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NeoPixelBrightnessBus object API

Michael Miller edited this page Mar 29, 2023 · 3 revisions

DEPRECATED: NeoPixelBrightnessBus should no longer be used!
It has been replaced by NeoPixelBusLg which incorporates brightness and gamma correction is a supportable way across different color features.

Please see the base class NeoPixelBus object API for constructors and other methods. Below only documents the enhancements.


void SetBrightness(uint8_t brightness)

This will change the brightness of the NeoPixelBus. All current pixels will be modified to the new brightness; and any subsequent calls to SetPixelColor() will also be modified.

  • brightness - (0-255), where 255 is the value of the original color, and 0 is near black.
    CAUTION: Setting this to low values causes the colors to loose accuracy and may lead to complete loss of color.

uint8_t GetBrightness()

This will return the current brightness level of the NeoPixelBus.

  • <return> - (0-255) the current level

void SetPixelColor(uint16_t indexPixel, ColorObject color)

This will set the color for the given pixel; it will be modified by the current brightness level.

  • indexPixel - the pixel number
  • color - a color object to use, RgbColor, HslColor, and HsbColor will all work and if the NeoPixelBus object was created with the NeoRgbwFeature the RgbwColor will also work.

ColorObject GetPixelColor(uint16_t indexPixel)

This will return the color for the given pixel; but due to calls to brightness level, it will often not be the same color as set by the call to SetPixelColor().

  • indexPixel - the pixel number
  • <return>, a color object, RgbColor or RgbwColor.
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