as final parameter. - Enhanced type checking at C level to ensure types to dictionaries passed in offset functionality is correct
Build Changes
- Addition of Windows build instructions.
- Modifications to kfk.c to account for windows build.
- Modification to general structure of repository.
- Change to Makefile structure for linux/mac.
- log callbacks now on main thread (prevent thread issues that could lead to crash/corruption)
- subscription msg callback now includes client id