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Releases: Omnomios/DynamicBulwarks

Dynamic Bulwarks v1.5 hotfix 2

10 Jul 04:26
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Fix for Medikits not always reviving player

Added magazine repack by pressing CTRL + R.

Dynamic Bulwarks v1.5 hotfix 1

02 Jul 02:11
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Fix for loot not spawning if you turn off the "Find the Support Satellite" mission parameter.

Dynamic Bulwarks v1.5

30 Jun 12:02
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This is Dynamic Bulwarks biggest update yet! With lots of new features, gameplay mechanics, quality of life improvements, choices for players and server hosts, bug fixes and a focus on re-balancing and making the mission even more enjoyable.

A large focus for this update was on making the mid to late game more interesting and challenging by adding more random events and new things to fight! We also wanted to change it so that one match wouldn't go on for three or more hours. In this new patch the average match is about 15 to 20 waves and takes roughly 1 to 1.5 hours before everyone dies. Feed back, ideas and contributions from our dedicated community and testers has been fantastic! This release would not have been anywhere near as successful without your help!!


---Special Waves---
We previously had Suicide Bombers as a random wave that could occur. We now have six more special waves that can also occur after wave five and they will occur more and more frequently as the mission progresses. Thanks for all the suggestions and a special thanks to Dr Butts for letting us borrow some of his ideas and code!

Mortar - A mortar spawns somewhere in the zone and will bombard the bulwark. Destroy it before it destroys the Bulwark!
Civ Wave - Civilians are fleeing! Don't shoot them or you will lose ten times the standard kill points (default 1000 points).
Fog Wave - a dense fog rolls over the Bulwark.
Switcharoo - Your Bulwark has been overrun! You are teleported away from the Bulwark and AI spawn around the Bulwark Box. Fight you way back in against your own deferences!
Drone Wave - Demining Drones will hover around the bulwark and shoot explosives at it to try and bring it down!
Defector Wave - NATO defectors are attacking the Bulwark! Every unit that spawns will be a NATO unit.
Night Wave - The time is now midnight. Are you ready to fight in the dark?

Armed Cars - Randomly selected cars with mounted weapons will now spawn (Hunters, Offroads, etc) and attack you. As the mission progresses more cars (based on wave and player count) will come more frequently. As with everything in Dynamic Bulwarks, if you have a mod that adds armed cars they should automatically be included in the pool of cars that can attack you.
Armor - The chance of a tank appearing is now much, much higher and as the waves progress more of them will spawn at the same time (based on wave and player count).

---New Mission Parameters---
Body Cleanup - You can now set the number of waves that dead bodies will remain for (We heard your concerns about the performance hit many players took). By default bodies will despawn when the next wave starts.
Wave that Vehicles Start Spawning - Armed Cars will start spawning at this wave, tanks and other armored vehicles will start spawning 5 waves later.
Randomize Hostile Weapons - You can now have hostiles spawn with random weapons from the weapon pool!
Friendly Fire - Problems with trolls on your server or just terrible at identifying friend from foe? You can now turn off friendly fire.

--New Loot--
Grenades & Explosives - You can now find grenades, demolition charges and IEDs as random loot!
_LMGs - Added missing LMGs to the loot you can find (this was sort of a bug that these weren't already spawning because they have attachments by default).

---Quality Of Life Improvements---
Added Kill Points To HUD - Now when you gat a hit or make a kill the points will appear on your hud (can be disabled from the Mission Parameters).
Removed Fall Damage - No more collision damage! This means if you jump off a building or if someone hits you with a build item you won't be hurt.
Preview Image of Build items - Now when you select an item from the bulwarks shop a preview image of what you are buying will appear. Special Thanks to KillerStudio for this one.
Revive INCAPACITATED units at end of wave - Anyone who is incapacitated at the end of a wave will now be automatically revived.
AI and Vehicle cleanup - Improved the cleanup of stuck AI and vehicles. No complaints so far.
TFAR support - if you have the Task Force Radio mod loaded a radio will be automatically added to your character.
Diary Record Improvements - From the map screen you can click on "Dynamic Bulwarks" and there will be lots of information about how to play the game.
Increase Player Cap - Why just play with 11 players when you can play with 25?
New location spawn option - From the editMe.sqf file you can now choose the List_SpecificPoint option in the BULWARK_LOCATIONS. This will start the mission somewhere around the "Specific Bulwark Pos" marker that can be moved around from the mission editor.
Loot Whitelisting Only want certain items to spawn or to increase the odds of an item spawning? Check out the LOOT_WHITELIST_MODE and LOOT_WHITELIST settings in the editMe.sqf file.
Added Vehicle Lists to editME.sqf - you can now define what vehicles spawn from the editMe.sqf file.
Player can't take damage while INCAPPACITATED - Player is now invincible while down and awaiting a revive.

