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Fix Clock Nvidia for Cuda by lolMiner (English)

jgonzis edited this page Nov 14, 2021 · 3 revisions

To fix the clock using directly lolMiner only for Turing and Ampere by parameter. Remember the steps of the Core Clock are 15Mhz

If power limit or heat limit is throttling the card is just using as high clock as possible - so our fixed clock is rather a maximum clock / clock limiter

Just need to use --cclk separated by commas. * is used to skip GPU.

--cclk * ,* ,* ,855,* ,* ,* ,*

That will apply 855 Core Fix to GPU 3

Core Fix


GPU Range
1660s 1020 - 1080
1660ti 1020 - 1080
2060 1000 - 1050
2070 1000 - 1050
2080 1110 - 1160
2080ti 1020 - 1080
3060 (1) 1070 - 1120
3060v1 Linux 1410 - 1500
3060v2 Linux 1410 - 1500
3060ti 1320 - 1370
3060ti LHR 1410 - 1500
3070 735 - 785
3070LHR 825 - 885
3070ti 900 - 990
3080 1020 - 1080
3080LHR 1080 - 1170
3080TI 1080 - 1170
3090 1080 - 1170

Note: Very high Memory OC need higher Clock

(1) Windows with 470.05 Drivers

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