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Michael Miller edited this page Mar 21, 2016 · 1 revision

The layout objects are a collection of "feature" classes that define how items in a 2d grid are ordered.
TERMINOLOGY: A "feature" or "method" class is used to define features for a template class and are not meant to be used directly.


The first item is in the upper left. Then the numbering within the layout moves through the row, then continues on the left of the next row.
There are three related objects with the same layout, but they are rotated 90, 180, and 270 degrees clockwise.
RowMajor90Layout -
RowMajor180Layout -
RowMajor270Layout -

no rotation           rotated 90            rotated 180           rotated 270
00  01  02  03        12  08  04  00        15  14  13  12        03  07  11  15
04  05  06  07        13  09  05  01        11  10  09  08        02  06  10  14
08  09  10  11        14  10  06  02        07  06  05  04        01  05  09  13
12  13  14  15        15  11  07  03        03  02  01  00        00  04  08  12


The first item is in the upper left. Then the number within the layout moves through the row, then continues on the right of the next row moving toward the left; repeating this alternating pattern through the layout.
There are three related objects with the same layout, but they are rotated 90, 180, and 270 degrees clockwise.
RowMajorAlternating90Layout -
RowMajorAlternating180Layout -
RowMajorAlternating270Layout -

no rotation           rotated 90            rotated 180           rotated 270
00  01  02  03        15  08  07  00        12  13  14  15        03  04  11  12
07  06  05  04        14  09  06  01        11  10  09  08        02  05  10  13
08  09  10  11        13  10  05  02        04  05  06  07        01  06  09  14
15  14  13  12        12  11  04  03        03  02  01  00        00  07  08  15


The first item in in the upper left. Then the number within the layout moves down the column, then continues on the top of the next column moving downward again.
There are three related objects with the same layout, but they are rotated 90, 180, and 270 degrees clockwise.
ColumnMajor90Layout -
ColumnMajor180Layout -
ColumnMajor270Layout -

no rotation           rotated 90            rotated 180           rotated 270
00  04  08  12        03  02  01  00        15  11  07  03        12  13  14  15
01  05  09  13        07  06  05  04        14  10  06  02        08  09  10  11
02  06  10  14        11  10  09  08        13  09  05  01        04  05  06  07
03  07  11  15        15  14  13  12        12  08  04  00        00  01  02  03


The first item is in the upper left. Then the number within the layout moves down the column, then continues on the bottom of the next column moving toward the top; repeating this alternating pattern through the layout.
There are three related objects with the same layout, but they are rotated 90, 180, and 270 degrees clockwise.
ColumnMajorAlternating90Layout -
ColumnMajorAlternating180Layout -
ColumnMajorAlternating270Layout -

no rotation           rotated 90            rotated 180           rotated 270
00  07  08  15        03  02  01  00        12  11  04  03        15  14  13  12
01  06  09  14        04  05  06  07        13  10  05  02        08  09  10  11
02  05  10  13        11  10  09  08        14  09  06  01        07  06  05  04
03  04  11  12        12  13  14  15        15  08  07  00        00  01  02  03
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