--Default Mission Parameters---
Several default parameters have changed. Default down time between waves has increased to 1 minute, Kill Points have been increased and a few other minor changes for the better.

--New Build Items--
Bunker Block
Modular Bunker
Concrete Shelter
Concrete Walkway
Long Concrete Wall
Removed Large Platform


Basically 30+ is pretty much impossible as AI skill is max and vehicles spawn just about every wave. If you make it into the 30s you are an ARMA god.

AI skill increase as mission progresses - As the mission progresses the AI skill will ramp up like so:
(Ai skill in ARMA goes from 0.0 to 1.0)
1-4: 0.05
5-10: 0.075
10-15: 0.1
15-20: 0.15
20-25: 0.2
25-30: 0.5
30+: 1

Vehicles - Tanks and Cars will spawn more and more frequently as the mission progresses.

Supports - Re-balanced prices of some supports and adjusted the radius on the Mind Control Gas


Fixed AI walking through objects placed by player - This is an ARMA bug that we have tried to work around in the past. The old work around wasn't working when there were lots of AI. This fix has been thoroughly play tested and no reports so far of AI walking through objects placed by players.
Fix for Predator Drone forcing MP Host into Drone perspective
Fixed bugged Medikit auto revive animation - player no longer actually gets incapacitated if they have a medikit. Instead an animation plays now then the player can get back up.
Fixed Exploit where players can quit to the lobby and rejoin the wave if they die
Remove ground damage from bulwark
Players getting damaged while using ARMAKART and Rage Stim fixed
Fixed Loot Drone markers being removed if loot drone found before wave 1 starts
Fixed players carrying multiple build items at one time
Fixed multiple Medikits being consumed on auto revive
Fixed ARMA KART gun spawning in broken state (I think we finally did it this time!)
Fixed Missile CAS - Stopped working due to a ARMA bug. Works now.
Fixed Predator Drone flying away - it will now stay around the Bulwark
Fixed players spawning without NVG and Map is enabled in Parameters (still some isolated reports of this)
Fixed regular loot and unique loot (cash, loot drone) spawning in same position
Fixed players being able to get default items from bulwark box before round starts
Fixed Exploit where players could obtain multiple loot points by spamming the cash before it disappears
Fixed Exploit where players could obtain multiple Ammo Resupplies by spamming the Ammo Drop before it disappears
Fixed Support menu being available from beginning of mission when Support Satellite parameter enabled.
Fixed Loot Drone Troll - Players could continually spam the loot drone box and the message would keep appearing on everyone's screen for ages.

And that's about it! There's a bunch of other minor tweaks and improvements but these are the ones you care about. One last big thank you from Willtop and omNomious to all of you who got involved in this update by giving feedback, finding bugs, hosting servers, playing on the test server, offering ideas and generally being awesome. Keep fighting Bulwarkers!!

1.5 Best Test 5

26 Jun 03:23
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1.5 Best Test 5 Pre-release


Added onscreen point markers on hostile damage

Added armed cars, they will come 5 wave before armour can

Added Grenades and Remote Explosive Charges (Satchel, IEDs, charges) to loot pool

Added a cap of 15 drones to the demine drone wave.

Added Vehicle lists to EditMe so they can be edited now.

Added unique points per kill for each hostile level / vehicles. Previously you just got 100 points per kill. Now, if the "Points per hit" is set to 100 for example, you will now get 75 points for the bandits, 100 points for regulars, 150 for Vipers, 200 points for each car crew member, 400 points for each tank crew member. If you set "Points per hit" to 200 these would be doubled.


Issue with players dying instead of going into revive state fixed

Mid Control Nerf - costs more, only goes 40% as far

Stuck vehicle checks made less aggressive.

Support Satellite now enabled by default (will change if players don't like that)


Fixed Exploit where you could spam the Loot Points (pile of cash) to get money several times before the object was deleted

Fixed loot whitelisting issue

Fixed max waves since special wave - it was being ignored sometimes and you could go a while without getting a special wave

Fixed Predator Drone exploding as soon as you fire the last Skapel. You now have 10 seconds to guide the missile in before the Drone explodes.

Fixed Supports available from the support menu even if the Support Satellite was enabled and not located yet

Fixed Body cleanup for Swicharoo and dead vehicle crew.

