- Examples test_producer.q and test_consumer.q have improved formatting/explaination of meta info retrieved & print librdkafka version info
- Improved reference.md (api docs) including clarity around offsets, callbacks, etc
- makefile picks up KFK_ROOT environment variable for setting of location contains include/lib directory of librdkafka
- Support for building with 2.3.0 librdkafka
- Example test_offsetc.q consumer program should have added one to manually committed offset
- An error from the following could have the error string corrupted & produced a small memory leak:
- .kfk.Consumer due to bad config or unable to create
- .kfk.Producer due to bad config or unable to create
- .kfk.Topic due to bad config
- Fixed small memory leak on each successful call to .kfk.Consumer,.kfk.Producer,.kfk.Topic.