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Tuning guide Dual

jgonzis edited this page Sep 16, 2024 · 5 revisions

The algorithm FISH-HASH/AUTOLYKOS2/ETHASH are memory dependence, and the algorithm GRAM and PYRIN is Core dependence.

A good basis to start it is to use our actual OC Profile for Ethash, for Nvidia and AMD.

Remember increase Core will increase Watts, check that your PSU is prepared.

If you want to increase your GRAM or PYRIN Speed, you just need to increase the Core of the GPUs, we can see in the next photo a 3070 example how Speed of GRAM or PYRIN increase according to the increase of the Core of the GPU. ETHASH remaings the same speed but GRAM increases.

Core Increase

  • 3070 Core 765 Mhz gives = 658Mhs in GRAM meanwhile ETH is the same
  • 3070 Core 975 Mhz gives = 945Mhs in GRAM meanwhile ETH is the same


GPU Core
1660 Super 1050 - 1560
1660 TI 1050 - 1560
2060 1050 - 1560
2060 Super 1050 - 1560
2070 1050 - 1560
2070 Super 1050 - 1560
2080 1050 - 1560
2080 Super 1050 - 1560
2080 TI 1050 - 1560
3050 1500 - 1800
3060 1440 - 1800
3060 TI 1350 - 1800
3060 TI LHR 1350 - 1800
3070 750 - 1500
3070 LHR 750 - 1500
3070 TI 900 - 1250
3080 1020 - 1500
3080 LHR 1200 - 1500
3080 TI 1200 - 1500
3090 1080 - 1500

Memory use your actual ETH/ETC/UBQH Values

Power Limit is very important, we shouldn't limited or at least put a higher value that Core working doesn't get that value. Why? because with the LHR we will get locks in the LHR detection. Also, in normal GPUs it could complete reduce the the TON efficiency. It is better to reduce the Core that to limit by the Power Limit.


GPU Core
470 1100 - 1300
480 1100 - 1300
570 1100 - 1300
580 1100 - 1300
590 1100 - 1300
5500XT 1050 - 1250
5600XT 1250 - 1550
5700 1350 - 1550
5700XT 1350 - 1550
6600 1000 - 1750
6600XT 1100 - 1750
6700XT 1250 - 1750
6800 1250 - 2000
6800XT 1250 - 2000
6900XT 1250 - 2000

Memory use your actual FISHHASH/AUTOLYKOS2/ETH/ETC/UBQH Values

Core Voltage, remember to increase it if you increase your Core Value. If you don't do it GPUs will crash.

--dualfactor (Since lolMiner 1.51)

It is build in a way such that the hashrate of the Gram / Pyrin solver will be dualfactor * Eth hash rate. So for example if the factor is 25 and the fish-hash rate is 59.5 mh/s, then the dual hash rate will be 25 times 59.5 mh/s = 1487,5 mh/s. The maximum dual factor at the moment is 64, a value of 0 will disable dual mining on the GPU. Using the parameter will skip all tuning of the dual algorithm and set the ratio directly after DAG build. Note that if you turn the value too high, then the fishhash rate might fall, turning it lower usually decreases energy intake.

Remember, each change of a Core Value, need to restart the miner to see the effect.

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