1.5 Best Test 4

22 Jun 06:05
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1.5 Best Test 4 Pre-release


New Parameter: Randomize Hostile Weapons

Added kill and points gained notification to bottom of screen when a kill is made by the player

Added automatic revive of INCAPACITATED players at end of Wave

Added smoke for mineField and airStrike. Changed smoke color for paraDrop.

Added audio to mineField projectile.

Added killpoints to demine drones

Added Loot Whitelisting to editMe file.

Added points for tank kills

Added destroyed vehicle cleanup

Added script to prevent players quitting to lobby to rejoining a wave to get around being dead

Added demine drones explosion when they die.

Added and updated diary entries

Added Header to give more server information

Added new build Items: Concrete Shelter, Concrete Walkway, Long Concrete Wall


Fixed: Invisible containers delete themselves when empty now.

Fixed: Players spawning without NVG and Map

Increased Player Cap to 25

New spawn option in editme: "List_SpecificPoint". This allows you to pick a specific area to spawn the bulwark by moving the "Specific Bulwark POS" (specBulwarkLoc) marker on the map in the editor.

Fixed regular loot and unique loot spawning in same position

Fixed some LMGs not spawning as loot

Fix to prevent players from being teleported too close to mines on a Switcharoo wave

Fix: Players respawning as soon as they die instead of being incapacitated if they were revived during a round. (Players can still straight up die to large ordinance)

Fixed players picking up 2 objects in the world

Fixed players able to get stuff from bulwark box before round starts


Re-balanced supports (prices)

Changed some of the default mission Parameters (body cleanup, down time between waves, kill points loot distribution)

Updated script that prevents AI glitching through objects purchased by players (Will probably never be 100% but it's an ARMA bug and the script I have works 99 times out of 100).

Blacklisted CSAT UAV bags (These UAVs appear as hostile no matter who places them. This means that they have to be destroyed before a wave will end. Players don't know this and wonder why the way won't progress.)

AI movement and cleanup improvements

Removed build item Machine Gun (Lowered)

1.5 Beta Test 3

17 Jun 07:14
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1.5 Beta Test 3 Pre-release

Sorry for the Beta 2 dramas. Something up with Github.


Made it so that the chance of a special wave increases as you play.

Made Predator Drone the most expensive support because it's so effective against Armour.

Made Mind Control, Missile CAS and Mine Cluster cheaper as they are relatively less effective than some other supports.

Added smoke for mineField and airStrike.

Changed smoke color for paraDrop.

Added audio to mineField projectile.

Made the UAV explode and despawn once it runs out of ammo.

AI skill now increases as you progress. This was always an intended feature but got switched off.

Increased vehicle spawn rate and adjusted it for player count. (every 4 players = 1 extra vehicle)
After the parameter defined vehicle start wave you will get:
First 5 waves: 1/4 chance to spawn 1 (max 4 waves without vehicle)
5-9: 1/3 to spawn 1 (max 3 waves without vehicle)
10-14 1/2 chance to spawn 2 (max 2 waves without vehicle)
15-20 1/2 chance to spawn 3 (max 1 waves without vehicle)

The vehicle and AI skill changes are to make the later waves much harder. Rounds shouldn't go on for 4 hours. Waves past 30 should be insanely difficult now. None of these changes are final! Feedback is very welcome!


Fixed empty weaponholders not being deleted when you take them

Fixed Predator Drone flying away

Fixed Missile CAS - wasn't working due to a Bohemia change

Fixed Players getting out of ARMAKART on server

Fixed ARMAKART Spawning with broken gun (Hopefully for good this time)

Fixed Switcharoo wave units not being cleaned up

Fixed multiple Medikits being used when player gets auto revived

Fixed Medikit parameter was missing 2 and would often give too many medikits.

1.5 Beta Test 1

15 Jun 05:05
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1.5 Beta Test 1 Pre-release

1.5 beta test number 1. Not final and may contain bugs.


New parameter that lets the player select how many waves bodies hang around for.

New Parameter ARMOUR_START_WAVE to decide when vehicles spawn and now no more than 4 waves pass without a vehicle.

Removed collision damage (Fall damage, object damage) and damage while a player is incapacitated.

New objects for play to purchase. Removed "Large Platform" as it was buggy and rarely used.

Added preview image for build items from the purchase menu (Thanks to KillerStudio for this one!)

TFAR support added. If TFAR is loaded a radio will get automatically added to the player inventory.


Mortar - 1 in 7 chance for a mortar to spawn at the edge of the bulwark radius. Players will get a special notification if a mortar spawns.

Civ Wave - 20 civilians will spawn in buildings and run around the town. If they are killed the player who kills them will lose 10 times the normal Kill points awarded. When all hostiles are dead the Civs will go into the nearest building and despawn once the next wave starts.

Night Wave - On a night wave the game time skips to midnight. Once the next wave starts the time returns to what it was previously.

Fog Wave - A wave where the fog is set to maximum

Switcharoo - Players are teleported away from the Bulwark and AI spawn in the bulwark (AI numbers based on number of players and the round that you're on)

Drone Wave - Adds C_IDAP_UAV_06_antimine_F (Demining drones) to the wave and forces one of them to shoot randomly at the Bulwark every 25 seconds.

Defector Wave - Changes attackign units to be (by default) Nato. Defineable in editMe.sqf

Thanks for all of the suggestions everyone!! More to come. Special thanks to Doctor Butts for the borrowed code!


Carrying multiple build items - you can no longer buy a build item if you are currently carrying one.

Loot Drone markers being removed before wave 1 starts - If you find the drone box at the very beginning of the round the markers will no longer disappear before the 1 wave starts.

ARMAKART and Rage Stim fixes - you could still take some damage and die while using these. You should now be completely immune to damage.

Fixed Predator Drone forcing MP Host into Drone perspective.

Dynamic Bulwarks: Cold War

14 May 08:35
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This is the official version of Dynamic Bulwarks that uses only the Global Mobilization DLC Assets. All weapons, equipment, units and vehicles are from Global Mobilization with the exception of the build items and supports that there weren't replacements for (but nothing looks too out of place).

The mission will be updated as the Global Mobilization team releases more content.

Added filters to loot lists and vehicle spawns to look for the "gm_" prefix on assets.

Added GM unit lists to available unit lists.

changed spawn equipment to be only GM equipment and weapons

Changed medkit revive to use GM equipment.

Changed Build Options so it includes some GM structures.

Dynamic Bulwarks v1.4

27 Nov 11:48
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New Features:

Ticket Based Respawn System
Suicide bomber wave: Will explode when close to players or player objects
Solid Objects - AI no longer walk through objects placed by players
Support: Mind Control Gas
Support: Drone Control
Support: Cluster Mine Shell
Support: Emergency Teleport
Spin Box: Find the Spin Box and you can buy random weapons from it
Added Action to flatten placed objects
Suicide Bombers destroy Player Objects
FAKs to MediKits: 15 FAKs placed in Bulwark Box will convert to a MediKit
Increasing Armor Spawns as mission progresses
Added Place option for Player Object (Object hovers in the Air)
Object Direction to EditMe so when purchased it's not at an odd angle
Max Waves Parameter: You can set this parameter to have the mission end at a certain wave (Congrats, you won!)
Find Satellite Dish to unlock Support Menu at Bulwark Box (turn on and off in Parameter Menu).
New Build Items added
Heal action on BulwarkBox: Pay 800 points to be fully healed.
Improvements to AI pathing and Cleanup
Change Supply Drop Crate to a simple Wooden Box


Fixed Multiplayer Host stuck in Spectator Cam when re-spawning
Fixed AI going to UNCONSCIOUS players
Fixed round start notification triggering twice
Fixed Targeted Supports if no target selected (support is refunded)
Fixed Paratroop Count Parameter
Fixed Riding objects into sky - You can do that anymore
Fixed starting unconscious in Multiplayer - you get revived and full healed once Bulwark location is set.
Fixed only one player being able to be revived by a Medikit at a time

Lots of other improvements and adjustments behind the scenes including moving a lot of the mission out of the primary loop and onto Events.

Thanks to Vehementis and Felix for their contributions!

Dynamic Bulwarks: Zombies 1.0

27 Nov 11:50
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You start in a random town with no equipment and have to quickly find a weapon and other loot to defend yourself against ever increasing hordes of Zombies!! Killing Zombies will earn you points that you can use to purchase structures and other supports to build and defend your Bulwark and survive the unending hordes.

Requires: Zombies & Demons

Based on DYNAMIC BULWARKS this is the Zombies expansion with new features such as base damage and of course, ZOMBIES!


[b]Horde / Survival Mode[/b] - Endless waves of Zombies that get harder as you go
[b]Base Building[/b] - Build your own deferences by purchasing structures at the Bulwark box but beware, the zombies will tear down your defences if they get close!
[b]Looting[/b] - Almost every item in the game can be found as random loot that rewards the player for exploring buildings and leaving the safety of the Bulwark
[b]Random Locations[/b] - You will start in a random building in a random city
[b]BOOMERS![/b] - On a Boomer wave the Zombies will explode when they get close!
[b]Coop Multiplayer[/b] - Play with up to 10 others
[b]Auto Balancing[/b] - More players means more enemies! (Adjustable in mission Parameters)
[b]Mods[/b] - Items from most mods should automatically be included in the loot that you can find
[b]Maps[/b] - Works on all maps that make use of Locations (Details and instructions below!)
[b]Unique Supports[/b] - Air Strikes, Recon Drones, Experimental substances to improve your performance - we have it all and it's available to purchase from the Bulwark box once you have located the Satellite Dish
[b]Points System[/b] - Earn points as you take out hostiles and spend them on structures and supports at the Bulwark box
[b]Mission Parameters[/b] - In your mission lobby, select the "Parameters" button to change mission options and adjust the mission difficulty, loot settings and more!
[b]EditMe file[/b] - Go to the EditMe.sqf file in the mission folder to add buildings to purchase, adjust prices, change hostiles and more.
[b]Marksman Slot[/b] - Because you always have to have a marksman slot
[b]Air Drops[/b] - During rounds an Air Drop will deliver ammo for the weapons of whoever claims it
[b]Zeus[/b] - Server admin has access to Zeus
[b]Back From The Dead[/b] - When you die, your corpse will reanimate! Your team mates will need to take it down so you can collect your gear when you respawn
[b]A Table[/b] - Enjoy


[b]Recon UAV[/b] - Shows All hostiles on the map until shot down
[b]Paratroopers[/b] - AI Reinforcements
[b]Predator Drone[/b] - Take control of a UAV armed with Skalpel Missiles
[b]Missile CAS[/b] - Calls in a CAS run wherever you are looking or by clicking on a map location if selected it while looking at the map
[b]Mine Cluster Shell[/b] - Call in a Mine Cluster Shell to create an instant mine field
[b]Rage Stimpack[/b] - No need to reload, unlimited ammo and increeased speed for a short time.
[b]ARMAKART TM[/b] - 1 minute in an invincible Go-Kart with an automatically targeting MG
[b]Emergency Teleport[/b] - Teleports you back to the Bulwark Box but it's unstable and will create an explosion at your original position

[h1]UNIQUE LOOT:[/h1]

[b]Loot Drone[/b] - Find the purple drone box to reveal all the loot on the map
[b]Cash Money[/b] - Finding the pile of cash gives you points based on the kill points multiplier (default 5000).
[b]Satellite Dish[/b] - Unlocks the Support Menu at the Bulwark Box and rewards you with Points! (one will spawn each wave until found)

[h1]OTHER STUFF:[/h1]

[b]Medkits are Extra Lives[/b] - If you have a Medikit on you, you will get back up if you get knocked unconscious. This will consume the Medkit (doesn't work if executed). So don't be afraid to play solo with no one to revive you! If you place 15 FAKs in the Bulwark Box they will be converted into a Medikit.

[b]Single player[/b] - This mission is in Development. Currently optimized for Dedicated Servers but works in Local Multiplayer. Just host a LAN Multiplayer session to play single player.

[b]MAPS[/b] - By default the mission uses Altis because it's where we had the most fun testing it but it will work on any map that uses Locations (all vanilla maps except VR and many modded maps). You can change the map but ARMA makes it difficult to do. I've made an video on how to do it which can be found here:

[b]Fully Heal Yourself at Bulwark[/b] - For 800 points you can fully restore your health from the scroll menu at the Bulwark Box.

[h1] Link to Mission File on GitHub:[/h1]

Feel free to modify this mission and reupload your changes but we ask that you give credit to the original authors (us) and provide a link back to this page. We also do plan to continue development on this mission!

[h1]KNOWN BUGS:[/h1]

More info on bugs can be found on our GitHub page:

-ZOMBIES NOT MOVING Sometimes a Zombies will get stuck, it will be deleted if it doesn't move eventually. You may Find on later waves that some of the zombies don't move after spawning. We've found that they will start to move as other Zombies die.
-GOING WHERE THE ZOMBIES CAN'T GET YOU If you build up into the sky or manage to climb ontop of a building, well you're not going to have a lot of fun as there's not a lot of challenge. It can cause Zombies to stop moving as well. There is still some challenge with Jumping Zombies and Exploding Zombies but it's not how the game should be played.
-ARMAKART gun will occasionally spawn in a broken state.